第二章 保养维护
Second Maintenance
一、 发电机组的保养维护周期:
一 Maintenance cycle of generator
In general or harsh environment,it is very important to build and carry out a timetable of maintenance,here are some suggestion about it.Under severe operating condition,the time of interval will be reduced to fit situation,some of factors that affect maintenance time are as follows:
l 当作连续的运转发电机使用(Prime Power)
l Used as Prime Power
l 严苛的周围温度
l Severe ambient temperature
l 曝露在高度灰尘及沙子区
l Expose in dust and sand area
l 曝露在化合物区
l Expose in compound area
If generator is use under severe operating condition,please consult local agent,they will give you some workable suggestions.It will help carry out maintenance log that is correct,at the same time it also can be used as basis for maintenance.Please refer to the table:
彩缤纷 为避免电弧现象发生,在拆除电瓶的接线前,请务必将充电机的交流电源关掉,否则拆除电瓶线时所产生的瞬间高压放电,足以导致控制盘直流控制线路的损坏。
In case of electric arc phenomenon,make sure that the alternating current source was closed before dismantling the connection of storage battery,otherwise it will produce instantaneous high voltage current.The circuitry controlled by direct current on control panel will be damaged .
When repairing generator electric head 、
engine or control panel,the accidental
start-up will cause injury or death.Therefore,in maintenance,cathode cable of storage battery must be dismantled.
Before maintaining the storage battery,make sure storage battery was at well-ventilated area.Any spark could ignite the hydrogen which storage battery releases.Sparks will come into being when disassembling the connection of storage battery or when storage battery cathode touches its anode.In maintenance,make sure storage battery cathode line was disassembled.
保养检查项目 |
保养时间 |
每日或 8小时后 |
每周或 50小时后 |
半年或 100小时后 |
半年或 250小时后 |
每年或 500小时后 |
观察发电机组 |
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检查水温加热器 |
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检查机油位 |
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检查冷却水位 |
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检查空气滤清器(或清洁) |
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检查电瓶充电系统 |
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排出柴油过滤器水份 |
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检查防冻剂和水防锈剂 |
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检查驱动皮带张力 |
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检查燃油油位 |
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排出排气管中凝结水 |
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检查电瓶液位及比重 |
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检查发电机电瓶排风口 |
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更换润滑油和滤清器 |
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更换冷却水滤清器 |
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清洁引擎呼吸口 |
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更换空气滤清器 |
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检查水箱管路有无松脱或磨损 |
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更换燃油滤清器 |
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清洁冷却系统 |
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测试发电机绝缘阻抗 |
× |
1)检查润滑油\燃油\冷却系统和排气系统有无泄漏。电机运转时,用听和看来检查排气系统,如有泄漏立刻检修。 |
2)在严苛条件下运转增加保养频率。 |
3)观察皮带是否有滑动踪迹。 |
4)排出1杯或更多的燃油以去除水或沉淀物。 |
5)参考柴油发电机组操作维修手册处理。 |
6)本检查步聚应定期进行或在发电机组以怠速运转一段时间,且未使用加热器状态下需时进行检查。请洽各地服务中心处理。 |
7)如果发电机组是用做常载输出时,每250小时更换,如果是用做备载输出时,每6个月或250小时更换。 |
1)Check lubricating oil/fuel/cooling system and exhaust system whether they leak.When generator works,check exhaust system by listening and watching, repair as soon as it leaks.
2) Increase frequency of maintenance under severe condition.
3) Observe whether there is sliding trail.
4)Discharge one cup or more fuel oil to wipe off water or deposit.
5) Refer to diesel generator operation and maintenance manuals when repairing.
6) Check periodically.After a period of idle position,check the generator under state that heater is not used.
二 Inspection of diesel generator
During the operation,pay special attention to diesel generator,check the generator parts regularly to make sure machine works safely.
1 Fuel system:When generator is working,check the intake pipe fuel filter as well as telescopic place welding place.make sure that do not touch other things.Repair it as soon as they leak.
Spark or explosion will ignite fuel oil, that will cause damage to person. Do not let flame cigarette or other spark get close to fuel system.
1、 直流电路系统:检查电瓶的端子是否清洁、是否紧密连接、松弛或腐蚀的连接将导致电阻的产生,并且妨碍启动。假如松动请先清洁并连接锁紧。检查时解开电瓶负极电缆的二端,在连接负极时先接电瓶处负极,另一端再接到机器外壳,这将会使电弧远离电瓶,并减少电瓶起火。
3 DC circuit system:Make sure storage battery's post is clean,junction tight.Relaxation or corrosion will cause resistance and hinder start.Clean and connect loose locking if it is not tight.Untie storage battery cathode electric cable's two terminals when inspecting.connect storage battery cathode first and connect terminal with machine shell.It will avoid electric arc and reduce the possibility of explosion.
Spark may cause explosion and cause damage to person.Do not smoke in the maintenance of storage battery.
Unexpected start will result in personnel injury or death.Stop the generator and untie storage battery cathode before checking.
Notice:Please watch the warning part before working.Make sure the leather belt is not loose,gasket and hose do not leak.Repair it as soon as possible if something breaks down.Any unusual noise may indicate there is something wrong with machine.check lubricating oil pressure frequently.
2、 润滑油系统:
4 Lubricating oil system
The grade and viscosity of lubricating oil must be up to stipulated standard.
API grade
Lubricating oil that used in turbocharged diesel engine must be American Petroleum Institute(API) CC/CD,whose largest content of sulfate ash is 1.85%.
The lubricating oil in this grade is the best choice.It can not be mixed with other lubricating oil.
3、 引擎润滑油位:
5 Engine lubricating oil level
Do not check the lubricating oil position until engine stops working,the timetable should coincide with that stipulated in maintenance manual.Machine oil dipstick machine oil cap and filter are on the same side on engine. There are scale division mark on machine oil dipstick,which can show the height of machine oil.To get accurate figure, do not check the height of oil until engine stops 15 minutes.
Crankcase may give out hot oil and cause serious burning.Do not check the height of lubricating oil when engine is working.Let lubricating oil position near highest scale division on machine oil dipstick.Do not mix it with other lubricating oil and it must be up to API grade.
Do not start engine when lubricating oil position is below the lowest scale division or above the highest.If lubricating oil is excessive,it will cause bubble or oxidation.When lubricating oil is only a little, it will result in low machine oil pressure and cause great damage to engine.
4、 更换润滑油和过滤器
6 Replace lubricating oil and filter
l 更换过滤器和润滑油请参照保养手册《周期保养表》中之规定,使用之润滑油请参照API等级之规定及黏之要求。
l Please refer to 《Cycle maintenance table 》when replacing lubricating oil and filter.The lubricating oil must coincide with that stipulated in API.
l 起动发电机,使引擎暖机到运转温度时,停止发电机,确定运转停机控制开关置于停机位置,把电瓶负极电线拆除,才不会在处理期间意外起动。
l Stop engine when it reaches operating temperature.Make sure the switch is at “Stop” position,untie storage battery cathode for the sake of safety.
l 打开排油栓或打开排油阀,收集引擎废油于适当尺寸之废容器中,当油底壳排油完毕后,上紧排油栓或关闭排油阀,排油栓旋紧扭力为60—70FT.IB。
l Open emptying bolt or emptying valve, discharge engine used oil.Then tighten emptying bolt or close emptying valve. The emptying bolt torsion must be between 60—70FT.IB .
l 松开过滤器,把旧的丢掉。
l Replace the old filter.
l 用一点油涂于新过滤器垫圈的表面上,用干净及新的机油充入新的过滤器上。
l Apply oil to filter gasket's surface. add clean and new machine oil .
l 安装过滤器,用手旋转到过滤器垫圈和安装座接触后,再转2/3圈确定完全密封,不可旋转太紧。
l Install filter,revolve filter gasket till it touches installation place,then 2/3 circle more to make sure it is airproof,but it can not be too tight.
l 装油入油底壳,使其达到油尺高刻度的位置。
l Add oil until it reaches scale division on dipstick.
l 接上电瓶负极电线,起动引擎检查油路是否泄漏。
l Connect storage battery cathode, start engine to check if it leaks.
l 引擎停机15分钟后,检查油位是否需要再添加润滑油。
l Check if it necessary to add lubricating oil when engine stops 15 minutes.
Crankcase may give out hot oil and cause serious burning.Do not check the height of lubricating oil when engine is working.
6 Cooling system
Cooling water tank heat exchanger and cooling tower must be filled with water before cooling systems work.Please refer to specifications when designing cooling water tank.
Do not start heater when there is not water in cooling water system or engine is working, or it will cause serious accident.
5、 冷却水水位:
7 Cooling water level
Please refer to Maintenance manual when checking cooling water level during downtime.Do not do it until engine is cooling.Add cooling water to the top of cooling tank.The refrigerant must be up to standard that stipulated in manual.
Do not touch high-temperature cooling water.Do not open cooling tank cover before cooling system is cooling.
6、 冷却水的要求:
8 Requirement of cooling water
The cooling water must be clean,there is less mineral and no corrosive chemical medicine,such as bleaching agent 、sulfate and acid liquor. Generally speaking, any water that is suitable to drink can be used as engine cooling water.
Cooling water can not be corrosive.If necessary, something should be done to prevent icing up.In case of corrosion,cooling water should be added antirust.There is antirust in new engine's filter,antirust will be added into water automatically.
Apart from the antifreeze with methyl propane,
In some circumstances,cooling system should be added permanent antifreeze.Under the anticipated lowest operating temperature,mix water with antifreeze with a certain proportion according to supplier's suggestion.Do not use the antirust with leakproof additives,or water filter may be blocked off.
Do not touch high-temperature cooling water, or it will cause serious accident. Do not open high-temperature and high pressure cooling water in closed cooling system.
7、 冷却系统的添加:
9 Increase of cooling system
Open the pressure cap of cooling system,add water or mixture(water and antifreeze).In the first time, antirust will be added into water automatically.
When starting engine first time,open pressure cap and pay attention to height of cooling water at any time.When the air in the system was expelled,cooling water level will drop,add water at any time.Close the pressure at last.
Make sure the solenoid valve is open when direct cooling system is started for the first time.so that condenser will be full of coolant,otherwise, it will cause engine overheating.
8、 添加DCA柴油机冷却添加剂:
10 Add DCA diesel engine cooling additive
After a period of operating,DCA additive will be exhausted.so it it very necessary to add more DCA chemical material to maintain its anti-corrosion protection.Engine manufactures have a set of tools which can be used to measure density of DCA chemical material.Before adding more DCA, measure density of DCA chemical material,if density is too low,it will cause corrosion.if density is too high,it will cause deposit in filter.
9、 冲冼和清洁
11 Flush and Clean
Cooling system must be clean,check whether corrosion and scaling condition are normal.Please refer to requirement of engine manufacturer when using cooling water.
10、 用化学品的清洁:
12 Clean by chemical
Clean the cooling system completely,when corrosion fouling builds up in engine cooling jacket or cooling water tank, hot water will radiate heat slowly.Clean superior cleanser to clean system,such as Na 、sulfate 、oxalic acid .And clean system with clear water complying with stipulation of suppliers.
11、 冲洗
13 Flush
Wash the water tank after flushing cooling tank or before adding cooling water.Open the water pipe which connects the top and the bottom of the cooling water tank,Take care when adding water into water tank.
12、 燃油系统
14 Fuel system
According to the stipulation,engine should use 2﹟diesel oil,because it is cheap and has higher heat content.If it is necessary to use non-standard fuel,please consult professionals first.
Notice:Prevent soil,moisture or impurity into fuel system,either filter or strainer must be used when adding oil.It is best to install oil-water separator.
Fuel is very easy to catch fire and explode,which will cause great harm or death to people.Keep fuel system far away from flame cigarette or flammable the explosive substance.
In order to avoid congealment,Make sure there is enough fuel in oil tank after engine's operation. When weather is cold,the warm fuel in return pipe will pour into oil tank,if there is not enough fuel in oil tank, it will cause congealment of partial fuel in oil tank.When weather is warm,fuel and oil tank maintain warm. In the evening oil tank's temperature will be lower than fuel's temperature because of cooling air.if fuel is not enough,the upper oil tank's temperature drops quickly,and that will cause congealment.
Congealment will block strainer off. If there is acidic material in water,It will corrode and damage engine.