发布者:oreshaker 发布时间:2018-03-01 09:05:00 访问次数:56
离心选矿机利用不同矿粒之间的密度差异实现矿粒群的分离,其利用离心力强化流膜选矿,大幅度地提高了设备的处理能力并降低了粒度的回收下限,适用于微细粒级黑色,有色及贵重稀有金属矿物的分选回收,也可用于各种矿山尾矿中微细金属矿的回收Centrifugal processing machines using different mineral grain for the density difference between the separation of magnetic particles is realized, and the use of the centrifugal force improved flow membrane dressing, greatly promoted the disposal capacity and reduce the size of the recovery limit. Apply to the microgranular level black, non-ferrous and precious rare metal mineral separation recycling, also can be used for all kinds of mine tailing of deposits in the recovery of the fine
Model 型号 LZJXL400 LZJXL1600 LZJXL2400
转鼓直径roller diameter(mm) 400 1600 2400
转鼓转速Drum speed(rpm) 400-1000 105-280 105-250
给料粒度feed preparation unit size (mm) 0.074(200目)占80%
浓度concentration (%) 5-20 15-40 15-40
干矿处理量Dry processing ore(t/h) 0.01-0.02 2.0-2.5 3.5-4.0
功率power(kw) 1.5 11 22
冲洗水压力Flush water pressure (Mpa) 0.2-0.3 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6
耗水量Water Consumption(m3/h) 0.3-0.5 5.0-7.0 13.0-15.0
重量weight(t) 0.45 4.5 12
外形Overall dimensions (mm) 750/860/1990 2900/1900/3500 3700/2300/4200
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