





    发布者:13642070340  发布时间:2022-10-13 15:42:02  访问次数:247

    Steel Industry



    Reclamation & Maintenance - MWA International Ltd. has worked alongside the steel industry for many years gaining invaluable experience throughout the various steel manufacturing  processes. From this we have developed a unique range of welding electrodes to combat the predominant wear elements found in your industry.

    修复与维护 - MWA公司多年来一直与钢铁行业合作,在各种钢铁制造过程中积累了宝贵的经验。由此,我们持续开发了一系列独特的电焊条,以对抗钢铁行业的主要磨损元素。


    MWA International Ltd. - Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reclaiming casting defects, reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas within your industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide solutions to problems and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 - 我们的目标始终是通过修复铸件缺陷、减少停机时间和提高磨损零件的使用寿命来为客户节省资金。本列出钢铁行业中一些常见的问题领域(请参阅下面的列表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够为客户提供解决问题的方案,从而节省大量成本。





    Furnace Repairs


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215


    Gear & Sprockets


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407


    Shot Blast Cabinets


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Hard Face Application


    工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3071

    堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T


    Pump Repairs


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407,

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC


    Impellors & Worm Screws


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E304


    Shaft Repairs


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    Mac Powder P6


    Cast Iron Applications


    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407


    Dissimilar Steel Applications


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203


    Team Work - We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.

    团队合作 我们视自己为客户维修部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过合作,我们可以帮助客户提高维修部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金。


    Problems & Solutions



    As a manufacturer we pride ourselves in not only supplying the right product for the job but also ensuring that the correct methods of application are used before, during and after welding. Remember, If you are lucky enough to own a Ferrari, but put the wrong petrol in it, you can be sure it will not perform to its optimum.



    1. Furnace Repairs - These applications can mean both the base material and the weld material may be subject to temperatures as high as 1400°c. As well as this inherent problem the weld will most likely need to withstand thermal cycling. It is with this in mind that MWA International Ltd usually recommends either our Mac Stain E102 or our Mac Nicro E215 for long term repairs.

    熔炉维修 - 这些应用可能意味着母材和焊接材料的温度可能高达1400℃。除了这一固有问题外,焊缝很可能还需要承受热循环。考虑到这一点,MWA公司通常推荐我们的不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215进行长期维修。

    2. Gears and Sprockets - When teeth are worn or broken on gears it is important that repairs achieve at least the equal life of the original component. It is not always necessary to use a hardened material, toughness is more important, as is the welding techniques to avoid heat build-up. Mac Trode E66 and Mac Cast E407 have the best characteristics suited to reclaim these types of repairs.

    齿轮和链轮 当齿轮上的轮齿磨损或断裂时,重要的是维修至少达到与原始部件相同的使用寿命并不总是需要使用硬化材料,韧性更重要,因为焊接技术可以避免热量积聚。MWA镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407最适合修复此类部件

    3. Shot Blast Cabinets - These are usually made from either manganese steel or ni-hard type material. We can offer you advise on how to recover the screw heads, carrying jugs or to patch up worn areas. Mac Trode E6130 and Mac Nicro E215 can be used to patch up areas rather than replace the whole of the internal plates of the cabinet, therefore, making a very large cost saving.

    喷丸室 - 通常由锰钢或含镍铸铁材料制成。我们可以为客户提供如何恢复螺头,搬运罐或修补磨损区域的建议。钢焊条Mac Trode E6130镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215可以用于修补区域,而不是替换整个机柜的内板,从而节省了非常大的成本。

    4. Hard Face Applications - Hard Facing covers a very broad spectrum. Some applications require abrasion resistance while some application require impact resistance. Add to this the heat factor and it is easy to see how the “hardest” rod is often deposited and companies hope for a good result. We have an extensive range of hard face materials to cover all applications from tooling to agricultural repairs. We always ensure the correct electrode is used to maximise results such as Mac Hica E3071, Mac Hard E306 and Mac Hard E335T.

    硬面应用 - 表面硬化覆盖范围非常广。有些应用要求耐磨,而有些应用要求抗冲击。再加上热因素,很容易看出最硬焊条经常是如何堆焊的,客户希望有一个好的结果。我们有广泛的硬面堆焊材料,涵盖从工具到农业设备维修的所有应用。我们始终确保使用正确的焊条以得到非常有效的结果,如工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3071(Stellite司太立1)耐磨堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306Mac Hard E335T

    5. Pump Repairs - Is it Cast Iron? Is it Cast Steel? What is the workload? What abrasive factors are present? These are all questions we need to answer before we undertake any pump repairs. Often these questions are not considered and the result is the wrong electrode is chosen. The 3 most common products used in pump repairs are Mac Trode E66, Mac Cast E407 and Mac Stain E100ELC.

    修复 - 是铸铁的吗?是铸钢的吗?工作负荷是多少?存在哪些磨损因素?这些都是我们在修理泵之前需要回答的问题。通常如果不考虑这些问题,结果就是选择了错误的焊条。泵维修中最常用的3种产品是镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407镍铬不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC

    6. Impellors & Worm Screws - The choice of repair method i.e. electric, gas or powder welding, will be governed by the type of equipment available and the skills of the maintenance team. Full training can be given to your team to enable them to became competent. The choice of weld material will be governed by the type of pulp etc. to be carried down the worm.

    叶轮和蜗杆 - 、气焊或粉末焊修复方法的选择,将取决于可用设备的类型和维护团队的技能。我们可以对客户的维护团队进行全面培训,使他们能够胜任工作。焊接材料的选择将取决于将被带入蜗杆的浆状物类型。

    7. Shaft Repairs - Most companies will currently send shafts to an outside engineering company for repair. This usually proves time consuming and expensive. Shafts can easily be repaired  in house using either electric or powder welding with products such as Mac Trode E66 or Mac Powder P6. These repair methods can also  apply to keyways and bearing surfaces.

    轴类修复 - 数公司目前都会将轴送至外部工程公司进行维修。这通常是费时和昂贵的。轴可以很容易地使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66或粉末焊材Mac Powder P6在客户公司内部修复这些维修方法也适用于键槽和轴承表面。

    8. Cast Iron Applications - It has become common practise for companies to shy away from cast iron welding. The reason many repairs fail is simply down to poor choice of electrode as well as incorrect welding techniques being applied.  Cracking is also  often the result of using too high or too low preheat temperatures, or the job being allowed to cool too quickly. We specialise in advising companies how to get the best results possible when welding cast iron by using the right product and the right technique.

    铸铁应用 - 公司回避铸铁焊接已成为普遍做法。许多修复失败的原因很简单,是由于焊材选择不当以及采用了不正确的焊接技术。开裂也往往是由于使用过高或过低的预热温度,或被允许冷却过快。我们可以客户提供专业建议,如何在使用正确的产品和技术焊接铸铁时获得非常满意的效果。

    9. Dissimilar Steel Applications - It is sometimes simple to select a standard dissimilar steel electrode, (AWS E312), for certain applications within your industry. However, on occasions it is possible to isolate areas of heat, impact, corrosion or abrasion to which we can apply one of our seven different dissimilar steel electrodes. Again the right electrode for the right application.

    异种钢应用 - 对于行业的某些应用,有时很容易选择标准异种钢焊条(AWS E312)。然而,在某些情况下,它可以隔离热、冲击、腐蚀或磨损区域,我们可以应用我们的七种不同的钢焊材之一再次强调要合理的应用合适的焊材。

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