





    ABB ABBACS550-01-096A-4
    发布者:weixuan888  发布时间:2024-05-14 14:20:06  访问次数:59

    9556212 Pinion 20T 9556212
    9539489 Interlock 9539489
    40068478 Torque Multiplier Kit (for 645 Engines with Plate-Type Crabs and 710) 40068478
    9320130 DETECTOR ASM     Differential pressure 9320130
    40001043 DOWELING ASSEMBLY   Clutch 40001043
    9528276 Module VR13 9528276
    8461610 TUBE ASM     Thermostatic valve high pressure line 8461610
    8276673 RESISTOR ASSEMBLY   RE1 2,4-2,4OHM, 550W 8276673
    8035146 NUT   Lock 3/8-16 8035146
    8082348 DRIVE ASY     Flexible coupling 8082348
    8371301 ELBOW    Water inlet - Left bank 8371301
    40007235 Cover Assembly, TM CE, Upper (w/ Neoprene Gasket) 40007235
    140X2598 Hose, Fuel Pre-heater 140X2598
    9553050 PUMP ASSEMBLY   Fresh water - Left bank 9553050
    5553414 Aux Gen 10 KW 5553414
    8123281 LUG    Terminal - No  10 8123281
    KE2DVSL-ALBD13 Zawór steruj?cy (II20875/VG) KE2DVSL-ALBD13
    8306512 Liner Assembly 567 - not chrome plated 8306512
    8339532 Motor Tap Grid 8339532
    40038147 BREAKER   Circuit - Aux  Gen  Field - S P  - 10 Amps 40038147
    9572295 GASKET ,  Chamber to adapter (Ex  8358834) 9572295
    41D723217P14 Drive Coupling 41D723217P14
    8082369 DOWEL    Locating  5150 diameter 8082369
    T57710S EMD Main Bearing Cap Lifter (Spoon Type) T57710S
    8238966 COIL ASY     Main field 8238966
    9539484 INTERLOCK   Power Contactor 9539484
    8315898 SEAT    Valve body - Stainless steel 8315898
    8412397 FUSE   Heater Asm 8412397
    274296 BOLT     Coupler carrier - 1-8 x 7-1/4 hex  hd  (Ex  272561) 274296
    8341983 Strainer 8341983
    84A207699P2 Air Filter (AK-2E) 84A207699P2
    8245482 Filter (41C615273P1, 2X4222) (C-41) 8245482
    8358473 WASHER   Special 8358473
    9326334 Pinin 20T 9326334
    9539498 Interlock 9539498
    115X1155 Gasket 115X1155
    40024951 Socket 40024951
    8424078 Governor (Ex  8356392) 8424078
    9534826 BEARING   Clutch 9534826
    9310047 Module FP13 9310047
    8461609 TUBE ASM     Oil pressure line to thermostatic valve 8461609
    8332061 Resistor 2000-3000-6000OHM, 160W 8332061
    40110047 BOLT   Hex head 1/2-20 x 2 - Special 40110047
    8079957 FINGER    Controller 8079957
    8360379 ELBOW    Water inlet - Right bank 8360379
    8082592 Latch 8082592
    499A914AAP8 Wiper Motor 499A914AAP8
    9553049 PUMP ASSEMBLY   Fresh water - Right bank 9553049
    8536900 Valve 8536900
    8116541 HOUSING    Pump 8116541
    D2 V15519 Zawór maszynisty (I13313) D2 V15519
    24200424 Piston (Ex  24200413) 24200424
    8206883 GROMMET    Cable - Fabricated stator frame 8206883
    8315394 COMPOUND   Thread - 4 oz tube 8315394
    8298523 DOWEL    Locating  5200 diameter 8298523
    8261221 BLOCK ASY    Movable contact 8261221
    8250556 Coupling 8250556
    9539495 INTERLOCK ASSEMBLY   Auxiliary 9539495
    140X1504 Filter - Breather 140X1504
    8316227 B*   Cab Heater - Includes springs 8316227

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