





    ABB 3BSE039293R1
    发布者:weixuan006  发布时间:2024-05-17 10:46:09  访问次数:59

    563240 WAB HP piston with wrist pin, 0 010" oversize
    563241 WAB HP piston with wrist pin, 0 020" oversize
    563242 WAB HP piston with wrist pin, 0 030" oversize
    563243 WAB HP piston with wrist pin, 0 040" oversize
    563325 WAB HP piston with wrist pin, 0 040" oversize
    563408 WAB oil pressure indicator assembly with pressure indicating plate
    563410 WAB spring
    563411 WAB gasket, oil pressure
    563510 WAB 2" release valve, type VA-1
    563570 WAB Gripseal fitting, 3/4" straight
    563571 WAB Gripseal fitting, 1" straight
    563572 WAB Gripseal fitting, 1-1/4" straight
    563639 WAB piston
    563952 WAB gasket, hose coupling
    564050 WAB check valve
    564052 WAB plunger assembly
    564056 WAB O-ring, rubber, 0 75", precision
    564072 WAB safety valve
    564081 WAB board
    564123 WAB piston spool valve
    564140 WAB A9 automatic brake valve
    564141 WAB SA9 independent brake valve
    564144 WAB MU2B valve
    564210 WAB board
    564217 WAB board
    564219 WAB unloader body wth valve & cap nut, complete
    564257 WAB Gripseal fitting, 1/2" x 1/2"
    564377 WAB valve, inlet regulator
    564391 WAB filter
    564512 WAB nut
    564523 WAB VA-1B control valve
    564560 WAB Gripseal coupling, 1-1/4"
    564786 WAB D-1 driver emergency brake valve
    564807 WAB indicator
    564808 WAB washer
    564814 WAB valve
    564817 WAB spring
    564855 WAB anti-dust cap
    564940 WAB A1 differential pilot air valve
    564945 WAB plunger
    564968 WAB oil pressure indicator
    56498-1 WAB oil pressure indicator
    565402 WAB board
    565619 WAB elements, oil strainer, single piece
    566247-R WAB 8 5" cylinder mounted on a B-3-A brake beam - REMAN
    566248-R WAB B-3-A brake beam (without cylinder) - REMAN
    566270 WAB oil seal housing
    566271 WAB oil seal
    566272 WAB ring, mating
    566273 WAB housing, KRP
    566379 WAB pilot valve
    566430 WAB discharge valve assembly
    566432 WAB locknut
    566433 WAB discharge valve, spring retainer
    566434 WAB dischatge valve, seat with stud
    566435 WAB discharge valve, seat with stud
    566566 WAB kit, Wabco parts A1

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