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Birch was walked in, be in the hands of the awl Pierce 's feet. The moment the most thick blood flowing into the bowl. Birch was satisfied with the smile: " only in the lust of the filled, the smell of blood is most fragrance. " She glanced at the finishing clothing her : "you don't give up me, why don't you and him happy.? " Her only smiled but did not reply, Hua gu look ambiguous smile: " small, as long as you have a taste of love between men and women. I guarantee you try to stop but cannot. " The mirror on the desk and on her hair, Mann track: " if have, will choose a satisfying. "
Think of this, one look solemn scholar appeared in my mind, only this one in particular. Nie Xiaoqian faint sigh, from the place to go out of the temple.
A moonlit night, Ling in the lamp under the watch of the books. Door creaking sound of the people away. Ning Caichen heard the sound of footsteps raised his head, found to be a few days before the girl. Yet the opening, the girl fell in his eyes. What do you think you 're doing. Ling up to lift her was her refusal. Her eyes brimmed with tears at Ling, whispered: " Mr. cried was reprimanded, really have no face to face mr.. But this is life and death come to inform Mr., mr.. " In spite of the Ling in utter astonishment, Xiaoqian continued: " to tell you the truth, her ghost, Jinhua was forced by the witch. The beauty and the temptation of money, the absorption of its blood for food, witch. Lanxi to the family of man and his servant is my harm. Now there is no evil man, happy to himself,