详细介绍: UTP 6222 Mo is particularly suited for joining and surfacing on nickel alloys, austenitic
steels, low temperature nickel steels, austenitic-ferritic-joints and claddings of the same or
similar nature, like 2.4856 (NiCr22Mo 9 Nb), 1.4876 (X30 NiCrAlTi 32 20),
1.4529 (X2 NiCrMoCu 25 20 5).
The weld metal is heat resistant and suitable for operating temperatures up to 1000 °C.
It must be noted that a slight decrease in ductility will occur if prolonged heat treatment is
given within the temperature range 600 – 800 °C. Scale-resisting in low-sulphur atmosphere
up to 1100 °C. High creep strength.
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni Nb Fe
0,03 0,4 0,6 22,0 9,0 balance 3,3 < 1
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm Elongation A Impact strength
MPa MPa % J –196 °C
> 450 > 760 > 30 > 75 45
Welding instruction
Opening angle of the prepared seam approx. 70°, root gap approx. 2 mm. Weld stick electrode
with slight tilt and short arc. String beads are welded. The interpass temperature of
150 °C and a max. weaving with 2,5 x diameter of the stick electrode core wire should not
be exceeded. Re-dry the stick electrodes 2 – 3 hours at 250 – 300 °C before use and weld
them out of a warm electrode carrier.
Welding positions
Current type DC (+)
TÜV (No. 03610), DNV, ABS, GL, BV
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Electrodes Ø mm x L 2,5 x 250 3,2 x 300 4,0 x 350 5,0 x 400
Amperage 50 – 70 70 – 95 90 – 120 120 – 160 |