UTP UP FX 602 anti-wear
Classifications SAW flux
EN ISO 14174
SA FB 1 65 DC H5
Characteristics and field of use
UTP UP FX 602 is an agglomerated fluoride-basic welding flux for hardfacing on un- and
lowalloyed steels. Due to its neutral metallurgical behaviour it can be used with a wide
range of different un- and low-alloyed submerged arc wire electrodes.
UTP UP FX 602 can be used for single and multiple-wire-welding, it provides a good slag
detachability even at high working temperatures.
Chemical composition of the flux (guiding values) in %
CaF2 CaO + MgO Al2O3 + MnO SiO2 + TiO2
24 38 18 18
• Basicity grade (according to Boniszewski) 3,3 (Mol %)
• Grain size 3 – 20 (0,3 – 2,0 mm)
• Flux consumption ~ 1 (kg flux / kg wire)
• If stored properly / for first use, the flux can be used without redrying directly out of the
bag. Flux that has become moist should be redried for about 2 hours at 350 – 400 °C prior
to use.
Form of delivery
25 kg (plastic bag)