UTP AF 6824 LC PW stainless steels
Classifications gas shielded flux cored wire
EN ISO 17633-A AWS A5.22
T 23 12 L P M21 1 / T 23 12 L P C1 1 E309LT1-4 / E309LT1-1
Characteristics and field of use
Rutile, strip alloyed, flux cored wire with fast freezing slag for position welding of austeniteferrite
joints, and for the first layer of weld claddings of unalloyed and low-alloy base materials.
The support provided by the fast-hardening slag allows out-of-position welding with
high current magnitudes and high welding speeds.
The fine droplet, lowspatter, very intense spray arc, the reliable fusion penetration, the selfreleasing
slag and the good wetting behaviour result in a high weld quality at the same time
as short welding times. Additional advantages to its application are the ease of handling, the
low heat input resulting from the high welding speed, and the small amounts of cleaning
and pickling required. UTP AF 6824 LC PW should be used for flat and horizontal welding
positions (PA, PB). The weld metal is suitable for operating temperatures between – 60 °C
and + 300 °C.
Base materials
Joints: of and between high-strength, unalloyed and alloyed quenched and tempered steels,
stainless, ferritic Cr and austenitic Cr-Ni steels, austenitic manganese steels and weld claddings:
for the first layer of chemically resistant weld claddings on the ferritic-pearlitic steels
used for boiler and pressure vessel construction up to finegrained structural steel S500N,
and for the creep resistant fine-grained structural steels 22NiMoCr4-7, 20MnMoNi5-5 and
GS-18NiMoCr 3 7
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Ni
0,03 0,7 1,4 23,0 12,5
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength
Tensile strength
Impact strength
MPa MPa % J [RT] – 60 °C
untreated 400 540 35 65 50
shielding gas Ar + 18 % CO2
Welding instruction
The gas quantity should be 15 – 18 l/min. Slightly trailing torch position (angle of incidence
about 80 °), slight weaving of the torch is recommended in all positions. It is recommended
that the voltage is increased by 2 V if the shielding gas is 100 % CO2. Preheating and interpass
temperatures are to be adapted to the base material.