UTP 690 anti-wear
Classifications rutile coated high efficiency stick electrode
DIN 8555 EN 14700 AWS A5.13
E 4-UM-60-ST E Fe4 E Fe 5-B (mod.)
Characteristics and field of use
UTP 690 is used for repair and production of cutting tools, particularly for building-up
cutting edges and working surfaces. The deposit is highly resistant to friction, compression
and impact, also at elevated temperatures up to 550 °C. The production of new tools by
welding on non-alloy and low-alloy base metals is also possible (cladding of cutting edges).
UTP 690 has excellent welding properties, a smooth, finely rippled bead appearance due
to the spray arc and very easy slag removal. The weld deposit is equivalent to a high speed
steel with increased Mo-content.
Hardness of the pure weld metal: approx. 62 HRC
soft annealed 800 – 840 °C approx. 25 HRC
hardened 1180 – 1240 °C and
tempered 2 x 550 °C approx. 64 – 66 HRC
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Mo V W Fe
0,9 0,8 0,5 4,5 8,0 1,2 2,0 balance
Welding instruction
Clean the welding area and preheat high-speed steel tools to 400 – 600 °C, maintain this
temperature during the whole welding process, followed by slow cooling. Machining by
grinding is possible. Hold stick electrode vertically and with a short arc. Re-dry stick electrodes
that have got damp for 2 hours at 300 °C.
Welding positions
Current type DC (+) / AC
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Electrodes Ø mm x L 2,5 x 350 3,2 x 350 4,0 x 450
Amperage 70 – 90 90 – 110 110 – 130