UTP 73 G 3 anti-wear
Classifications basic coated stick electrode
DIN 8555 EN 14700
E 3-UM-45-T E Fe3
Characteristics and field of use
UTP 73 G 3 is, due to its high strength, toughness and heat resistance ideally suited for
buildups on parts subject to friction, compression and impact at elevated temperatures,
such as hot shears blades, gate shear, forging saddles, hammers, forging dies, Al-die cast
moulds. UTP 73 G 3 is also used to good advantage for the production of new cold and hot
working tools with low-alloy base materials.
The stick electrode has excellent welding properties, a stable and regular flow, good bead
appearance and very easy slag removal. Heat resistant up to 550 °C.
Hardness of the pure weld metal: approx. 45 – 50 HRC
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn Cr Mo Fe
0,2 0,5 0,6 5,0 4,0 balance
Welding instruction
Preheat the workpiece to 400 °C. Hold stick electrode as vertically as possible and with a
short arc. Take care of a slow cooling of the workpiece. Finishing by grinding or hard metal
alloys. Re-dry stick electrodes that have got damp for 2 hours at 300 °C.
Welding positions
Current type DC (+) / AC
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Electrodes Ø mm x L 2,5 x 300 3,2 x 350 4,0 x 400 5,0 x 400*
Amperage 60 – 90 80 – 100 100 – 140 130 – 170
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