UTP A 8036 S nickel alloys
Classifications TIG rod
Special alloy
Characteristics and field of use
UTP A 8036 S is an alloy of the same composition as the base material and used for welding
cast alloys with a nickel content of 34 – 40 % (INVAR qualities). The special operational
area is the structural welding of housings made of plate and cast pieces with a nickel
content of 36 %. Application field: air plane construction.
The weld metal contains high mechanical properties and a very low expansion coefficient.
Typical analysis in %
C Si Mn P S Ni Fe
0,015-0,025 0,1 0,3 < 0,01 < 0,01 34,0-38,0 balance
Mechanical properties of the weld metal
Yield strength
Tensile strength
Elongation A Impact strength
MPa MPa % J HB
> 280 > 350 > 25 > 80 appr. 150
Welding instruction
Thorough cleaning of welding area is essential. Welding parameters need to be adjusted to
each individual application. Pay attention to a low heat input. The weld should be performed
by applying a pulsed technique.
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Rod diameter x length (mm) Current type Shielding gas (EN ISO 14175)
2,0 x 1000* DC (–) I 1
2,4 x 1000* DC (–) I 1