  • 规格:齐全
  • 发货地:上海
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1只
  • 诚信商家












      Padlocking in OFF-position prevents access to the actuator
      Locking to ON-position available (ON)
      Door interlock with defeat mechanism on LK10 – LK14 and LKX100 – LKX150 handles
      Available in black or yellow/red
      LK10: IP66
      LK11: IP66
      LK11 IP69K: IP67 / IP69K
      LK12-LK14: IP65
      LKX 100-150: IP66 NW
      LKX50 : IP65

      Note: Certificates may vary between products. Check product specific certificates from the product page.
      Data subject to change without notice. Always confirm the data is correct from the seller.

      Description上海颐品自动化 For上海颐品自动化科技有限公司 EAN
      LK10RTYR With RT counter nut (for door mounting) RT 16-40 6419410266533
      LK10RT With RT counter nut (for door mounting) RT 16-40 A 6419410266526
      LKX50 Handle black KU & RT 16-40 A switches 6419410257852
      LKX50YR Handle yellow/red KU & RT 16-40 A switches 6419410257869
      LK10ABS Black ABS Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222546
      LK10ON Black, locking to ON-position Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222867
      LK10ABSYR Yellow/red ABS Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222560
      LK10YRON Yellow/red, locking to ON-position Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222898
      LK11IP67 Black, IP67 Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410222836
      LK11ON Black, locking to ON-position Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410222850
      LK11VVIP69K Black, 1-0-2 change-over, IP69K Change-over switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410223222
      LK11YRIP67 Yellow/red, IP67 Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410222843
      LK11CO102 Black, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222621
      LK11CO102YR Yellow/red, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222638
      LK12CO102 Black, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 16N-125N, KU 100-160 A 6419410222881
      LK12CO102YR Yellow/red, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 16N-125N, KU 100-160 A 6419410222744
      LK6 Black Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410204825
      LKX100CO102 Black, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 100-160 A, KU 200-250 A & 160 A (P) 6419410484708
      LKX100CO102YR Yellow/red, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 100-160 A, KU 200-250 A & 160 A (P) 6419410484722
      LKX150CO102 Black, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 315-800 A 6419410484715
      LKX150CO102YR Yellow/red, 1-0-2 change-over Change-over switches: KU 315-800 A 6419410484739
      LK10 Black Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222539
      LK10YR Yellow/red Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A 6419410222553
      LK11 Black Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410222607
      LK11YR Yellow/red Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410222614
      LK11IP69K Black, IP69K Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410483060
      LK11YRIP69K Yellow/red , IP69K Switches: KU 16N-125N A, KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A 6419410483077
      LK12 Black Switches: KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A, VKA 200-250 A 6419410222683
      LK12YR Yellow/red Switches: KU 100-160 A, VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A, VKA 200-250 A 6419410222690
      LK13 Black Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410222645
      LK13YR Yellow/red Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410222652
      LK14 Black Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410222669
      LK14YR Yellow/red Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410222676
      LKX100 Black Switches: KU 100-160 A, KU 200-250 A & 160 A (P), VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A, VKA 200-250 A 6419410483565
      LKX100YR Yellow/red Switches: KU 100-160 A, KU 200-250 A & 160 A (P), VKE 125-160 A, KVKE 63-160 A, VKA 200-250 A 6419410483596
      LKX150 Black Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410483572
      LKX150YR Yellow/red Switches: KVKE/VKE 200-630 A, KU 315-800 A 6419410483602
      RT COUNTER NUT Must be used with RT switch when installed with LK10 or LK10YR handle RT with LK10 & LK10YR 6419410261422
      上海颐品自动化 Showing 1 to 38 of 38 entries 上海颐品自动化科技有限公司 上海颐品自动化


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