产品型号: TILLQUIST变送器P400-054,MH800 Connection: 6000V/100 V, 100/5A, 50 Hz Measuring range: 0-750 KW Output: 4-20 mA Aux Supply: 220 VAC TILLQUIST变送器Q400-054 DC型 TILLQUIST变送器PQ300-0544 with DC aux supply TILLQUIST变送器I480L-154 with DC aux supply TILLQUIST电压变送器VU400L-154 TILLQUIST变送器VU400L-154 with Dc aux supply TILLQUIST变送器U480L-154-X5 with DC aux supply TILLQUIST变送器U480L-154 with DC aux supply TILLQUIST变送器Q400-054 DC型 TILLQUIST电流变送器 I480L-154 TILLQUIST电流变送器P400-054 TILLQUIST变送器I480L-154DC TILLQUIST电阻变送器VR 402L-154 TILLQUIST变送器VR402L-153 TILLQUIST变送器VR 402L-153