PIZZATO开关VN CP11SAK  灼华回顾最棒的昨天
PIZZATO开关VN CP11SAK 灼华回顾最棒的昨天
  • 规格:VN CP11SAK
  • 发货地:南京
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1台
  • 诚信商家
















      PIZZATO FL E108
      PIZZATO FP E125
      PIZZATO FA 4555-4DN
      PIZZATO VF CY302P0Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrod90°trasmissionblock
      PIZZATO FR 874-K70
      FM1220 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FR 2102-W3
      PIZZATO FR 2269
      FD1878-E7GM2K23 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FD 2999-M2
      FR2093-A Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 1896D024-F
      FM1654-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablelever,rubberroller
      FR1656-M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      FL983-G Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FX931 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO VE PT32A09AL133
      PIZZATO FF 4801-2DN
      HPAA052F-1AN Safetyhingeswitch
      FD2093-M2K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR555-K70T6V9 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      NFG122KP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FB 4813-KSM
      PIZZATO FR 654-2
      PIZZATO FR 1455-M2
      FR605-W3M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayrollerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FD 353-E11
      PIZZATO FX 913
      NAB112KC-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FP 9R2-L05
      PIZZATO FS 3098D024-K40
      FL2157 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FW 3392-D3M2K70
      NAB122LB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablesquarestainlesssteelrod3x3x125
      PIZZATO FP E136
      NAG112KB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.18roller
      PIZZATO PX 50300
      FZ9A4 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      SRBD40AN10-B02F Magneticsafetysensorcompletewithactuator
      FX693-D Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 525-T6
      PIZZATO FX 705
      FM976 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FX515-GM2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO NF H22000
      PIZZATO FR 1569
      PIZZATO CS AR-46V024
      PIZZATO FD 993
      PIZZATO FA 4617-4DN
      FZ713 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      FL1810 Limitswitchwithlongpistonplunger
      FM1576 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 520-K70
      FG60TD7D0Z-LP40 Safetydevices
      PIZZATO FZ 956-1
      FG60TD5D0A-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NFB12000-DN2 PolymerhousingNFwithcontact
      PIZZATO PX 40200
      FR656-4K21 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FR 2192-D1GM2
      FD6R2-L10F Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      NFB110AB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO FX 654-M2
      PIZZATO FD 535-T6
      FD2116 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 993-E3D1M2
      PIZZATO FX 793
      FR2193-E3K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR701-K21 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 2293-D8
      PIZZATO FM 2055
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7D0A-F20
      PIZZATO FZ 1055
      PIZZATO FS 2196E024-F3M2
      PIZZATO PC 2-6
      PIZZATO FA 4508-2DN
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2P5210
      FR693-E3M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO PX 30101
      FD552-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FX 1452
      PIZZATO FR 993-E3K70
      NFB010BB-DN0.85 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      NAB020BB-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      FR502-GA Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO MK V11D45
      PIZZATO FR 993-D6A
      PIZZATO FT 2A6331AU-E27
      PIZZATO EA 37014
      PIZZATO FD 556-T6
      CSMP202M0 Programmedmultifunctionsafetymodule,uptoSIL3,PLe,Category4
      NAB122KF-DN1 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FM 34C5
      PIZZATO PX 20110
      FX676 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FM 531-1M2
      FL2179 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FM 955-1
      FR21A4 Limitswitchwithplunger,externalgasketandroller
      PIZZATO FX 1450
      PIZZATO PC 2-30
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0022
      PIZZATO FR 515-XA
      HPAA052D-10SN Safetyhingeswitch
      FZ1405 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 2015-1M2
      HPAA050M-2PN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FR 1455-A
      FL1535-3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2056-W3
      FX533-T6 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FC 3393-F3
      FR651-K70V9 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 631-3GM2
      PIZZATO FG 60DD6D0C-LP60
      PIZZATO FR 2092-D1
      STDD310M0.1-D0T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FD 2293-K21
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1D0A-F22
      PIZZATO FA 4111-8DN
      PIZZATO FZ 612
      FD919 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1805
      FZ9C1-M2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      MKF11D15-G Microswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO MK H11D10
      FRE133-E0 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      MKV12D09 Microswitchwiththreadedplunger
      NFB112LH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-L10F1M2
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBX0401
      MKV11D09-T6 Microswitchwiththreadedplunger
      MKH11D49 Microswitchwithredpushbutton
      PIZZATO FD 1880-K50
      PIZZATO FM 1413
      PIZZATO FA 4530-KSM
      NAB112KP-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FX 901
      PIZZATO PX 12041-DM2
      PIZZATO FR 530-K60
      PIZZATO FF 4617-5DN
      PIZZATO FD 1111
      FG60DD7D0C-LP60 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 3098D024-FK21
      PIZZATO FX 221
      PIZZATO PA 53031
      PIZZATO FC 3458
      PIZZATO FG 60VD7D0C-LP40
      PIZZATO FL 1251
      PIZZATO FS 1896E120-F8
      PIZZATO FM 907-W3
      PIZZATO FR 2192-D2M1
      PIZZATO FD 535-M2
      PIZZATO FP 2079
      PIZZATO FB 4608-2SN
      FZ1453-E0V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 793-F3
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1R0290
      FX18A4 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      FG60AD5D0Z-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FX E156
      SRAD40AN4-A01N Safetycodedmagneticsensorwithactuator
      PIZZATO FD 752
      PIZZATO FS 1898D120-F
      PIZZATO FX E150
      PIZZATO FR 2096-L6
      FX938-W3 Limitswitchforrotatingleverswithresetdevice
      PIZZATO FD 557-K21
      PIZZATO FA 4150-4DN
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-F1M2
      FD602-G POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO PX 40220
      PIZZATO FS 3096D024-F3M2
      PIZZATO FA 4508-0DN
      PIZZATO FC 315-K26
      FR1651-1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 993-F1M2K23
      FZ1451 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO CS AT-04V230
      PIZZATO FC 3493-F1
      HPAA050F-6SN Safetyhingeswitch
      FR7A5 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1030
      PIZZATO VF L41
      FC3357 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FM 34C1
      FM515-G Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 956
      PIZZATO FR 554-K21
      FR554-2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO VF L56-4
      FM1069 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      FD793-F Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FG60PD7E0A-LPRG Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 1576
      PIZZATO FB 4531-2SN1
      PIZZATO FA 4502-KSM
      PIZZATO FD 2035
      PIZZATO MK V12D10-T6
      FM551-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 874-AK22
      PIZZATO VE LP22R2L72
      PIZZATO FD 252-1
      PIZZATO FD 2038
      CSAT-31V024 Safetymodule2NO+1NC,category4
      PIZZATO FK 3425
      FD735-3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerubberrollerlever
      CSAT-03V024 Safetymodule(2NO+1NC)instantaneous+2NOdelayed,category4
      PIZZATO FR 33C1-GK21
      FX1516 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO FS 1896D120
      PIZZATO FD 1058
      PIZZATO FP 605
      HXBH22-0.2QM SafetyhingeswitchHXseriesinstainlesssteel
      PIZZATO FA 4830-KDM
      FR996-L5M2 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FC3393-F2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FD1878-E7 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FR 230-K21
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0052
      FD541-1 Limitswitchwithbi-stablesingle-tracklever
      FD34R2-L10 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 1501
      PIZZATO FD 1331
      PIZZATO FX 993-D11
      PIZZATO MS 53
      PIZZATO FD 2279
      PIZZATO FP 20R2-L20F
      PIZZATO FX 513
      NAB120AB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      FR2093-D8K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 2178-GT6
      FL1135-3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerubberrollerlever
      FR2193-E3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO MK V12D02
      FR1301 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FM931-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4515-2DHG
      PIZZATO FD 701-GM2K52
      FR693-D2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR2293-D5 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 521-K400
      PIZZATO FL 576-GM2
      FX515-XM2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR692-M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FM521-K50 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FR 656-3T6
      FL205 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      NAG122KC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO MK V12R31
      NAB112KA-DN2R24 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FZ 2215-M2
      NFB22000 PolymerhousingNFwithcontact
      FD541 Limitswitchwithbi-stablesingle-tracklever
      FX501-72 Limitswitchwithpistonplungerforelectricpanels
      FX3393-D11 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FL2208 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FZ1554-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablelever,rubberroller
      NFB110BB-SAKW5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      PIZZATO FR 1107
      PIZZATO FR 3396-M2
      PIZZATO FG 60ED7D0A-LP60
      PIZZATO FP 21R2-C10
      PIZZATO FR 576-K70
      PIZZATO FS 3098D120-F3
      PIZZATO FX 251
      PIZZATO FD 1401
      PIZZATO FD 2235-3
      PIZZATO FR 1896-T6
      PIZZATO FX 2215
      NAB110HH-DH2T6 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      FL1152-1M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NAB222KE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      FZ2054-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablelever,rubberroller
      FM1057 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD516-T6 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FB 4515-5DN
      PIZZATO FX 755
      PIZZATO FM 505
      FC3338 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FX 2255-3
      PIZZATO FM 712
      FM538-M2 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FA 4101-0DN
      PIZZATO FD 2183-M2
      CSAR-01ME02 Safetymodule2NO+1NC,category4
      PIZZATO FM 1456
      PIZZATO FZ 1230
      PIZZATO FM 969
      FX1276 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2F5410
      PIZZATO FR 1230
      PIZZATO FL E158
      FR2096-L11 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 521-T6
      PIZZATO PX 52040-B
      PIZZATO FX 2238
      NAG122KD-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      FD2002 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FX1052 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      MKF12D49 Microswitchwithredpushbutton
      FR593-D1K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR555-R5 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 1057
      NAB220BB-DN1 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FX9C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR1438 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FL 2180
      NAB112KP-DN2R24 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FR 692-D1K70
      PIZZATO FR 2202-1K21
      PIZZATO FL 2020
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-L20F7
      PIZZATO FM 1015-M2
      PIZZATO VE LP22S80
      PIZZATO FM 1212
      PIZZATO FD 993-F8K50
      NFB022KC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FC 3420
      PIZZATO FX 1531
      PIZZATO FF 4554-KSA1
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1P0210
      PIZZATO FM E107
      PIZZATO FA 4602-6DN
      PIZZATO FP 793
      PIZZATO VE TF32D5109
      NAB120HH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1R5210
      PIZZATO FA 4517-6DN
      FG60ED7E0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 1055-1M2
      PIZZATO FX E113
      PIZZATO FP 576-M2K17T6
      PIZZATO FL 502-M2
      PIZZATO FM E131
      CSDM-01X230 Safetymodule3NO+1NCfortwohandcontrols,categoryIIIC
      NFB110CV-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableoffsetrollerlever
      PIZZATO FT 2A6412AH-E27
      FD2258 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      FR1207 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      FM1214 Limitswitchwithmushroomheadplunger
      PIZZATO MK H12D17
      FR1051-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PDRC10413
      FZE156 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FB 4115-2DN
      PIZZATO FL 2276
      PIZZATO FA 4101-2DN
      FR11A1 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger,externalgasket
      NAG220BB-DN10 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 1554-3
      PIZZATO FR 2292-D5
      PIZZATO FR 651-K70V9
      PIZZATO FD 502-1GM2
      PIZZATO FD 978
      FR1115-K70 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1S321L1
      PIZZATO FL 632
      SRAD42AM0.1 Magneticsafetysensor
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1239
      PIZZATO FL 2132
      PIZZATO E2 3PU2R5210
      PIZZATO FR 2293-E3D1M1
      PIZZATO FP 9R2-M2
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1F2490
      FZ1554 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 615
      NFG020BB-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      NAB112KC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FL 1431-3
      PIZZATO FL 1879-E7M2
      NFB110HH-DC4.5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      NFB110EE-DN6 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger,M12threadedbearingandexternalrubbergasket
      FL2279-GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FD 1899-F1M2
      NFB110EB-DMK ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FP 2093-F8M2K23
      PIZZATO FR 505
      CSDM-20V024 Safetymoduleforbimanualcontrols,accordingEN574typeIIIA,2NO
      PIZZATO E2 1PERZ4534
      FG60PD6D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO MK H11D13
      FDE157 LimitswitchwithrollerleverFL1001 Limitswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO FD 502
      PIZZATO FL 915
      PIZZATO FX 657
      FZ601 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FL 2093-M2
      FZ221 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FF 4602-KSA
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1F141L1
      FL705 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FZ508-K221 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FD531-2 POSTTTIONswitch
      MKH11D30 Microswitchwithlever
      PIZZATO FR 593-E3D5
      PIZZATO VF AP-P11A-201P
      FR2208-M2 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FR2057-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      FR2093-DM2K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      NAB110HH-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      FD978 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO NF B11000
      FD693-F2GM2K23 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 2098D120
      PIZZATO FM 552-1
      FD231-3 Limitswitchwithrubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO FF 4617-KDMG
      PIZZATO FK 34A2-M1T6
      FL1405 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FP 3378
      PIZZATO ST DL310N2-D1T
      FG60FD7E0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 1021
      PIZZATO FS 2896E024-M2
      FL258 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      CSFS-13M024 Safetytimermodule
      PIZZATO FZ 905-W3
      FX601-M1 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 2102-1GM2
      PIZZATO FR 1233-A
      CSAR-08VU12 Safetymodule2NO,category4
      PIZZATO FA 4531-3DN1
      NAB022LL-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithflexibleadjustablerod
      PIZZATO FR 2092-M2K40
      FR5A2-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      HPAA050D-2PN Safetyhingeswitch
      FG60ID7E0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 702
      PIZZATO MK H12R53
      PIZZATO FL 1211
      PIZZATO VN AA200
      HPAA052C-KSM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FD 2899
      PIZZATO FR 1338
      PIZZATO FR 954-R5
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBX0601
      PIZZATO ES 34000
      PIZZATO FR 7A2-1
      PIZZATO FM 515-M2T6
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1226
      PIZZATO FD 1057
      PIZZATO FX 1655-3
      PIZZATO FS 1896E230-F
      NAG110CB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 730
      PIZZATO CS FS-12V120
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1S2210
      FR631-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FX1315 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR3392-D7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2F3410
      FD1334 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FK 34C1
      CSDM-01V230 Safetymodule3NO+1NCfortwohandcontrols,categoryIIIC
      FZ557 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      HPAB052M-2SN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FR 1517
      PIZZATO E2 1ILA810
      HPAA053F-10PN Safetyhingeswitch
      FR508-K21 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 1155
      PIZZATO FP 2178
      FD7R2-F1 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 951-W3
      NFB112KD-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO MK H12D01
      PIZZATO FG 60DD6D0Z-F20
      FR693-D3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 7R2-L10
      FX751 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FB 4108-2DG
      PIZZATO FM 953-E0V9
      NFB220GB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO FD 931-1
      FZ1030 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      HPAA050F-6PN Safetyhingeswitch
      CSMP205M0 Safetymodules
      PIZZATO FL 231
      FR2193-D8 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR655-4AK12 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,overhangingrubberroller
      FR776 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FX 515-K72
      PIZZATO FS 2096E120-F
      PIZZATO FL 2156
      FL635-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      FM601-M2 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FZ654-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      FD503 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FP 531-3
      FC311 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      FR555-1 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FR2193-K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO HP AA052D-10SNT6
      FG60AD6D0B-LP40 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      CSAR-24V024 Safetymodule4NO+1NC,category3
      FM1105-K50 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      CSAR-21V120 Safetymodule2NO,category3
      PIZZATO FD 2057
      FL218 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FP 676-M2
      PIZZATO MK H11F40
      FX20C2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR993-D3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 2896D024-F8M2
      PIZZATO PX 11410
      PIZZATO FR 253-E0
      FR2105-M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FR992-D1M2K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ E120
      FM630-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO MK V12D40-R10
      PIZZATO HP AA050F-2SNH45
      FD1136 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2S4290
      FR917-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 996-XGAK22
      SRAL41AM0.1 Magneticsafetysensor
      FL216 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 7C3
      PIZZATO FF 4817-KSA
      FX1012 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 1652
      PIZZATO MF 09
      PIZZATO NA B112KB-DN2R24
      PIZZATO FM 1330
      PIZZATO FR 915-1
      PIZZATO FS 3096D230-M2
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC0200
      PIZZATO FK 3310
      FD1899-F8K50 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FM1301 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PA 52020
      PIZZATO PX 20310
      PIZZATO FD 1879-E7GK21
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0139
      PIZZATO FR 6696-K70
      FM907 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FX 1412
      PIZZATO FG 60YD7E0Z-F28
      PIZZATO FD 532-L21
      FZ996 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FD251 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      MKF11D31 Microswitchwithshortlever
      FZ669-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FZ 2076
      FM1631 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR573 StablePOSTTTIONswitchforropeactuation
      FD651 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD993-F8M2K23 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR576-GM2K70 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 3493-D2M1
      PIZZATO VF AP-P10B-200P
      FD2293-F3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FX E131
      CSFS-54V120 Safetytimermodule
      PIZZATO FR 692-D1
      PIZZATO FD 535-1K21T6
      PIZZATO FX 651-W3A
      PIZZATO FM 515-T6
      PIZZATO FR 993-D7K70
      PIZZATO FM 513
      PIZZATO FC 331-3
      NFB110GB-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO FB 4831-2SN
      PIZZATO FP 1101
      FZ1807 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FD 619
      FX201-M2 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FR2293-E3D1M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FG 60BD1D0A-F22
      PIZZATO HX BL22-0.6PM
      FL1057 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC0401
      PIZZATO FS 2096E120-F1
      PIZZATO MK V11F32
      PIZZATO FL 716
      FG60GD1D5Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 2093-K40
      PIZZATO FR 593-E3D2XM2
      HPAA050C-4AG Safetyhingeswitch
      FR2110 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PA 20620-M2
      FR596-K21 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FW 3492-M1
      PIZZATO FD 1238
      FR555-2K70 POSTTTIONswitch
      MKH12R45 Microswitchwithshortrollerlever
      PIZZATO FF 4125-2DN
      PIZZATO PX 10421
      PIZZATO FM 657-W3
      FR525-K25T6 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FP 1134
      MKH12D32 Microswitchwithlever
      PIZZATO VE TR4A91L18
      PIZZATO FX 1155-4
      FM2020 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FG 60BD7D1Z-LP40
      CSAT-32M024 Safetymoduleforemergencystopandgatemonitoringwithdelayedcontacts
      PIZZATO MK V11D19-T7
      PIZZATO FZ 520
      PIZZATO FZ E138
      FL953-E11V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      FD1056-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4155-KDM
      FC3310 Limitswitchwithlongpistonplunger
      FR938 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FR 9A5
      PIZZATO FL 2095-M2
      FZ2005 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FM 1214
      PIZZATO FZ 1650
      PIZZATO FF 4554-KSA
      PIZZATO FR 2025
      FG60ED5D0Z-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 905-W3
      PIZZATO FG 60AD6D0A-F21
      FR552-K25 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR693-D1K11 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FZ2138 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FP 1834
      PIZZATO PX 20221-CM2
      PIZZATO FZ 651-W3K121
      PIZZATO FP 1276
      PIZZATO FP 793-F8
      PIZZATO FR 1110
      FR501-72 Limitswitchwithpistonplungerforelectricpanels
      PIZZATO NF B12000
      PIZZATO FR 2096-M1
      FG60PD5D0A-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FG60PD6D0C Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO HP AA052D-10SN
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2R229L2
      PIZZATO FS 2096D120-F
      FR2225 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FR 692-D2
      PIZZATO FC 3335-2
      PIZZATO FC 3480
      PIZZATO FF 4852-KDM
      FL502-1K52 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FM 1851
      PIZZATO FL 504-GM2
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2S6290
      PIZZATO FZ 1657
      NFB112KC-DN2R24 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FD 980-E9
      PIZZATO MK F11D22
      NFG120BE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FD 874-E8
      PIZZATO FM E134
      PIZZATO FD E158
      PIZZATO FK 3315-W3
      NFB112LL-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithflexibleadjustablerod
      FL619 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      FX507-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      FG60MD1E0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO E2 3PU2R1290-T6
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1425
      FL1025 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      NAB110EE-DN3 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger,M12threadedbearingandexternalrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FM 3496
      PIZZATO FP 631
      PIZZATO FM 1115-GM2
      PIZZATO FX 693-D1M1
      PIZZATO CS FS-11V024
      NFB112KG-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FS 2996D120-F3
      FZ930-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FL 2235-3
      PIZZATO FF 4150-KSM
      FG60DD7D0Z-LP30 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO NF B110BB-DN0.36
      PIZZATO FD 2999-F8K21
      PIZZATO FR 1254
      PIZZATO FC 357
      PIZZATO FF 4110-KSM
      PIZZATO FG 60DD6D0Z-F21
      PIZZATO FR 993-D5M2
      FL1158 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FZ 1669
      FR530-M2K70 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      SRAD40ALK Magneticsafetysensor
      FR631 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FZ2296 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FG60DD5D0Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FR1531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FM 2196-M2
      FR1455-A Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FZ 521
      FG60DD7D0Z-LP40 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2P3210-T6
      PIZZATO PX 20200
      PIZZATO FR 502-M2T6
      PIZZATO FX 1117
      PIZZATO FW 692-D11M2
      PIZZATO FB 4615-5DN
      FR1151-A Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 996-L6M2
      PIZZATO FR 1415
      FC3336 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      FD2093-F2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 2102
      PIZZATO FL 535-4
      PIZZATO FR 1302
      PIZZATO FR 615-1W3
      PIZZATO FR 1001-M2
      PIZZATO FR 501-72M1
      FL231 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FZ 655
      PIZZATO VF B502
      SRAD40AN10 Magneticsafetysensor
      PIZZATO FD 20R2-L20F1GM2
      PIZZATO FD 3399-F7
      PIZZATO FD 956-K50
      FR19A3-E27 Limitswitch,pistonplungerwithsimultaneousreset
      FM1008-M2 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FA 4802-KSM
      CSAR-04V230 Safetymodule3NO+1NC,category4
      PIZZATO FM 1820
      PIZZATO NA B112KF-DN10
      PIZZATO FR 2002-M2K40
      FD658-V9 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      FD536-E21 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FG 60CD7D0A-F28
      PIZZATO FZ 931-W3
      PIZZATO MK V11D30
      PIZZATO FB 4150-2DN
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC0813
      FR915-W3M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplungerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FR 1652-3
      PIZZATO FM 33C2
      FR554-G Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1031-A Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NAB112KG-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FL 2056
      PIZZATO FZ 1052
      FR692-D1A Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 551-1K21
      FR2093-D10 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      NAB112KD-DN10 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FR 1631
      NFG220HH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FZ 2251
      PIZZATO FX 908
      PIZZATO FP 20R2-L10F2
      NFB120FB-DN2 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      NFG022KB-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.18roller
      PIZZATO FS 2096E024-K21
      PIZZATO FR 7C2
      FR1492-M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO VF AP-P10A-200M
      PIZZATO FZ 538-M2
      PIZZATO FP 235-3
      FR2293-D8 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 33R2-F2
      FG60BD1E2Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 1476
      PIZZATO MK V11R47
      FX993-D8 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FL508-M2K23 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      CSDM-02V120 Safetymoduleforbimanualcontrols,accordingEN574typeIIIC,2NO
      PIZZATO FP 1435-3
      NAB022KG-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FX 708
      PIZZATO FR 692-D7K70
      PIZZATO CS AR-08X120
      FL1438 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2S4210-T6
      FR2038-W3 Limitswitchforrotatingleverswithresetdevice
      PIZZATO FA 4515-9SN
      PIZZATO FR 1531
      PIZZATO FM 1896
      FZ2221 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      NAB022KC-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FR 208-M2
      PIZZATO FB 4115-KSM
      PIZZATO PX 20100-B
      PIZZATO FF 4602-6DN
      PIZZATO FZ 1455-3
      PIZZATO FR 2093-D1M2K40
      PIZZATO FB 4802-KSM
      NAB222LH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      PIZZATO FP 1533
      PIZZATO FM 1031-1K50
      NAG112KP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FL 531-1M2
      FG60ED5D0Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FL1102-1 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FD1431 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 531-K25
      PIZZATO FD 502-1GK50
      FX1113-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      FR596-M2 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-F1A
      NAB120GB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO FM 2013
      FX1176 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO PC 2-16
      PIZZATO FD 7R2-F2
      PIZZATO FD 520-K11
      FM525-K50 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FR 1815-AV9
      PIZZATO FG 60CD1E0B-F20
      FD211-M2 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FA 4634-2DN
      PIZZATO FM 2015-M2
      NFG220BB-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FX252 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FX1031 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FM 2255-3
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R121L8
      PIZZATO HP AA050F-5ANH90
      FD2235 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FZ502-K121 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FF 4150-KDM
      PIZZATO FR 201-M3
      FR1815-1M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO VE LP22R2L66
      FD1895-K21 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO MV 17
      PIZZATO MK F11D02
      FX2007 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO MK V11F42-G
      FR3401 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FX1450 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FR2015-1A Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 1511
      FR693-D5 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FC 3320
      FD2193-F1 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 3098D024-F2M2
      PIZZATO FR 1002-T6
      PIZZATO MK V11R46-G
      NAB020HH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker
      NAH112KB-DN3R35 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FX 1808-T6
      PIZZATO FL 202-M2
      PIZZATO FC 3351-2
      FD1879-GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FM 2215-M2
      PIZZATO FM 1055-4
      FL2293-F3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO ES AC31046
      PIZZATO FF 4517-0DN
      PIZZATO MV 45
      FD3399-F3 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 233
      PIZZATO MK V12D09
      FR2093-D1K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FX 1314
      FD1818 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      FL2018 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      FX22A4 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FD 2899-F2
      PIZZATO FL 511
      PIZZATO FP 936
      FR502-K70 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FP 2293
      HPAA052C-KAMG Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO PA 20401
      PIZZATO FF 4812-KSA
      FX2A4 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      NFB020BE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FX 2257-2M1T6
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2P4210
      PIZZATO FR 1815-1M1
      FD1156-1K21 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 2178-M2
      PIZZATO FB 4117-2SN
      PIZZATO NF B11200-SAK
      PIZZATO FG 60GD1D0B-F20
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0061
      MKH11D06 Microswitchwiththreadedplunger
      PIZZATO NA B110AB-DN11
      FZ502-K521 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FD 1453-E11V9
      PIZZATO FA 4508-6DN
      FD2231-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FR 1131-GA
      FD656-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FL902-M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FR2116 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO FR 515-K21V9
      FR3493-K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      CSAR-02V230 Safetymodule3NO,category4
      PIZZATO VN A00KB-R23
      PIZZATO FR 216
      PIZZATO FX 550
      PIZZATO FA 4131-2DN
      PIZZATO ES AC31005
      PIZZATO PA 21401
      FD2236 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FB 4808-2SN
      PIZZATO FM 616
      FG60FD1D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 1508
      FR5A4 Limitswitchwithplunger,externalgasketandroller
      FME134-K50 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FD 631-1M2
      FM1654 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1R2210
      FM555-K50 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 2283-K21
      PIZZATO FZ 1216
      PIZZATO NA H22000
      NAB122KC-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FP 1152
      HPAA053F-0.2PM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FM 1130-K50
      PIZZATO FD 1218
      PIZZATO FR 2057-W3
      PIZZATO FR 515-K25
      PIZZATO FP E101-M2
      FR757 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 1255
      PIZZATO FP 3393-F2
      PIZZATO FX 13A5
      PIZZATO FF 4554-KSM
      PIZZATO MK V12F53
      PIZZATO FR 693-E3D2XGA
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1231
      PIZZATO FR 955-4E6
      FR1133 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FR 554-M1
      NAG020BB-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      NAB022KA-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithstraightplasticrevolvingleverdiam.18
      PIZZATO FG 60AD6D0B-LP40
      FZ1110 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 907-M2
      FG60GD5D0A-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 1820
      PIZZATO FC 3331-M1
      HPAB050F-3PNH90 Safetyhingeswitch
      FR2193-K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 34C1
      PIZZATO FR 17A3-M2K13
      PIZZATO FP 1815
      FR2202-A Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FC3335-2GK22 POSTTTIONswitch
      FD2899-F8 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FT 2A6408AH-E27
      FD2079-M2 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      SRAL40ALK Magneticsafetysensor
      PIZZATO PX 22010
      FX520-M2 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      FR915-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplungerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FB 4169-KSM
      PIZZATO FW 2092-M2K23
      PIZZATO FR 502-K25
      PIZZATO FP 3493-F7
      PIZZATO FZ 933
      PIZZATO FT 2C6301AH-E27
      PIZZATO FR 551-AK22
      PIZZATO FX 738
      NAG120BB-DN8 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FD 1808
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2F241L2
      NAB100AB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO FL E119
      PIZZATO FS 2996D024-F
      CSFS-53VU24 Safetytimermodule
      FL952 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO CS ME-20VU24-TF3
      PIZZATO FM 656-1GM2
      PIZZATO FB 4815-2SN
      PIZZATO PX 12020
      PIZZATO FS 1896D024-F2
      FZ1821 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FR 605-M1
      FX1015-1 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FD978-K50 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FG60TD1D0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FR5C2-M1 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FR 602-W3M2
      PIZZATO FL 1376
      PIZZATO FM 554
      FX1851-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO NF G112KC-DN3R23
      PIZZATO MM 45
      PIZZATO FL 636
      FR654-1K60 POSTTTIONswitch
      FR3493-M2K45 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FX2014-M2K123 Limitswitchwithmushroomheadplunger
      PIZZATO FA 4801-2SN
      PIZZATO FR 655-M1
      MKV11D42-R16 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FX1307 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO MK V12R45
      PIZZATO FS 1896E024-F
      PIZZATO FA 4515-6SN
      PIZZATO FR 634
      FD1431-3 Limitswitchwithrubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO FW 592-DM2
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1E1Z-F21
      FX250 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FZ638 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FL 738
      FZ702 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FD1833 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FD 2193-F1
      PIZZATO FR 17A3-K11
      PIZZATO FD 636
      PIZZATO E2 3PL2R4290-T6
      NFB112KA-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithstraightplasticrevolvingleverdiam.18
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2P8290
      STDD310MK-D0T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FP 1252
      PIZZATO FZ 557-1M2
      PIZZATO FS 1896E024-F2
      PIZZATO FR 2105-M2
      FR1273 POSTTTIONswitches
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0039
      FR602-W3M1 Limitswitchwithone-wayrollerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FM 1634
      PIZZATO FG 60PD6D0A-LP30
      PIZZATO FF 4525-1DN
      PIZZATO FD 3483
      FD2278-GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      MKV21D49 Microswitchwithredpushbutton
      PIZZATO FF 4517-1SN
      PIZZATO FP 3499-F1
      NAB110HB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithplasticpin
      PIZZATO FK 317
      PIZZATO FA 4520-KDM
      PIZZATO FS 2196E024-F2
      FZ9C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FR 615-W3M2
      PIZZATO FF 4801-KDM
      FR7C5 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FR 630-W3K11
      PIZZATO PA 10120
      FL1883-E9GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FL 541-1GM2
      PIZZATO FG 60XD1D0A-F28
      FD211 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 638-W3M2
      PIZZATO VF B1801
      PIZZATO FR 656-3
      PIZZATO FB 4103-6SN
      PIZZATO PC 2-19
      PIZZATO FR 693-DM2
      FM915-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FM 2207
      FR738-E0XK21V9 POSTTTIONswitch
      HPAA050F-5PNH15 Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO E6 1DM100K-D119
      FZ776 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      NAB122KE-DMKR24 Modularprewiredswitch
      MKV12D18-T6 Microswitch
      FD1238 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      NAB112LH-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      FR530-K21 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FX554-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO NA B020BB-DN10
      PIZZATO FA 4531-2SN1
      FR2238-W3 Limitswitchforrotatingleverswithresetdevice
      PIZZATO VF PTG13,5
      PIZZATO FZ 13A7
      FR551-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD638 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FM 1155-3
      PIZZATO FR 505-A
      FM2030 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NAB222KC-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO MF 10
      FM1221 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      MKV11D05-T7 Microswitchesforhightemperatureupto+120°C
      FD1134 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FA 4517-2SN
      PIZZATO FM 554-3M2
      PIZZATO FA 4851-KDM
      PIZZATO E2 1PDRL90423
      FL1053-E11V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 1276
      PIZZATO FR 693-E3X
      PIZZATO FD 235-M2
      NFG112KF-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      FG60UD1D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NAB020BB-DN7W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      FM1557 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1193-D1 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 515-K25V9
      FR1138-AK22 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      FM951-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FK 3469
      PIZZATO FD 2099-F
      NAG220CH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithoffsetrollerlever
      FD2183-M2K40 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FR 707-GM2
      MKH12R47 Microswitchwithone-wayrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2296-M2K45
      PIZZATO FB 4656-KSM
      PIZZATO FB 4112-2DN
      NAB110FB-DN5 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      FG60DD1D1B Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 538-K11
      FR554-K70 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1F241L2
      FG60AD6D0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FG 60PD1D0Z-F21
      PIZZATO FC 310-M1
      PIZZATO FR 901-M2
      PIZZATO PX 10321-M2
      PIZZATO FM 2230
      PIZZATO FR 654-K70
      PIZZATO FS 2996D024-F8
      PIZZATO FB 4508-0SN
      HPAA052F-KSMH90 Safetyhingeswitch
      NFB110FB-DN4 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      PIZZATO FM 1333
      PIZZATO FG 60PD1D0A-F21G
      PIZZATO FL 2093-F1
      PIZZATO FR 1193-D10
      CSFS-51MU24 Safetytimermodule
      PIZZATO FF 4850-KSM
      PIZZATO FP 535-M2
      PIZZATO FR 1251-M1
      FZ2038-W3 Limitswitchforrotatingleverswithresetdevice
      PIZZATO FL 1318
      PIZZATO FR 2092-D1GM2K40
      FG60DD1D0B-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FG60PD1E0Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 221
      PIZZATO FG 60PD6D0C-LP60
      FD510-T6 Limitswitchwithlongpistonplunger
      FD634 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FF 4151-2DN
      PIZZATO FP 611-M2
      FR656-1W3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerleverandresetdevice
      FZ2215 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FD3099-F2 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      NFB112KC-DN3 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      NAB020CP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithunidirectionalrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R129L8
      PIZZATO FG 60AD6D0Z-LP60
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1E0Z-F28
      PIZZATO FX 793-D8
      FL631-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FB 4652-KSM
      PIZZATO FM 652-W3
      FG60AD6D3Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FA 4840-KDM
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1801
      FZ508-M2 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FL 902-M2
      PIZZATO FW 2192-D8M2
      PIZZATO FM 555-1M2
      STDL210N2 SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FR 2176
      PIZZATO FA 4615-3DN
      FZ769 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      CSDM-01M120 Safetymodule3NO+1NCfortwohandcontrols,categoryIIIC
      PIZZATO MK F11D12
      PIZZATO FD 2093-F8K21
      PIZZATO FA 4515-2DNG
      PIZZATO FF 4617-2SN
      PIZZATO FL 1234
      FR7C2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR992-K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      MKF11F59 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      MKF21D15 Microswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FS 2896E024-F3
      PIZZATO FL 1218
      CSAT-12X230 Safetymodule3NOinstantaneous+2NOdelayed,category4
      NFB222KC-DN2R23 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      FD2999-F2GM2 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FD984-K80 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FX693-D10 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 218
      PIZZATO FZ 3496
      PIZZATO FP 1899-F3M2
      PIZZATO FR 520-M2
      PIZZATO FM 631-W3
      PIZZATO FX 320-K72
      FD1332 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO MK V11R40
      PIZZATO FR 3393-E3M1
      PIZZATO FR 14A1-M2
      PIZZATO FD 1884-M2T6
      PIZZATO FL 1138
      FX2151 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2238
      PIZZATO FS 1896D024-F1
      PIZZATO FP 2156
      PIZZATO FA 4515-2DN
      PIZZATO FM 2238
      PIZZATO FM 1069
      PIZZATO FR 1151
      PIZZATO FA 4150-0DN
      PIZZATO PX 10411
      FR256-XV38 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerleverwithexternalpartsinstainlesssteel
      FX2016 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO E2 CP11G2V1
      PIZZATO FR 1020
      PIZZATO FL 502-1K52
      PIZZATO FW 3392-E3D10M2
      PIZZATO VF AP-P11A-200M
      PIZZATO FP 515-K70T6
      PIZZATO FB 4113-2DN
      PIZZATO FM 554-T6
      NAG110BB-SMKW5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger90°trasmissionblock
      FX916 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO FM 556-2K21
      PIZZATO FL 604-M2
      PIZZATO FR 755-4
      FX531-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60SD5D1A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 605-M2
      MKH12D53 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1820 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FA 4651-KDM
      STDL210N2-D0T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FR 993-K21
      FR653-E0K70V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      NFG220BB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1436
      PIZZATO FM 533
      PIZZATO FR 2093-M2K45
      PIZZATO FA 4501-0SN
      PIZZATO FS 1896D024
      PIZZATO E6 2DM02K2-D119
      PIZZATO FD 501-GM2
      PIZZATO FR 2031-W3
      PIZZATO FK 3315-1M1
      FD1878-M2K40 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FZ638-W3 Limitswitchforrotatingleverswithresetdevice
      PIZZATO FR 2053-E0V9
      PIZZATO CS AT-12M230
      FX638 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      FG60BD1D0B Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FM1802 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FX1550 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO FX 630-W3
      PIZZATO FR 615-M2
      FRE169 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FT 2A6415AH-E26
      PIZZATO FZ 33C3
      PIZZATO FB 4103-6SG
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1F341L1
      PIZZATO PX 10110-C
      FR33C3-GAK22 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      NFB112LE-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablestainlesssteelroddiam.3x125
      PIZZATO FP 1015
      MKV11D42 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      HXBL22-2AN Hinged-shapedsafetyswitchesinstainlesssteelHXseries
      PIZZATO FP 2276
      FR254-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO HP AB050C-10AN
      PIZZATO FR 2196-M2
      FR5A7-M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayrolleradjustable,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FS 2198D024
      FL576-E8 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FL 1519
      FG60AD1D0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FD702-1M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO PA 40110
      PIZZATO FR 601
      PIZZATO FM 615-G
      FX769 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FP 22R2-L20F
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1R621L15
      HPAA052C-1PNH75 Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FR 1101-M1
      FR557-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FF 4531-KSA
      FR874-M1 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FA 4556-5DN1
      PIZZATO FM E134-K50
      FM1834 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FZ 652
      PIZZATO FZ 605-W3
      PIZZATO FT 2B63A6AU-E26
      PIZZATO FG 60DD7D0A-LP30
      PIZZATO E2 1RJ459AAK
      FD6R2-L05F Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FK 3493-E3D5
      PIZZATO FS 2996E120-F8
      NFB220AC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      PIZZATO FS 2096D024-F7M2
      FR9C1-A Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR654-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FL315 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FA 4512-1DN
      FM915-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplungerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FS 2898D120
      CSAR-02X024 Safetymodule3NO,category4
      FR1896-A Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FD 7R2-L20
      NFB110HE-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrod90°trasmissionblock
      PIZZATO FR 655-4A
      FR1896-K60 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FM2221 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO PA 40100
      NFB110AC-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      FL2184-GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FR 254-M2
      FR908-M1 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO VF L56
      FD1108 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PX 10011
      FD2121 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      FR1193-D10 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FD705 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      NFG120HH-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker90°transmissionblock
      FR601-W3 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplungerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FR 515-1A
      PIZZATO FP 1899-F3K21
      NAB110EB-DN1G ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      FC3416 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      FX530 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR18C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      NFB110GB-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO PA 22031-M2
      HPAA050C-2SH Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FL 256
      PIZZATO FD 1858
      PIZZATO FM 2154-3
      PIZZATO MK V11D02
      PIZZATO CS DM-01V230
      FM1031-1K50 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FM 5A2
      PIZZATO FP 993-K70
      FG60DD6D0B-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FD535-1K21T6 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FX1155-4 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,overhangingrubberroller
      NAB112KC-DN3R23 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R6290
      FZ225 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      FR692-X Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO NF B110AB-DN10
      FD1884-K80 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      NAB110AC-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      FG60TD5D0C Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FL531-K21 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FZ555 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO CS AT-03M024
      PIZZATO FF 4812-KDM
      MKV12F42 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO MV 30
      FD618 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      NAB110BB-DN8 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FC 335
      HPAA050C-1PG Safetyhingeswitch
      FZ1550 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FME133-E0V9 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FP 2110
      HPAA050C-1PNH75 Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO NF B110HH-DN0.5G
      PIZZATO FL 652
      FR515-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 1156
      PIZZATO FM 2257
      PIZZATO MK H12D45
      PIZZATO FR 631-M2
      PIZZATO FG 60GD7D0Z-LP40
      PIZZATO FM 2025
      PIZZATO FA 4501-KSM
      FDE121 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FX 22A4
      PIZZATO FG 60YD1E0A-F21
      HPAB050F-0.2PM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FA 4131-3DN
      PIZZATO FS 2996E024-F7
      FX2008 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 1151-M2
      PIZZATO FA 4517-8DN
      PIZZATO MK F11D17
      PIZZATO FP 1416
      FR1131-K21 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1452 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 1255
      FR2093-D2M2K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      MKH12F42 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 255
      PIZZATO FD 935-3
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2R8210
      PIZZATO FP 2899-F1
      PIZZATO FX 1533
      PIZZATO FX 21C5
      PIZZATO FF 4140-KDM
      PIZZATO FR 555-E0
      FR501-M2T6 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FR22C4 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FR 2293-E3D1M2
      PIZZATO FA 4515-0DG
      NFB110AE-DN1 Modularprewiredswitchwtihplungerwithexternalrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FR 18A7
      PIZZATO FX 2030
      PIZZATO FD 20R2-L20
      PIZZATO FR 1107-M1
      PIZZATO PX 12040-M2
      PIZZATO PA 40101
      FM1551 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO HP AA050C-0.2PM
      NFB020HH-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithcat'swhisker90°transmissionblock
      PIZZATO FP 2231
      PIZZATO FB 4517-2DN
      PIZZATO FK 3307
      PIZZATO FM 5A2-1M2
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1E0B-F21
      PIZZATO FR 21A5
      NAB112KB-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.18roller
      FD2093-F8K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR1130-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FZ E112
      FR2293-E3D1XK21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO PX 10720-M2
      PIZZATO FM 702
      NFB110EE-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger,M12threadedbearingandexternalrubbergasket
      FG60AD1E2A-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 520-K50
      PIZZATO FD 874-T6
      PIZZATO PX 20320
      FL2295-M2 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FL501-M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FZ 2225
      PIZZATO NF B222KC-DN2R23
      FR655-3W3M2 POSTTTIONswitchwithreset
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0060
      FR1152-M2K23 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FM 202
      PIZZATO FR 2293-D5M1K24
      PIZZATO FA 4512-2DNG
      NAB110CH-DH2T6 Modularprewiredswitchwithoffsetrollerlever
      FL3479-GM2K50 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      FL3393-F Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FX530-XM2 POSTTTIONswitches
      PIZZATO FX 1131
      FG60UD1D3Z-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NAH112KB-DN3R21 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO E2 1PDSC10413
      FD1076 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FG60AD5D2Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FM5A2-T6 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FZ 1030
      FD793-F3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 2051
      PIZZATO FR 602-W3XM1
      FZ2155 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4551-2SN
      PIZZATO FB 4520-1SN
      NAB020EB-DN5 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FR 301
      PIZZATO FD 2999
      PIZZATO FR 874
      FR750 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO E2 1USB1CN0.8
      FZ34C1 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FX501 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 2118
      FD556-K21 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FG60DD5D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FG60AD7D0Z-LP30 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FC3379-M1K24 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      FL2095 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FX705 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FZ1005 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO VF LE55-2
      PIZZATO CS AR-20X024
      PIZZATO FD 556-K60
      FD1879-E7 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FP 538-M2V9
      PIZZATO FR 2196-L5
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7E0A-F28
      PIZZATO FS 2896D024-K21
      FG60RD1E0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 1654-3
      FX556 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FD1211 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 20R2-L20F8
      PIZZATO FX 1105-1
      PIZZATO FP 1633
      FR7C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FD2293-F2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FD3493-F7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 638-W3T6
      NFG120HB-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithplasticpin90°trasmissionblock
      PIZZATO FZ 1150
      PIZZATO PC 2-24
      PIZZATO FF 4510-1DN
      FR702-M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FP 1304
      PIZZATO FL 2036
      PIZZATO FP 1057
      PIZZATO NA G12000
      PIZZATO PA 20300-M2
      PIZZATO FP 993-F2
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1608
      FG60AD6D0Z-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FK 3356-W3
      FM502 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FG60BD1E0A-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 1833
      FR1115-K21 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FB 4854-2SN
      PIZZATO FZ 9C1-M2
      PIZZATO FR 5A7-K25
      PIZZATO FR 631-V9
      FG60BD1E0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 501-T6
      FM1433 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FM 601-W3GM2
      PIZZATO PX 22040
      FR1102 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO PX 40100-A
      PIZZATO FD 532-V9
      PIZZATO FA 4102-3DN
      PIZZATO FZ 1315
      FM933 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FP 1156-4M2
      PIZZATO PX 10320-M2
      FR1576 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FL208 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      NFG220GB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      FL593 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 1654-3
      FR7C4 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FG 60TD1D0A-F28
      FZ951-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      FL1335 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FM601-W3 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplungerandresetdevice
      FR515-AV9 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR2155-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,rubberroller
      NFG020CH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithoffsetrollerlever
      FL1538 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FK 331
      PIZZATO FR 993-D10
      FD718 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO HP AB052C-0.25SN
      PIZZATO FR 22A5
      FG60AD7D0Z-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FD536-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FR 1654-K21
      PIZZATO FP 2118
      NFG020CB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4551-KDM
      FR501 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7D0A-LP40
      PIZZATO FD 3478-K21
      FL2035 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 2101
      FR596-XK21 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FL1635-3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO FG 60CD7D0A-F20
      FR5C4-GM2K70 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FXE130 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FX2130 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 232
      PIZZATO FR 692-K70
      PIZZATO FS 2196D024-F7
      FX530-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FC 358-E11V9
      PIZZATO FM 1054
      CSAR-25V024 Safetymodule4NO+1NC,category3
      FM2050 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FR2115-M2K45 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FM 1515-V9
      PIZZATO FR 2196-X
      FZ2031-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      SRAL42ALK Magneticsafetysensor
      NFG020CP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithunidirectionalrollerlever
      PIZZATO FS 3096D024-F2G
      PIZZATO FB 4631-2DN
      PIZZATO FW 2192-E3D1XGM2
      HPAA052F-4PN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO CS AR-06M024
      PIZZATO FP 215-T6
      FR608 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FP 656-3
      PIZZATO FM 538
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2F141L16
      PIZZATO MK V11D12
      FD276 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 1193-D1
      NFB122KP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FM 9C3
      PIZZATO FD 602-1M2
      PIZZATO FR 1553-E0V9
      FD9R2-L20 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FS 2896D230-F8
      FX693-D7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FG60RD1D0B Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FM2230 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 552-1
      PIZZATO FR 1433
      FX2296 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FM2015-M2K300 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 20R2
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1406
      PIZZATO FD 6R2-C10F
      PIZZATO FB 4551-2DN
      PIZZATO ES AC31015
      FX1054-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablelever,rubberroller
      PIZZATO PX 12740
      PIZZATO FR 18C4-M1
      PIZZATO FF 4111-KSA
      PIZZATO FA 4520-8DN
      FM1156-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1R229L2
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2F249L2
      PIZZATO FD 2132
      PIZZATO FP E120
      PIZZATO FP 2158
      PIZZATO FD 505-1GK25
      FR993-E3M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO PX 12430
      NAG020AB-DH2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO CS DM-01X024
      FR593-E3D1XGK21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FD202-1 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FB 4657-2SN
      PIZZATO FP 945
      STDL310MK-D1T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FR 6693
      FR501-XK25 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FK 34A2-K22
      PIZZATO FM 1108
      PIZZATO FZ 874
      PIZZATO FR 554-K60
      FX1876 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FL 1879-T6
      PIZZATO FA 4825-KDM
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1012
      PIZZATO FR 555-4M2K300
      FM1531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 LF1A2V1
      FG60DD5D0B-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FR22C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      NAB112KE-DH2T6 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      FR601-V9 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FB 4511-KSM
      PIZZATO FP 2293-F3
      NFB110CH-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FM 901-W3
      PIZZATO FP 752-M2
      HPAB050F-5PN Safetyhingeswitch
      NAG220CB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      FL2138 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FP E152
      PIZZATO FX 2154-3
      FL2051 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FZ 505
      PIZZATO FZ 18C1
      PIZZATO PX 10200-B
      PIZZATO FG 60AD5D5Z-F28
      FL1301 Limitswitchwithplunger
      FX1833 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      FD911 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      FR531-1M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      FR14A7 Limitswitchwithone-wayrolleradjustable,externalgasket
      NFB110AC-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      PIZZATO FR 793-D11
      FR1331 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO HP AA050D-10SH
      PIZZATO FR 1412
      FZ1508 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      NFB022KF-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FL 2204
      FD632-E19 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FX902-W3 Limitswitchwithone-wayrollerandresetdevice
      FR231 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 9R2-L10F1M2
      SRAD42AN5 Magneticsafetysensor
      PIZZATO ST DL310N2
      CSFS-33VU24 Safetytimermodule1NO+1NC+1CO,category3
      PIZZATO CS FS-14V024
      PIZZATO FP 2078-GK21
      PIZZATO FG 60TD5D1Z-F28
      FX2093-E3 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FM215-T6 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FL 236
      PIZZATO E2 3PL2R4290
      FG60BD1D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO MK H12R32
      PIZZATO FX 676-M2
      FR902 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FX2253-E0V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      PIZZATO FD 2199-K21
      PIZZATO FR 693-D7K21
      PIZZATO FM 2196
      FD531-1K50 POSTTTIONswitch
      FL1834 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FZ 1801
      NAB110HE-SAKW5 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrod90°trasmissionblock
      FZ1355 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FL2076 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      CSAT-12M024 Safetymodule3NOinstantaneous+2NOdelayed,category4
      PIZZATO FM 554-M2
      NAB110BE-DH5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      FL519-K51 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PX 10100-B
      PIZZATO NA B110AB-DN10
      FM2030-K40 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR5A2-X Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FZ 901-W3
      PIZZATO NA B112KB-DN10
      FXE138 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      FM2255 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      HXBEE1-0.2QM SafetyhingeswitchHXseriesinstainlesssteel
      FX1551 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FM2196 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FL751 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FM502-1M2 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      HPAB053C-2SG Safetyhingeswitch
      FG60DD7D0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FA 4530-KDM
      FR2093-D11 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FX531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NFL220BB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FR 1216-A
      FL956 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FR693-D5K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO PC 2-45
      FL2284 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FZ554 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 993-D2
      PIZZATO PX 40630
      FR5A4-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FP E131
      PIZZATO FK 3414-K22
      FD1511 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      FG60AD1D1A-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FZ1507 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FP 22R2-F7
      FM2233 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FS 1896D120-F
      PIZZATO FZ 1225
      PIZZATO FP 9R2-L10F
      FD2134 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FR 593-DM1
      PIZZATO FP 1332
      FG60PD7D0Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R121IT48
      FR2093-DK40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FD557-M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FR 530-K70V9
      FR2034 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO PX 10210-D
      PIZZATO FM 1534
      PIZZATO FM 1155-1
      FM631-1M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1E2Z-F21
      FC3318 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      FL2193-F7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 1452
      FR18C3-K70 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      MKV11R42 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FM 751
      FD993-F3M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      NFB220CP-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithunidirectionalrollerlever
      PIZZATO NB G12000
      FX1234 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FG 60BD7D2A-LP40
      NFB110BB-DN3.5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      NAB112KC-DH2R23 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO VF L31-2
      FM908 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      NFB110EB-DN5 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FF 4801-1DN
      FR2193-M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR1155-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,rubberroller
      FD874-T6 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      HXBL22-2PN Hinged-shapedsafetyswitchesinstainlesssteelHXseries
      PIZZATO FF 4130-KSM
      FM1131 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD2899-M2 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FZ21C2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR501-72M2 Limitswitchwithpistonplungerforelectricpanels
      PIZZATO CS DM-01X230
      PIZZATO FG 60TD1E2B-F21
      FG60TD6D0A-LP60 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FW 792-E3D10M2
      PIZZATO FP 234
      PIZZATO FG 60DD7D0Z-F28
      FX1108 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FD 22R2-F
      FG60AD6D4Z-LP40 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FR2093-D1M2K40 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO VE AS1213
      PIZZATO VF B701
      PIZZATO FL 3393-F3
      HXBEE1-2QN SafetyhingeswitchHXseriesinstainlesssteel
      PIZZATO FR 3393-D10X
      NAG020GB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO FM 1269
      PIZZATO FZ 613
      PIZZATO FD 904
      PIZZATO FZ 1451
      PIZZATO VF L51-1
      PIZZATO FF 4140-KSA
      PIZZATO FX 1438
      HPAA053M-5SN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FP 1635-4
      PIZZATO FD 984-K80
      NAB110AB-SMKT6 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      FR530-K70 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 21C5
      FZ1069 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FR 555-3
      PIZZATO CS DM-01M120
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2S321L86
      FD1836 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FL 919
      PIZZATO FL 1431
      PIZZATO FP E115
      PIZZATO FL E102
      PIZZATO FD 502-1
      PIZZATO FM 908
      PIZZATO FD 1256-1
      PIZZATO FZ E101
      PIZZATO FR 2102-1W3XGM3
      FD20R2-L20F1GM2 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      FL576-GM2 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FM1133 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      FDE156 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 2093-A
      PIZZATO FP 21R2-L20F2
      PIZZATO FX 2169
      PIZZATO FD 516-M2K452
      PIZZATO FR 1252
      FD2093-F7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FG 60RD6D0B-LP60
      PIZZATO FR 2038
      NFL110AB-DN3 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO PX 12040
      MKV11D45-R16 Microswitchwithshortrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 576
      PIZZATO FD 215
      PIZZATO FX 1251
      FZ2112 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      FL1893-F Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FR525-T6 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      FX1552 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NFB110BB-DG2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FF 4112-KDM
      PIZZATO FR 1234
      FZ230 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60HD6D0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FX1256 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO MK V11D06
      PIZZATO FR 3496
      PIZZATO FD 536-E21
      NFB112KC-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FD 1531
      PIZZATO FM 18C1
      PIZZATO FD E125
      PIZZATO FK 3302
      FG60SD1E1A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FK 3315-1W3
      PIZZATO HP AB052M-0.2PM
      PIZZATO FG 60PD7D0A-LP40
      FD2078-K21 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FR 538
      FG60GD5D1Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NAB020GB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplungerwith?6mmsphere
      PIZZATO FR 1001-W3
      PIZZATO FR 1116
      PIZZATO FP 236
      FR2196-L6 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FG60ID1E0Z-F22 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FX1557 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 221-K11
      PIZZATO FD 1101
      MKH11D53 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FX1401 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      NFB110FB-SMK ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      PIZZATO FR 556-A
      FR992-D2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FT 2A6302AU-E27
      FD719 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7D0A-LP60
      NAG220EB-DN2 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FZ 1055-3
      PIZZATO FM 12A5
      PIZZATO FR 693-D2
      NAB122KA-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithstraightplasticrevolvingleverdiam.18
      FG60FD1D2A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FX2096-M2K41 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FR 902-W3K70
      PIZZATO FR 22C5
      FD602-K80 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FD536-K50 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FP 20R2-L10
      FR520-T6 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FX 2053-E0V9
      FR9C2-M2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-L20F3
      PIZZATO FZ 1134
      FM1331 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO VE TF32A5109
      FD2299-FK21 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FL1557 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FM2054-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FX601-M2 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO NB L12000
      NFB220BE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FF 4513-5DN
      NAB110AE-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwtihplungerwithexternalrubbergasket
      PIZZATO FD 2093-F8
      PIZZATO FD 2079-M2
      PIZZATO FR 6A1
      PIZZATO FK 3354
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0003
      NFG110AA-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithshortplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R0290
      FL984-K21 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FG60BD7D0C Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      MKH12R59 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60MD1D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      HPAB050C-KSM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FS 2896D230-F7
      FZ605 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FK 3393-D11
      PIZZATO FA 4517-3DH
      PIZZATO FM 5A5-1K25
      FR1896-XGM2K70 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FP 20R2-F2
      FRE116 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      MKV11R60 Microswitchwithleverandadjustablescrew
      FL2079 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      PIZZATO FR 1896-XGK21
      PIZZATO FZ 1638
      PIZZATO FP 6R2
      FL1878-M2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FC308 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FD731 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR525 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FP 535-K60
      PIZZATO FM 655-3
      PIZZATO FL E111
      PIZZATO FB 4112-2SN
      NAB110EB-DMK ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FF 4531-KDM
      PIZZATO FX 2038
      PIZZATO FL 1031-3
      PIZZATO FM 1531
      FR551-A Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR205 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FL535-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 1831
      FM555-2K21 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO VF AP-P11B-201P
      PIZZATO FA 4531-2DN
      HPAA052F-KAMH90 Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO ST DL310N2-D0T
      PIZZATO MK V11D30-T7
      PIZZATO FD 2078-K21
      PIZZATO FA 4517-2DG
      PIZZATO FM 2038-K40
      FM952-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FF 4650-KSA
      FL1883-GM2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FR 501-K21
      MKV11D15-T7 Microswitchesforhightemperatureupto+120°C
      PIZZATO FG 60ED1E0Z-F20
      FR576-M2K70 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      HPAA052M-20SN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FC 3393-F8M1
      PIZZATO FR 3393-E3
      PIZZATO FX E116
      PIZZATO NA B12000
      FM2151 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO CS AT-33M024
      PIZZATO FZ 2221
      PIZZATO PC 2-41
      PIZZATO FR 34A4
      PIZZATO FX 515-K61
      PIZZATO FA 4552-5SN
      NFG112KB-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.18roller
      CSAT-02X024 Safetymodule(2NO+1NC)instantaneous+2NOdelayed,category4
      PIZZATO FP 515-M2
      HPAB052D-5QN SafetyhingeswitchHP-HCseries
      FM9A2-M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FM 1113-K50
      NAB120CB-DN1 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 22C1
      PIZZATO FD 1157
      FR12A1-GM2 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FP 3499-F2
      PIZZATO FD 984-K50T6
      FD33R2-F1 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 20R2
      FD1335 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FZ1269 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1F8490
      PIZZATO CS AR-05X024
      PIZZATO FS 3096E230-F7M2
      PIZZATO FR 553-E0AV9
      NFB200AB-DN2G Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO PA 20100
      PIZZATO FF 4515-7DN
      PIZZATO FG 60GD1D0Z-K900
      NFB112LE Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablestainlesssteelroddiam.3x125
      FL1157 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD208 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FR1251-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FC 3421
      PIZZATO FX 12A4
      FR630-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FC 302
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2F4490
      PIZZATO FP 1008
      MKH12F45 Microswitchwithshortrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2056-3A
      FX1314 Limitswitchwithmushroomheadplunger
      FM515-T6 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FM534 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FK 312
      PIZZATO FD 505
      FL1636 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FD 1357
      NAG220AC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      PIZZATO E2 LP4A8V1
      PIZZATO PC 2-13
      PIZZATO FT 2A6315AU-E27
      MKF12D53 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FF 4811-2DN
      PIZZATO FZ 952-W3
      PIZZATO FZ 1415
      PIZZATO FM 1825
      FM2220 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      FM1155-4 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,overhangingrubberroller
      FL978-M2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FF 4856-KDM
      FZ1055-1M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      FX1155-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,rubberroller
      NAG110AC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      PIZZATO HP AA052C-5PNH15
      PIZZATO FZ 1876
      FD1038-M2 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      NAG02000-T6 MetalhousingNAwithcontact
      PIZZATO FX 1173
      PIZZATO FZ 615
      PIZZATO FS 2898D024-F2M2
      FG60PD1D0C Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 1838
      FZ1038 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FA 4815-4DG
      FM2251 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FZ 9C5
      FZ751 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR E130
      PIZZATO FD 2119
      FG60AD5D0B Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      SRBD41AN6-B01F Magneticsafetysensorcompletewithactuator
      FZ601-W3 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplungerandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FM 252
      FR2230-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FL2135-3 Limitswitchwithadjustablerubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO FS 1896D230-F3
      FM705 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FK 34A4-K22
      NAB11000-DN5 MetalhousingNAwithcontact
      NFG110FB-DN2 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1S121L1
      PIZZATO FC 3383-M1K26
      FD2183-K40 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2F341L1
      PIZZATO MK F11D42
      FD338 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FW 2092-D10M2K40
      PIZZATO FB 4102-KSM
      NAB110HE-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrod
      FD2020 Limitswitch,coilspringwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO FX 1854
      PIZZATO MK H31D45-R16
      HPAA050C-7PN Safetyhingeswitch
      FC3331-2GK22 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FT 2A6452AU-E27
      HPAA052F-3AN Safetyhingeswitch
      NAB112KP-DG5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FK 3431
      NAB022LH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      PIZZATO FP 33R2-L10
      NAB110BB-DG5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FD1351 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FF 4808-KDM
      PIZZATO FZ 254-3
      PIZZATO E2 1PL2R5290
      FX1130 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60RD1D2Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 930
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1R5290
      PIZZATO FS 2196E024-F1
      PIZZATO FS 2998D024-F3
      PIZZATO PX 10620
      PIZZATO FM 1251-1
      PIZZATO FZ 2131
      PIZZATO PC 4-3
      PIZZATO FA 4617-KSM
      PIZZATO FB 4517-KSM
      PIZZATO FD 20R2-L10F8G
      STDD420N2-D1T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FL 2080
      FD535-1GM2 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FR915-1M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      HPAA053M-2SN Safetyhingeswitch
      FR692-D Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 2193-F3
      PIZZATO FR 1117
      PIZZATO FR 1055-A
      PIZZATO FR 1069-K70
      FR555-4K21 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,overhangingrubberroller
      PIZZATO ST DD420N2-D0T
      FR1801 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      NFB022KB-SAKR19 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FA 4815-3DN
      FZ2213 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PX 10810
      PIZZATO FK 3401
      FL2093-F8M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 631
      FC3393-F7G Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      NFB110BB-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FK 3393-D6
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1007
      FM1112 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      FR1492 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      MKV12D18-G Microswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1ILA31IT7
      PIZZATO FP 536-K70
      PIZZATO FR 652-K11
      PIZZATO FR 3493-D11
      PIZZATO FK 3302-G
      PIZZATO FX 2296
      PIZZATO FR 693-D5K21
      PIZZATO FR 2096-L17M1
      PIZZATO FF 4615-2DN
      PIZZATO FP 3099
      PIZZATO FD 535-3M2
      PIZZATO MK H12F40
      NFG222LH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7D0Z-F20
      PIZZATO FR 1630
      FR1305 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 505-1
      PIZZATO FR 631-1
      PIZZATO FM 1025
      FG60GD6D0A-LP30 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      HPAA053C-3PN Safetyhingeswitch
      FZ2051 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FL 1176
      PIZZATO FR 608-W3
      FR2296-K21 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FP 635-3M2
      FZ1310 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1S221L2
      FG60CD1D1A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO VF LE55-3
      PIZZATO FX 931-W3
      PIZZATO FM 656
      PIZZATO FL 651
      PIZZATO FT 2D63A6AU-E26
      PIZZATO FR 1551
      PIZZATO FR 2193-D5
      PIZZATO FX 33C5
      PIZZATO FR 315-A
      FR2031-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      FR692-K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FF 4540-2SN
      PIZZATO FL 2293-F7
      PIZZATO FM 738
      PIZZATO FR 615-XM2R28
      PIZZATO FR 2292-DM2K40
      FD9R2-L20F7 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FZ515 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 701
      PIZZATO FD 535-1GM2
      PIZZATO FM 905-1
      PIZZATO FF 4652-2DN
      FR5A5-K70 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FX 1025
      PIZZATO PX 10110-AM2
      NFB110HB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithspringrodwithplasticpin
      PIZZATO FX 938-W3
      PIZZATO FX 515-1
      FX1055 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2010
      PIZZATO FX 1351
      PIZZATO PX 10501-AM2
      FL501-K11 Limitswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO FX 201
      FC3393-FM1K24 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO MM 53
      PIZZATO PX 10420
      FR2256 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      FR1138-K70 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO HP AA050C-2SNH90
      FG60ED1D0C-G Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FM501-K25 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      FX707 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      FX202 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 908-M1
      NFH112LP-DMKE24 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FX 993-D10
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1848
      NFB020CV-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableoffsetrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 916-M2
      PIZZATO FD 1802
      PIZZATO FR 2093-D8M2K40
      FD20R2-F7 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      FR20C5 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FB 4503-2DN
      PIZZATO FX 2201
      FX2221 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      FG60GD6D0Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FM 531-K21
      PIZZATO FA 4502-1DN
      NFB110CB-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FG 60RD1D0A-F22
      FR521-T6 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      SRBD42AN4-B02F Magneticsafetysensorcompletewithactuator
      PIZZATO FX 20C2
      PIZZATO FK 313-M1
      PIZZATO FB 4556-KSM
      PIZZATO FL 2011
      FG60GD7D0A-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FZ276 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FD999 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FR1115-XK70R28 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO MK H12R30
      NFB110BE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      FM22C5 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      NFG110AA-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      FX1896-A Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FR 1350-E0V9
      PIZZATO FD 1101-M2
      PIZZATO FL 2115
      PIZZATO FR 555-1M2
      PIZZATO FB 4515-3SN
      PIZZATO FR 2093-K21
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R329L1
      FR552 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR992 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 5A2
      PIZZATO CS AR-40M024
      PIZZATO FP 2093
      FD510 Limitswitchwithlongpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 2005-W3
      PIZZATO FD 983-GM2K23
      PIZZATO FR 1133
      FZ5A7 Limitswitchwithone-wayrolleradjustable,externalgasket
      FD3499-F1 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FR1654-A POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FD 1557
      FZ1108 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FS 2096D024-M2
      NAB102KD-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      MKH11D37 Microswitchwithwirelever
      PIZZATO FR 916-M2
      PIZZATO FA 4155-2SG
      HPAB053C-1PN Safetyhingeswitch
      NAG020BB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FX555-4 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,overhangingrubberroller
      FG60AD6D0A-LP60 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FX1114 Limitswitchwithmushroomheadplunger
      PIZZATO FD 20R2-L20F3K40
      NAB112KP-DN2R23 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FP 1119
      MKG12F45 Microswitchwithshortrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2096-GM1
      PIZZATO ST DD420N2
      NAB112KF-DN2R24 Modularprewiredswitch
      HPAA050F-2AN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FM 1817
      PIZZATO FZ 1351
      CSAR-46V024 Safetymodule1NO,category1
      PIZZATO FM 1854
      PIZZATO FM 556-W3
      FR525-K25 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FA 4511-KSM
      NFB220BE-DN2G Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      FM34C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      NAB220AC-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithlongplunger
      PIZZATO FS 2996E120-F2
      MKV12F47 Microswitchwithone-wayrollerlever
      FX693-D3M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FX 655-4
      FR1352 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR E105
      FD874-E8 Ropesafetyswitchwithoutresetforsimplestop
      FR1896-L5 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      FX521-A Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FF 4840-KDM
      PIZZATO FR 12A1
      PIZZATO FL 1878
      PIZZATO FP 2099-F1
      PIZZATO FP 916
      PIZZATO FM 576-T6
      PIZZATO VF AP-S13AP-201
      PIZZATO ES AC31045
      FRE138 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      SRAD41AN4-A01N Safetycodedmagneticsensorwithactuator
      PIZZATO PX 30811
      FX2233 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FM 507-M2
      PIZZATO FD 931-1M2
      PIZZATO FR 250
      CSAT-01M024 Safetymodule(2NO+1NC)instantaneous+2NOdelayed,category4
      PIZZATO VF AP-S13BZ-200
      FC335-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      FR916-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      NAB100AA-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithshortplunger
      FG60AD6D0B-LPRG Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FF 4550-KDM
      PIZZATO MK H11R40
      MKH11F45-R16 Microswitchwithshortrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2215-1M2
      PIZZATO FD 2193-M2K40
      PIZZATO FD 1880-M2
      MKV11R53 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4812-KDM
      NFB100BB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FD 602-K80
      NAG120CB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 638-W4
      PIZZATO FG 60AD5D0A-F20
      FR902-K70 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 969-M2
      PIZZATO PX 20101-M2
      PIZZATO FK 302-1
      PIZZATO FL 1110
      FD983-M2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FM 2256-1K21
      FX654-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      PIZZATO FD 1836
      PIZZATO FZ 1151
      PIZZATO FM 2052
      PIZZATO FS 2996D024-F2M2
      PIZZATO FM 553-E0M2V9
      FR1415-M1 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FX 631-W3A
      NAB112KD-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      PIZZATO FD 535-1M2K50T6
      PIZZATO FP 1536
      PIZZATO FR E150
      PIZZATO FF 4108-KSM
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-F7
      PIZZATO FP 211
      PIZZATO FR 1101-K70
      FR915-K25 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 930-W3
      FD34R2 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO MK F11F53
      PIZZATO FF 4830-KSM
      HPAA050M-5SN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FX 1238
      FR10A2 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      PIZZATO FD 1878-G
      PIZZATO FL 2135-3
      FD2999-F Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      FR15A7 Limitswitchwithone-wayrolleradjustable,externalgasket
      FD1878 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO PA 40100-M2
      PIZZATO FR 792-D5
      PIZZATO FD 1635
      PIZZATO FP 502-X
      PIZZATO FZ 1301
      PIZZATO MK V11R40-R16
      PIZZATO FZ E102
      FR2276 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FG 60GD5D0A-F28
      FM2052 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1450 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FM1376 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FL 1634
      FR515-R12 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR1131 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FL1838 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      NAB220BB-DN4 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FD576-K50 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FL1876 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FA 4108-4DN
      PIZZATO FD 1899-F8G
      PIZZATO FR 2115
      PIZZATO FR 555-K70T6V9
      FD693-F1M2K50 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 551-M2
      PIZZATO FB 4103-KDM
      FD1899-F1M2 Safetyswitchwithlockandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 531-R18
      STDL210N10-D0T SafetysensorswithRFIDtechnology
      PIZZATO FM 955
      PIZZATO FR E154
      FR2207-M1 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FX 515-K71
      PIZZATO FR 1455-M1
      NAB112KC-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableshapedmetalrevolvingleverdiam.14roller
      FX502 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FG 60TD1E0B-F28
      PIZZATO FP E108
      FME154 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60FD1D1Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FL553-E11V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      PIZZATO FX 1413
      PIZZATO FZ 601
      FD1232 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO FD 2133
      PIZZATO FP 2132
      FD556-1GK21 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FG 60GD7D0A-LP60
      PIZZATO HP AA052C-2ANH30
      FL1432 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      NFG110EB-DN2 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FW 2192-D10M2
      FD1356 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4115-9SN
      FD1052-K40 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60DD1D3A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NAB122KG-DN2R18 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FR 652
      PIZZATO FR 593-E3XGM2
      PIZZATO FR 993-E3DM2
      FD2093-G Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FZ1530 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FC 3456
      PIZZATO E2 AC-XXBC0028
      PIZZATO FR 530
      PIZZATO FP 979
      FD558-V9 Limitswitchforrotatinglevers
      PIZZATO FR 2051
      FG60TD6D0Z-LP40 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FL 658-V9
      PIZZATO FF 4152-2DN
      PIZZATO FD 993-F8M2K23
      FG60TD7D1Z-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 502
      PIZZATO FA 4108-2DN
      FXE116 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO FL 202-1
      PIZZATO FL 315
      NFB120BB-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FP 2199-F3
      FX556-M2 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 1031
      PIZZATO FR 792-D1
      FD978-M2 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FP 515-K21
      PIZZATO FF 4530-KSA
      FD601-M2 Limitswitchwithplunger
      FR9C1-M2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR792-D6 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 2193-F
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1P3210
      PIZZATO FG 60GD5D0A-F21
      FM715-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO MK H11D10-T7
      PIZZATO FZ 1307
      PIZZATO FR 950-A
      PIZZATO FS 2096E120
      PIZZATO FS 2196D024-FM2
      PIZZATO ST DD310N2
      FR793-D7G Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FG 60AD6D0Z-F28
      PIZZATO FD 1519
      FR1430-M1T6 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO MK H11F45
      CSAR-04M120 Safetymodule3NO+1NC,category4
      PIZZATO MV 08
      NAB222KP-DN5 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      FG60XD5D0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 593-D7K21
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1806
      PIZZATO FR 501-K11
      PIZZATO FB 4833-2SN
      PIZZATO FX 1116
      PIZZATO FR 22C2
      FR14A1 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger,externalgasket
      FD1115-GM2T6 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR993-DM2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FL1151-K50 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      MKH11D13 Microswitchwithsealedplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 1815
      FR213 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 2102-W3XGM3
      PIZZATO FP 202
      FR2230-M2K40 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2293-D11
      PIZZATO FA 4501-2SN
      FG60AD6D0A-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FA 4613-KDM
      FD22R2-L20 Safetyswitchwithmanualmechanicaldelayandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 501-M2
      FM755 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FC 331
      NFG020CV-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableoffsetrollerlever
      HPAA050C-KAM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FD 2035-3
      CSAR-23V120 Safetymodule3NO+1NC,category3
      FL911 Limitswitchwithstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FP E134-K60
      PIZZATO FP 993-M2
      PIZZATO FD 1895
      PIZZATO VF LE55-R5
      PIZZATO FF 4601-1SN
      PIZZATO FD 541-M2K452
      PIZZATO FP 993-F7
      FM215 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FC3476 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      FL2257 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD1401 Limitswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO FL 604
      NFL110BB-DG1 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 633
      PIZZATO FP 634
      FL616-K25 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      FR1415-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FR916 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      FD531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FD2157 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FC 331-1
      PIZZATO FR 693-DK21
      PIZZATO CS FS-24VU24
      PIZZATO MF 40
      FR693-D3M2 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FB 4803-KDM
      PIZZATO FZ 20C5
      PIZZATO FM 5C3
      PIZZATO FA 4515-1SN
      FG60BD6D0Z-LP60 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FL995 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FK3496-K22
      PIZZATO FF 4517-1DN
      PIZZATO FG 60TD7D1Z-F28
      PIZZATO MF 03
      FD518-M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FP 616-XM2
      PIZZATO FR 555-4M2
      PIZZATO FR 9C3
      NFB022LH-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablefiberglassroddiam.6x200
      PIZZATO FL E153-E11V9
      NAG110BB-DN10 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FA 4108-5DN
      FR2250 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      FD556-1K50 POSTTTIONswitch
      FR1250 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      NAB112KP-DH5T6 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablelengthstraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO FX 515-1K71
      PIZZATO VE TR4A91L130
      PIZZATO FR 1338-XV9
      FX616 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunge
      PIZZATO NA G220BB-DN10
      PIZZATO FD 2278-GM2
      PIZZATO FM 1656
      FM2225 Limitswitchwithcoilspring
      PIZZATO FR 2220
      FL2033 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      NFG112LE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithmetalrevolvingleverwithadjustablestainlesssteelroddiam.3x125
      NAB220BB-DN10 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FX 1105
      PIZZATO FR 656-W3K21
      PIZZATO FM 915-M2
      PIZZATO FF 4601-KSA
      PIZZATO FR 510-K70
      NFH110BB-DMK Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FP 1899-F1M2
      PIZZATO E2 1PERZ4531-T6
      PIZZATO FF 4515-3DN
      FG60ND1D0A-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 1896-M2T6
      PIZZATO FR 2031-M2
      PIZZATO FX 1210
      PIZZATO NF B112KP-DN2R24
      PIZZATO FS 2996E024-F8
      FR693-K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO PA 20910-M2
      PIZZATO FR 1501
      PIZZATO FX 2093-D1
      CSAR-41X024 Safetymodule2NO,category2
      PIZZATO FA 4501-2DG
      PIZZATO FR 3393
      PIZZATO FR 1110-T6
      PIZZATO FR 607-M2
      PIZZATO FA 4550-2DN
      PIZZATO FD 520-M2
      FX20C2-M2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FL576-K25 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 22A1
      NFG110CV-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustableoffsetrollerlever
      CSFS-30VU24-TF3 Safetytimermodule
      PIZZATO FG 60PD7E0Z-LP60
      FR1802 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FR515-M2K20 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 693-K70
      FM1431 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 530-M2K10
      PIZZATO FL 2193-F8
      FR912 Limitswitchwiththreadedpistonplunger
      HPAA050D-KSM Safetyhingeswitch
      FL1034 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      FZ22C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FD931-3 Limitswitchwithrubberrollerlever
      PIZZATO CS AR-23V024
      FR569 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO VE LP22R2L10
      PIZZATO FD 1256
      PIZZATO FL 2080-T6
      PIZZATO FP 6R2-L10F2
      PIZZATO HP AA052F-10SN
      PIZZATO FA 4115-3DN
      PIZZATO FL E121
      MKV11D32-T6 Microswitchwithlever
      PIZZATO FZ 221
      PIZZATO FR 557-1GM2K50
      FZ796 Safetyswitchforhingeddoors
      PIZZATO FZ E151
      PIZZATO FP 551-1
      PIZZATO FC 325-T6
      PIZZATO FA 4815-3DG
      PIZZATO FG 60DD1D1A-F20
      FX2015-1M2K47 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FRE107 Limitswitchwithadjustableone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 5A1-G
      PIZZATO FW 2092-D7M2
      FL931-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      MKV12F53 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO MF 54
      FZ1021 Limitswitch,coilspringwithcat'swhisker
      PIZZATO FZ 21C3
      PIZZATO FD 535
      HXBL22-2QN SafetyhingeswitchHXseriesinstainlesssteel
      PIZZATO FR 1052-3
      PIZZATO FL 1256
      PIZZATO MM 60
      PIZZATO FF 4831-2DN
      MKH11F40 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FM1554 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NAB110CH-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithoffsetrollerlever
      HPAB050C-0.2PM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FF 4511-1DG
      FZ1852 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO CS AT-00V024-TF1
      FZ2033 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      FX557-K221 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FP 556-1GM2K23
      PIZZATO FZ 255-3
      NFG110AB-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO NA B110HE-DN10W5
      FC3319 Limitswitchwithrollingballpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FP 9R2-L20F
      FD1316 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 908-K21
      FG60BD7D0Z-LP60 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FZ 601-W3
      PIZZATO FZ 508-K221
      PIZZATO FZ 12A2
      FR515-M2K300 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PX 10110-B
      PIZZATO FR 1115-1
      FG60DD1E0B-F21 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO VF LE52-R21
      FM1269 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO MK H12F35
      FM3356-1V9 POSTTTIONswitch
      PIZZATO FX 693-K71
      PIZZATO FP 1635
      PIZZATO FK 3421
      PIZZATO FR 531-K21
      PIZZATO FP 656-4
      PIZZATO VF B1102
      PIZZATO FK 355
      PIZZATO FZ 5C3
      PIZZATO FD 6R2-L10F3
      FZ531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4531-KDM
      PIZZATO FG 60AD1E0Z-F21
      PIZZATO FM 22C5
      PIZZATO E2 AC-DXBC1035
      PIZZATO CS AR-04V230
      FR531-XV38 Limitswitchwithrollerleverwithexternalpartsinstainlesssteel
      PIZZATO FZ 1101
      PIZZATO FR 21A2
      PIZZATO FD 1838
      FM1115 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FM 18C3-M2
      PIZZATO FP 1115-M2
      PIZZATO FA 4152-0SN1G
      PIZZATO ST DD310M0.1
      PIZZATO MK H12F32
      PIZZATO FA 4131-5DN
      PIZZATO FR 1252-M2
      FL3393-F7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FG60TD5D0Z Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 631-W3M2
      PIZZATO FR 502-M1
      PIZZATO FP 3099-F1
      PIZZATO FD 3478
      FR754-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1R329L1
      PIZZATO FF 4610-4DNG
      PIZZATO FW 2092-E3D10M2
      PIZZATO FR 1896-K70
      PIZZATO FK 321
      PIZZATO FD 519-M2
      PIZZATO NB L22000
      NAB110BB-DN0.3 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2F541L16
      PIZZATO FZ 2151
      PIZZATO FD 9R2-F7
      FR1169 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      HPAB053M-KSMH90 Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO CS AT-14M024
      MKG12D40-GR16 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 902-K70
      PIZZATO FP 20R2-F3
      NFB220AB-DN2W5 Modularprewiredswitchwithplunger
      PIZZATO E2 1PU2R221L2
      FL1404 Limitswitch,
      SRAD41AN10 Magneticsafetysensor
      PIZZATO FR 654-1
      PIZZATO FG 60ED7E0Z-F20
      PIZZATO FG 60GD60D0Z-F21
      FR573-M2 POSTTTIONswitches
      PIZZATO E2 1PL1F341L1
      PIZZATO FM 1302
      PIZZATO FL 1418
      FX754 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      NAB020BB-SMK Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      FR269-M2K45 Limitswitchwithadjustableglass-fibrerodlever
      PIZZATO FZ 2276
      FR602 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FR 22A7
      PIZZATO VE PT32A09AL134
      FM1530 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FL2083-M2T6 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FL 984-M2
      PIZZATO PX 10110-D
      PIZZATO FX 555
      FR1457 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 1176
      FX652-W3 Limitswitchwithrollerleverandresetdevice
      PIZZATO MK V11D15-T7
      SRBD41AN5-B02F Magneticsafetysensorcompletewithactuator
      FR2093-D7 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FP 2099-M2
      PIZZATO FL 874-M2K23
      PIZZATO E2 4PEPF4531
      PIZZATO CS FS-10V024-TF3
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1R321L145
      PIZZATO FA 4601-2SN
      FX1131 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      FG60BD6D0A Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      FZ2150 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO FF 4530-KDM
      MKH11D43-R10 Microswitchwithrollerlever
      FR1655-3 POSTTTIONswitchwithadjustablerevolvinglever,rubberroller
      PIZZATO FD 556-2
      MKV11D19-T6 Microswitchwithtrasversalrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FR 551-V9
      PIZZATO FD 984-K50
      PIZZATO PA 40820
      FL1884 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      FL3478 Ropesafetyswitchwithresetforemergencystop
      PIZZATO FF 4631-KSA
      PIZZATO PX 40211-A
      PIZZATO FF 4815-KSM
      PIZZATO FF 4551-KSA2
      PIZZATO FZ 507
      PIZZATO VF B602
      PIZZATO FG 60AD7D0B-LP60
      PIZZATO FR 2296
      FD652-1 POSTTTIONswitch
      FD531-K50 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 592-D2
      NAB112KF-SAK Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO CS AR-23M024
      FL1105 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      FG60PD1D0A-F21G Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 220
      FC3434 Limitswitch,coiledspringleverwithplasticpoint
      PIZZATO NF B112KB-DN2R23
      PIZZATO FK 3407
      PIZZATO MK H11D46
      FL1504 Limitswitch,
      PIZZATO FC 311
      PIZZATO FR 1810
      NFB122LP-DN5E24 Modularprewiredswitch
      PIZZATO FS 1896D120-F3
      PIZZATO FZ E125
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1S5290
      FM753-E0V9 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      FR531 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO PA 20200
      PIZZATO FK 315
      FR1455-M1 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 993-D7
      CSAT-32X024 Safetymoduleforemergencystopandgatemonitoringwithdelayedcontacts
      PIZZATO FD 2083
      FG60PD1E0Z-F20 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      NAB110EB-DN3 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FB 4125-2SN
      PIZZATO NF G12000
      PIZZATO FR 593-K70
      FD1315 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      NAG120BE-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplungerwithrubbergasket
      PIZZATO PA 20101-X
      PIZZATO FM 1133-M2
      FD1202 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller
      PIZZATO FD 2231-3
      NFL110EB-DN2 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithM12trheadedbearing
      PIZZATO FX 1014
      NFG110FB-SMK ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      PIZZATO FX 1138
      PIZZATO FD 33R2-F8
      FR18C4-M1 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      PIZZATO FL 519
      FG60DD7D0B Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FX 507-M1
      CSAR-20V230 Safetymodule2NO,category3
      FR20C3-M1 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      MKV21F49 Microswitchwithredpushbutton
      PIZZATO FR 693-K21
      PIZZATO FK 34A2-M1K28T6
      PIZZATO FB 4110-5SN
      PIZZATO FR 602-W3K70
      PIZZATO FL 576-K25
      PIZZATO FL 2184-K41
      PIZZATO FP 1132
      FR992-D3K70 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      FG60ED1D0A-F28 Safetyswitchwithsolenoidandseparateactuator
      PIZZATO VF B1202-G
      PIZZATO SR BD40AM0.1
      PIZZATO FR 1113
      FM253-E0 Limitswitchwithporcelainrollerlever
      FC3331 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FG 60AD5D0B-F21
      FL3493 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FR 993-E3D2
      PIZZATO FS 2096D230
      FR2076 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO MS 09
      PIZZATO FZ 508-K121
      PIZZATO FM 531-2M2
      PIZZATO E2 1ILA31L14
      FD1035-2 POSTTTIONswitch
      FX5A5 Limitswitchwithone-wayroller,externalgasket
      FR652-3M2 POSTTTIONswitch
      FD1532 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      HPAB052M-2PN Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FL 605
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1R6210
      PIZZATO MK F11D06
      PIZZATO FD 2899-F1M2K23
      PIZZATO FL 658
      NAG110FB-DN5 ModularprewiredswitchwithplungerwithrollerandM12threadedbearing
      PIZZATO FM 516
      NFG122KF-DN2 Modularprewiredswitchwithadjustablestraightmetalrevolvingleverdiam.20roller
      PIZZATO MK V12D09-T6
      FL1010 Limitswitchwithlongpistonplunger
      PIZZATO PC 2-31
      PIZZATO FD 532-L24
      FX1213 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FP 521-M2
      PIZZATO FD 1235-K21
      FR12A7 Limitswitchwithone-wayrolleradjustable,externalgasket
      PIZZATO E2 1PU1P6290
      PIZZATO FM 754-3
      FR18C1-M2K70 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FZ9C3-M2 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FR554-A Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FR 2192-D7
      FR20A1 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger,externalgasket
      FZE113 Limitswitchwithrollerandthreadedpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FW 2192-E3M2
      PIZZATO CS AR-08V230
      NFB110BB-DN6 Modularprewiredswitchwithrollerplunger
      PIZZATO FD 503
      PIZZATO FD 22R2-F2
      FR21C3 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FZ2233 Limitswitchwithadjustablesquarerodlever
      PIZZATO FD 2084-M2
      FR593-K21 Safetyswitchwithseparateactuator
      PIZZATO FD 693-F8K50
      PIZZATO FK 3351
      FZ556 Limitswitchwithadjustablerollerlever
      PIZZATO FL 3493-F
      FL1816 Limitswitchwithrollerandstainlesssteelpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FR 1256-M2K27
      PIZZATO FM 1502-V9
      FL2276 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FR 551-A
      FX501-K70 Limitswitchwithshortpistonplunger
      PIZZATO FZ 1569
      FR616-W3 POSTTTIONswitchwithreset
      PIZZATO FD 983-K21
      PIZZATO FD 531-1G
      PIZZATO FR 538-W3
      PIZZATO MK H12D19
      PIZZATO FS 2196E120-F2
      FR1015-1K70 Limitswitchwithrollerpistonplunger
      FX608 Limitswitchwithpistonplunger
      FR33C3-GK21 Safetyswitchwithslottedholelever
      FL1376 Limitswitchforropeactuation
      PIZZATO FP 1856
      FL732 Limitswitchwithadjustableroundrodlever
      PIZZATO FX 22C3
      PIZZATO FR 1376
      PIZZATO FX 930-W3
      PIZZATO FP 601
      PIZZATO FL 516-K52
      HPAB053C-0.2PM Safetyhingeswitch
      PIZZATO FP 2099-F
      FM2230-M2 Limitswitchwithrollerlever
      PIZZATO FA 4820-2DN

      PIZZATO    开关    FR-1896
      PIZZATO    备件    FB4103-6SM
      PIZZATO    备件    FB4103-6SM
      PIZZATO    备件    FB4103-6SM
      PIZZATO    继电器    3096E024-F2M2
      PIZZATO    备件    FL520
      PIZZATO    备件    VFKEYD7
      PIZZATO    备件    VFKEYD10
      PIZZATO    备件    VFKEYD3
      PIZZATO    开关    FD993-F
      PIZZATO    开关    FR1455A
      PIZZATO    开关    ALL.SR1-937,24V=0.25ASRBD40ALK
      PIZZATO    备件    IEC60947-5-1
      PIZZATO    开关    FD1883
      PIZZATO    拉绳开关    FD1878 IP67 E11.FD123750
      PIZZATO    安全开关    FR993 2NC
      PIZZATO    开关    FR515A
      PIZZATO    行程开关    FA 4101-5DN F11 FA1-14407
      PIZZATO    备件    FZ915
      PIZZATO    开关    FA4131-2DN
      PIZZATO    备件    FD1878
      PIZZATO    安全拉绳开关    FL983
      PIZZATO    开关    FD1878
      PIZZATO    开关    NA B112LE-DN2 IEC 60947-5-1 IP67 AC15 3A 250V C13 NA1-96339
      PIZZATO    限位开关    FA4101-3DN
      PIZZATO    备件    FL1878+ILI024RP+附件+15米线
      PIZZATO    微动开关    MK V11D03
      PIZZATO    备件    J10 FD1-22180 FD1883
      PIZZATO    行程开关    FR 501-M2
      PIZZATO    行程开关    FD2093F7
      PIZZATO    行程开关    NAB112KP-DN2
      PIZZATO    拉线行程开关    FL576-T6
      PIZZATO    限位开关    04460034 FS2898D024-M2
      PIZZATO    限位开关    04460042 FS2898D024-FM2
      PIZZATO    开关    FA4131-2DN
      PIZZATO    安全开关    FD536  IP67
      PIZZATO    备件    FR 2005
      PIZZATO    开关    FR930-K70
      PIZZATO    备件    FD980
      PIZZATO    备件    FD2038-K50-VFL56
      PIZZATO    开关    SRBD40AN2-B02F
      PIZZATO    门锁    FG-60DD1D0Z-F20
      PIZZATO    开关    FM1656
      PIZZATO    备件    FS 2096D024-F3
      PIZZATO    限位开关    F11FA1-14477
      PIZZATO    抱闸限位开关    MKV12D09
      PIZZATO    抱闸限位开关    MKV11D03
      PIZZATO    开关    FR555  开关
      PIZZATO    限位开关    FR520
      PIZZATO    开关    FR555  开关
      PIZZATO    限位开关    FR520
      PIZZATO    备件    FD1878
      PIZZATO    PIZZATO门开关    SRAD41AM0.1 E12SR171517
      PIZZATO    安全开关    FR993 2NC
      PIZZATO    电磁锁    FS 2896D024-F
      PIZZATO    开关    FD1884
      PIZZATO    开关    FD1878-M2
      PIZZATO    安全继电器    CS AR-04V024
      PIZZATO    安全继电器    CS AR-05V024
      PIZZATO    开关    FR692-D1安全开关
      PIZZATO    安全继电器    CS AR-04V024
      PIZZATO    安全门开关    FD993
      PIZZATO    安全继电器    CS AR-05V024
      PIZZATO    安全门插销    VFAP-S13AP-201
      CS AM-01VE01 Standstill monitor safety module 2N0+1NC cat. 3
      CS AR-01M024 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01M120 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01M230 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01V024 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01V120 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01V230 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-01X024 Safety module 2NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-02M024 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-02M120 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-02M230 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-02V024 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-02V120 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-02V230 Safety module 3NO, category 4
      CS AR-04M024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04M120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04M230 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04V024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04V120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04V230 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04X024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04X120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-04X230 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-05M024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-05V024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-05V230 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-05X024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-05X120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-06V024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-07M024 Safety module 4NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-07X024 Safety module 4NO+1NC, category 4
      CS AR-08M024 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08M120 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08M230 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08V024 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08V120 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08V230 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08X024 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08X120 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-08X230 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AR-20M024 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20M120 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20M230 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20V024 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20V120 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20V230 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20X024 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20X120 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-20X230 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-21V024 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-21V120 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-21V230 Safety module 2NO, category 3
      CS AR-22M024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-22V024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-22V120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-22X024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-23M024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-23V024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-23V120 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-23X024 Safety module 3NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-24V024 Safety module 4NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-25V024 Safety module 4NO+1NC, category 3
      CS AR-40M024 Safety module 2NO, category 2
      CS AR-40V024 Safety module 2NO, category 2
      CS AR-41V024 Safety module 2NO, category 2
      CS AR-46V024 Safety module 1NO, category 1
      CS AR-51V024 Safety module 2NO, category 4
      CS AT-00V024-TF1 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-01M024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-01M120 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-01V024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-01V120 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-01X024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02M120 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02M230 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02V024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02V120 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02V230 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02X024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02X120 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-02X230 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-03V024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-03V230 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-04V024 Safety module (2NO+1NC) instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-10V024-TF1 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-11V024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12M024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12M120 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12M230 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12V024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12V120 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12V230 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12X024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12X120 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-12X230 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-13V024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-14V024 Safety module 3NO instantaneous + 2NO delayed, category 4
      CS AT-30V024 Safety module with delayed contacts
      CS AT-31V024 Safety module with delayed contacts
      CS AT-32V024 Safety module with delayed contacts
      CS AT-33V024 Safety module with delayed contacts
      CS AT-34V024 Safety module with delayed contacts
      CS DM-01M024 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01M120 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01M230 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01V024 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01V120 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01V230 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01X024 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01X120 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS DM-01X230 Safety module for bimanual controls or synchronism check, category 4
      CS FS-11V024 Safety timer module
      CS FS-12V024 Safety timer module
      CS FS-13V024 Safety module 1NO+ 2NC, delayed at energizing
      CS FS-14V024 Safety timer module
      CS FS-14V120 Safety module 1NO+ 2NC, delayed at energizing
      CS FS-14V230 Safety module 1NO+ 2NC, delayed at energizing
      CS FS-21VU24 Safety timer module 1 NO+1 NC+1 CO, category 3
      CS FS-23VU24 Safety timer module
      CS FS-31VU24 Safety timer module 1 NO+1 NC+1 CO, category 3
      CS FS-51VU24 Safety timer module 1NO+1 NC+1 CO, category 3
      CS ME-01M024 Expansion module 5NO+1NC
      CS ME-01V024 Expansion module 5NO+1NC
      CS ME-01X024 Expansion module 5NO+1NC
      CS ME-03VU24 Expansion module 3 NO+1NC
      CS ME-20VU24-TF1 Expansion module 4NO+2NC, delayed at de-energizing
      CS ME-20VU24-TF2 Expansion module 4NO+2NC, delayed at de-energizing
      CS ME-20VU24-TF3 Expansion module 4NO+2NC, delayed at de-energizing
      DS AA1VA Door switches with positive opening-internal contacts
      DS AE1VA Door switches with positive opening-internal contacts
      DS CH1VA0 Door switches with positive opening-internal contacts, 3-way wiring
      DS CN1VA0 Door switches with positive opening-internal contacts, 3-way wiring
      DS KA1A Straight actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      DS KA2A Straight actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      DS KA3A Straight actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      DS KB1A Right-angled actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      DS KB2A Right-angled actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      DS KB3A Right-angled actutator for door switches-internal contacts
      FA 4101-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4101-3DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4101-4DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4101-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4101-6DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4101-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4102-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4102-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4108-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4108-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4110-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4110-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4111-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4111-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4111-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4112-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4112-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4113-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4113-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4115-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4115-3DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4115-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4115-6DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4115-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4117-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4117-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4120-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4120-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4125-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4125-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4130-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4130-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4131-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4131-3DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4131-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4131-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4133-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4133-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4134-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4134-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4140-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4140-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4140-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4150-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4150-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4151-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4151-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4152-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4152-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4154-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4154-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4155-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4155-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4156-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4156-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4157-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4157-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4169-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4169-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4501-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4501-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4502-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4502-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4508-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4508-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4510-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4510-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4511-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4511-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4512-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4512-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4513-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4513-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4515-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4515-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4515-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4517-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4517-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4520-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4520-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4525-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4525-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4530-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4530-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4531-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4531-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4533-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4533-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4534-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4534-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4540-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4540-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4550-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4550-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4551-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4551-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4552-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4552-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4554-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4554-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4555-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4555-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4556-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4556-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4557-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4557-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4569-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4569-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4601-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4601-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4602-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4602-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4608-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4608-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4610-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4610-4DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4610-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4611-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4611-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4612-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4612-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4613-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4613-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4615-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4615-4DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4615-5DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4615-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4617-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4617-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4630-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4630-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4631-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4631-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4633-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4633-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4634-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4634-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4640-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4640-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4650-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4650-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4651-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4651-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4652-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4652-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4654-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4654-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4655-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4655-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4656-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4656-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4657-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4657-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4669-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4669-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4801-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4801-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FA 4802-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4802-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FA 4808-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4808-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FA 4810-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4810-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FA 4811-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4811-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4812-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4812-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FA 4813-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4813-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FA 4815-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4815-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FA 4817-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4817-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FA 4820-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4820-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FA 4825-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4825-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FA 4830-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4830-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4831-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4831-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4833-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4833-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FA 4834-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4834-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FA 4840-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4840-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4850-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4850-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FA 4851-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4851-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4852-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4852-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4854-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4854-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4855-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4855-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4856-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4856-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FA 4857-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4857-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FA 4869-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FA 4869-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4102-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4102-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4103-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4103-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4108-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4108-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4110-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4110-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4111-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4111-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4112-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4112-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4113-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4113-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4115-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4115-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4117-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4117-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4120-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4120-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4125-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4125-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4130-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4130-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4131-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4131-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4133-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4133-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4134-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4134-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4140-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4140-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4150-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4150-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4151-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4151-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4152-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4152-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4154-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4154-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4155-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4155-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4156-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4156-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4157-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4157-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4169-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4169-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4502-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4502-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4503-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4503-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4508-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4508-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4510-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4510-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4511-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4511-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4512-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4512-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4513-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4513-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4515-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4515-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4517-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4517-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4520-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4520-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4525-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4525-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4530-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4530-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4531-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4531-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4533-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4533-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4534-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4534-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4540-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4540-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4550-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4550-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4551-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4551-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4552-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4552-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4554-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4554-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4555-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4555-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4556-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4556-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4557-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4557-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4569-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4569-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4602-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4602-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4603-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4603-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4608-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4608-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4610-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4610-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4611-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4611-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4612-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4612-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4613-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4613-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4615-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4615-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4617-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4617-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4630-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4630-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4631-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4631-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4633-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4633-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4634-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4634-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4640-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4640-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4650-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4650-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4651-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4651-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4652-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4652-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4654-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4654-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4655-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4655-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4656-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4656-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4657-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4657-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4669-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4669-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4802-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4802-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FB 4803-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4803-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FB 4808-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4808-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FB 4810-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4810-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FB 4811-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4811-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4812-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4812-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FB 4813-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4813-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FB 4815-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4815-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FB 4817-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4817-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FB 4820-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4820-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FB 4825-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4825-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FB 4830-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4830-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4831-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4831-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4833-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4833-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FB 4834-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4834-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FB 4840-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4840-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4850-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4850-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FB 4851-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4851-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4852-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4852-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4854-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4854-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4855-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4855-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4856-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4856-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FB 4857-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4857-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FB 4869-2SN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FB 4869-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 301 Limit switch with plunger
      FC 302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 304 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FC 310 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FC 311 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FC 316 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 318 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 319 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 320 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FC 321 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FC 325 Limit switch with coil spring
      FC 3301 Limit switch with plunger
      FC 3302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 3304 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 3305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 3308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FC 331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3310 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FC 3311 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 3315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FC 3316 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 3318 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 3319 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 332 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FC 3320 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FC 3321 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FC 3325 Limit switch with coil spring
      FC 333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FC 3331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3332 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FC 3333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FC 3334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FC 3335 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 3336 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 3338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FC 335 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 3351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3353-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FC 3356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 3357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3358 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 336 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 3376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FC 3378 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3379 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FC 338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 3380 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FC 3383 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3384 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3393 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3393-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3395 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FC 3401 Limit switch with plunger
      FC 3402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 3404 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 3405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FC 3408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FC 3410 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FC 3411 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 3415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FC 3416 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FC 3418 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 3419 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FC 3420 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FC 3421 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FC 3425 Limit switch with coil spring
      FC 3431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3432 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FC 3433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FC 3434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FC 3435 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 3436 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FC 3438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 3451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3453-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FC 3456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 3457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 3458 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 3476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FC 3478 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3479 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FC 3480 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FC 3483 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3484 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FC 3493 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3493-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FC 3495 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FC 351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 353-E11 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FC 356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FC 357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FC 358 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FC 376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1001 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1101 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1201 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1301 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1304 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1310 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1311 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1316 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1318 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1319 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1332 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1335 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1336 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1353-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1358 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1401 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1404 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1410 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1411 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1416 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1418 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1419 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1432 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1435 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1436 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1453-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1458 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1501 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1638 Limit switch direction sensible
      FD 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1801 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1804 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 1810 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 1811 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 1816 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 1818 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1819 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1832 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 1835 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1836 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1853-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 1858 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 1878 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 1879 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 1880 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 1883 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 1884 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 1895 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 1899 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2001 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 201 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 2010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 2011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 2016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 2035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 2078 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2079 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 2080 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 2083 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2084 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2093-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2095 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 2099 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F1 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F2 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F3 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F7 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2099-F8 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 20R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 20R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 2101 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 2111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 2116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 2135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 2178 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2179 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2180 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 2183 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2184 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2193 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2193-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2195 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 2199 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 21R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 21R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 2201 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 2210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 2211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 2216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 2218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 2235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 2258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 2278 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2279 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 2280 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 2283 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2284 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2293-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2293-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2293-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2293-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2293-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 2295 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 2299 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 22R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 22R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 253-E11 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 2899 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 2999 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 3099 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 3378 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3379 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 3380 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 3383 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3384 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3393 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3393-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3395 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 3399 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 33R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 33R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 3478 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3479 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 3480 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 3483 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3484 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 3493 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3493-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 3495 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 3499 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FD 34R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 34R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 501 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 531-1 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 535-1 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 535-2 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 541 Limit switch with bi-stable single-track lever
      FD 542 Limit switch with bi-stable double-track lever
      FD 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 593 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 601 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 604 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 610 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 611 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 616 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 618 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 619 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 653-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 658 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 693 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 693-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 6R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 6R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 701 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 704 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 710 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 711 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 716 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 718 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 719 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 732 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 735 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 736 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 753-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 758 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 793 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 793-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 793-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 793-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 793-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 793-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 795 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 7R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 7R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 901 Limit switch with plunger
      FD 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 904 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD 910 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD 911 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD 916 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD 918 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 919 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 932 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD 935 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 936 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 953-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD 958 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FD 978 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 979 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 980 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FD 983 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 984 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FD 993 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 993-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FD 995 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FD 9R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD 9R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FD E101 Limit switch with plunger
      FD E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD E104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FD E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FD E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FD E110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FD E111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FD E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FD E116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FD E118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD E119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FD E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FD E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FD E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FD E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD E132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FD E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FD E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FD E135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD E136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FD E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FD E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD E153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FD E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FD E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FD E158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FF 4101-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4101-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4101-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4102-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4102-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4102-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4108-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4108-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4108-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4110-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4110-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4110-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4111-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4111-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4111-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4112-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4112-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4112-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4113-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4113-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4113-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4115-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4115-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4115-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4117-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4117-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4117-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4120-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4120-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4125-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4125-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4130-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4130-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4131-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4131-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4131-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4133-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4133-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4134-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4134-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4140-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4140-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4140-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4150-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4150-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4150-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4151-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4151-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4152-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4152-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4154-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4154-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4155-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4155-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4156-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4156-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4157-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4157-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4169-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4169-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4501-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4501-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4502-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4502-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4508-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4508-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4510-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4510-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4511-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4511-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4512-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4512-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4513-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4513-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4515-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4515-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4517-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4517-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4520-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4520-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4525-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4525-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4530-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4530-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4531-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4531-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4533-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4533-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4534-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4534-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4540-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4540-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4550-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4550-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4551-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4551-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4552-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4552-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4554-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4554-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4555-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4555-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4556-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4556-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4557-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4557-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4569-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4569-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4601-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4601-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4601-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4602-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4602-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4602-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4608-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4608-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4608-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4610-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4610-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4610-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4611-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4611-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4611-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4612-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4612-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4612-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4613-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4613-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4613-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4615-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4615-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4615-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4617-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4617-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4617-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4630-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4630-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4631-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4631-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4631-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4631-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4633-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4633-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4634-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4634-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4640-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4640-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4640-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4640-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4650-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4650-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4650-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4650-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4651-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4651-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4652-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4652-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4654-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4654-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4655-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4655-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4656-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4656-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4657-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4657-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4669-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4669-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4801-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4801-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4801-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with short piston plunger
      FF 4802-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4802-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4802-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with one-way roller lever
      FF 4808-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4808-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4808-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with protect plunger
      FF 4810-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4810-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4810-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded piston plunger
      FF 4811-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4811-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4811-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4812-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4812-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4812-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded plunger and roller
      FF 4813-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4813-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4813-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with threaded and protected plunger
      FF 4815-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4815-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4815-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller piston plunger
      FF 4817-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4817-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4817-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with transversal roller piston plunger
      FF 4820-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4820-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FF 4825-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4825-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with coil spring
      FF 4830-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4830-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4831-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4831-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4831-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4831-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4833-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4833-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FF 4834-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4834-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FF 4840-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4840-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4840-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4840-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4850-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4850-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4850-KSA Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4850-KSM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FF 4851-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4851-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4852-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4852-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4854-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4854-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4855-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4855-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4856-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4856-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable roller lever
      FF 4857-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4857-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with roller lever
      FF 4869-2DN Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FF 4869-KDM Prewired POSTTTION switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FG 60AD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0A-F20 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0A-F21 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0A-F22 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0A-F28 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0B-F20 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0B-F21 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0B-F22 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0B-F28 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0Z-F20 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0Z-F21 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0Z-F22 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D0Z-F28 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D1Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D2Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1D3Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D1Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D2Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD5D3Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D1Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D2Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD6D3Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D1Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D2Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60AD7D3Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD1D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD5D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD6D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60BD7D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD5D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60CD6D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60DD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60DD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60DD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60DD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ED1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ED1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ED1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ED1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60FD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60FD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60FD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60FD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60GD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60GD1D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60GD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60GD1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60GD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ND1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ND1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ND1E0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60ND1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD1D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD1D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD1D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD1E0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD5D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD5D0B Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD5D0Z Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FG 60PD6D0A Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FK 301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FK 302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FK 308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FK 310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 315-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 320 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FK 321 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FK 325 Limit switch with coil spring
      FK 330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FK 3302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 3305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 3307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FK 3308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FK 331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 3312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 3313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 3315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 3315-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 3317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 3320 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FK 3321 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FK 3325 Limit switch with coil spring
      FK 333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FK 3330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FK 3334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FK 3338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FK 334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FK 3350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FK 3351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3353-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FK 3354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 3356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 3357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FK 3376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FK 338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FK 3393 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3393-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FK 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 3401 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FK 3402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 3405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FK 3407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FK 3408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FK 3410 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 3412 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FK 3413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 3415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 3415-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FK 3417 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FK 3420 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FK 3421 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FK 3425 Limit switch with coil spring
      FK 3430 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FK 3434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FK 3438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FK 3450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FK 3451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3453-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FK 3454 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 3456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 3457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 3469 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FK 3476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FK 3493 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3493-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FK 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FK 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FK 350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FK 351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 353-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FK 354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FK 357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FK 369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FK 376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1001 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1101 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1201 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1301 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1304 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1310 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1311 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1316 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1318 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1319 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1332 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1335 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1336 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1353-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1358 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1401 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1404 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1410 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1411 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1416 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1418 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1419 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1432 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1435 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1436 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1453-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1458 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1501 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1801 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1804 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 1810 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 1811 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 1816 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 1818 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1819 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1832 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 1835 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1836 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1853-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 1858 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 1878 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 1879 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 1880 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 1883 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 1884 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 1895 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 2001 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 201 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 2010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 2011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 2016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 2035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 2078 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2079 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 2080 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 2083 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2084 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2093-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2093-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2093-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2093-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2093-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2095 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 2101 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 2111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 2116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 2135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 2178 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2179 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2180 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 2183 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2184 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2193 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2193-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2193-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2193-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2193-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2193-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2195 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 2201 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 2210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 2211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 2216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 2218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 2235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 2258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 2278 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2279 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 2280 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 2283 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2284 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2293-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2293-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2293-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2293-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2293-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 2295 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 253-E11 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 3378 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3379 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 3380 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 3383 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3384 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3393 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3393-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3395 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 3478 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3479 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 3480 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 3483 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3484 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 3493 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3493-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 3495 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 501 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 541 Limit switch with bi-stable single-track lever
      FL 542 Limit switch with bi-stable double-track lever
      FL 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 593 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 601 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 604 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 610 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 611 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 616 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 618 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 619 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 653-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 658 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 693 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 693-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 701 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 704 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 710 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 711 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 716 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 718 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 719 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 732 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 735 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 736 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 753-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 758 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 793 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 793-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 795 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 901 Limit switch with plunger
      FL 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 904 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL 910 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL 911 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL 916 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL 918 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 919 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 932 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL 935 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 936 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 953-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL 958 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FL 978 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 979 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 980 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FL 983 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 984 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FL 993 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 993-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 993-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 993-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 993-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 993-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FL 995 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FL E101 Limit switch with plunger
      FL E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL E104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FL E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FL E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FL E110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FL E111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FL E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FL E116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FL E118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL E119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FL E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FL E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FL E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FL E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL E132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FL E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FL E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FL E135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL E136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FL E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FL E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL E153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FL E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FL E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FL E158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 1030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FM 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FM 1117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FM 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FM 1217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 1221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 1225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 1230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1314 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FM 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1316 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FM 1317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1353-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1401 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1412 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1430 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1453-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1454 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1469 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1801 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 1807 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 1812 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 1813 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1814 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FM 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 1816 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FM 1817 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 1830 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 1850 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1853-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 1854 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1855 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 1869 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 1896 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 18A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FM 18A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FM 18A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FM 18C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 18C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 18C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 18C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 18C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 2001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 2001-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FM 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2002-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2005-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 2007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 2007-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FM 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 2012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 2013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 2015-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FM 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 2030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2031-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 2038-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FM 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2051-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 2054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2054-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 2055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 2096 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 20C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 20C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 20C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 2101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 2112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 2113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 2130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 2150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 2154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 2196 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 21C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 21C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 21C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 2201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 2207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 2212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 2213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 2230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 2250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 2254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 22C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 22C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 22C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 22C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 253-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 514 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FM 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM 530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 555-1 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 555-2 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 596 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 5A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FM 5C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 5C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 5C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 5C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 5C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 601 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 601-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FM 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 602-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 605-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 607 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 607-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FM 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 612 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 613 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 615-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FM 630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 631-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 638-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FM 650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 651-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 653-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 654-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 701 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 707 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 712 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 713 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 730 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 750 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 753-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 754 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 755 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 769 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 796 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 7C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 7C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 7C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 7C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 7C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FM 901 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM 901-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FM 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 902-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM 905-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FM 907 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM 907-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FM 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM 912 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM 913 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM 915-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FM 930 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 931-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM 938-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FM 950 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 951-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 953-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM 954 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 954-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FM 955 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM 969 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FM 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FM 996 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FM 9C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 9C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 9C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 9C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM 9C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FM E101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FM E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FM E107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FM E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FM E112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FM E113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FM E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FM E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FM E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FM E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FM E130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FM E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FM E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FM E150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FM E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FM E154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FM E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FM E169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1001 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1031-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 1032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1035-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 1035-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 1036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1101 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1131-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 1132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1135-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 1135-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 1136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1201 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 1221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 1225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1301 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1304 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1310 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1311 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1316 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1318 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1319 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1332 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1335 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1336 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1353-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1358 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1401 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1404 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1410 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1411 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1416 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1418 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1419 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1431-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 1432 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1435 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1435-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 1435-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 1436 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1453-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1458 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1501 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1531-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 1532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1535-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 1535-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 1536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1631-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 1632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1635-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 1635-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 1636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1801 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1804 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 1810 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 1811 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 1816 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 1818 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1819 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1832 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 1835 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1836 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1853-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 1858 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 1878 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 1879 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 1899 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2001 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2004 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 201 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 2010 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 2011 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 2016 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2018 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2019 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2031-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 2032 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 2035 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2035-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 2035-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 2036 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2053-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2058 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 2078 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 2079 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2093-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2099 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F1 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F2 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F3 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F7 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2099-F8 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 20R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-C10 Safety Locking Device
      FP 20R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-F7 Safety Locking Device
      FP 20R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 20R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 2101 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 2111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 2116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2131-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 2132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 2135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2135-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 2135-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 2136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 2178 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 2179 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2193 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2193-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2193-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2193-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2193-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2193-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2199 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 21R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-F7 Safety Locking Device
      FP 21R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 21R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 2201 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2204 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 2210 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 2211 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 2216 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 2218 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2219 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2231-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 2232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 2235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2235-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 2235-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 2236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2253-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 2258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 2278 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 2279 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2293-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 2299 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 22R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-F7 Safety Locking Device
      FP 22R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 22R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 231-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 232 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 235 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 235-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 235-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 236 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 253-E11 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 258 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 2899 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 2999 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 3099 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 3378 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 3379 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 3393 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3393-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3399 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 33R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 33R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 33R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 33R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 3478 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 3479 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 3493 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3493-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 3499 Safety switch with lock and separate actuator
      FP 34R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 34R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 34R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 34R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 501 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 504 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 510 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 511 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 516 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 518 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 519 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 531-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 532 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 535 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 535-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 535-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 536 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 553-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 558 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 593 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 601 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 604 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 610 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 611 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 616 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 618 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 619 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 631-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 632 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 635 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 635-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 635-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 636 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 653-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 658 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 693 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 693-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 6R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F7 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 6R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 701 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 704 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 710 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 711 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 716 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 718 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 719 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 731-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 732 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 735 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 735-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 735-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 736 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 753-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 758 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 793 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 793-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 7R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 7R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 7R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 7R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 901 Limit switch with plunger
      FP 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 904 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP 910 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP 911 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP 916 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP 918 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 919 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 931-3 Limit switch with rubber roller lever
      FP 932 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP 935 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 935-3 Limit switch with adjustable rubber roller lever
      FP 935-4 Limit switch with adjustable overhanging rubber roller lever
      FP 936 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 953-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP 958 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FP 978 Rope safety switch with reset for emergency stop
      FP 979 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FP 993 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 993-F8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FP 9R2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-C10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-F Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-F1 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-F2 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-F3 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-F7 Safety Locking Device
      FP 9R2-F8 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-L10 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP 9R2-L20 Safety switch with manual mechanical delay and separate actuator
      FP E101 Limit switch with plunger
      FP E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP E104 Limit switch, piston plunger with adjus. glass-fibre rod lever
      FP E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FP E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FP E110 Limit switch with long piston plunger
      FP E111 Limit switch with stainless steel piston plunger
      FP E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FP E116 Limit switch with roller and stainless steel piston plunger
      FP E118 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP E119 Limit switch with rolling ball piston plunger
      FP E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FP E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FP E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FP E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP E132 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FP E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FP E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FP E135 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP E136 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FP E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FP E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP E153-E11V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FP E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FP E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FP E158 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1001-72 Limit switch with piston plunger for electric panels
      FR 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1010 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1014 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1016 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1017 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 1030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1054-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 1055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1055-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 1055-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 10A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 10A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 10A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 10A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 10A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1101-72 Limit switch with piston plunger for electric panels
      FR 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1154-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 1155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1155-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 1155-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 11A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 11A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 11A3 Limit switch, piston plunger with simultaneous reset
      FR 11A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 11A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 11A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 1221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 1225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 1230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 12A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 12A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 12A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 12A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 12A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1314 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1315-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1316 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1353-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 13A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 13A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 13A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 13A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 13A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1401 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1410 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1412 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1414 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1415-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1416 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1417 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1430 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1453-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1454 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1454-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 1455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1455-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 1455-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1469 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 14A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 14A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 14A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 14A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 14A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1510 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1514 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1515-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1516 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1517 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1554-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 1555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1555-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 1555-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 15A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 15A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 15A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 15A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 15A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 1630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1654-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 1655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1655-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 1655-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 17A3 Limit switch, piston plunger with simultaneous reset
      FR 1801 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 1807 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 1810 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1812 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 1813 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1814 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 1816 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 1817 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 1830 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 1850 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1853-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 1854 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1855 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 1869 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 1896 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 1896-X Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 18A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 18A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 18A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 18A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 18A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 18C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 18C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 18C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 18C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 18C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 19A3 Limit switch, piston plunger with simultaneous reset
      FR 2001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 2001-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FR 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2002-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2005-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 2007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 2007-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FR 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 2010 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2014 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2015-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FR 2016 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 2017 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 2030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2030-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 2038-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FR 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2051-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 2054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2054-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 2054-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 2055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2055-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 2055-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 2092 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2092-DA Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2093-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2096 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 20A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 20A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 20A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 20A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 20A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 20C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 20C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 20C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 2110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 2117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 2154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2154-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 2155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2155-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 2155-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 2169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 2192 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2192-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2193-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2196 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 21A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 21A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 21A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 21A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 21A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 21C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 21C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 21C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 2201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 2207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 2210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 2213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 2216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 2217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 2230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 2250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 2254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2254-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 2255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2255-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 2255-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 22A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 22A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 22A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 22A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 22A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 22C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 22C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 22C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 22C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 253-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 254-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 255-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 255-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 2A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 3392 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3392-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 33A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 3492 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3492-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 34A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 3A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 501-72 Limit switch with piston plunger for electric panels
      FR 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 510 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 514 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 515-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 516 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 517 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR 530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 531-1 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 538-W1 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FR 550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 554-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 555-1 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 555-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 555-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 573 Stable POSTTTION switch for rope actuation
      FR 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 592 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 593 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 596 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 5A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 5A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 5A3 Limit switch, piston plunger with simultaneous reset
      FR 5A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 5A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 5A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 5C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 5C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 5C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 5C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 5C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 601 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 601-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FR 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 602-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 605-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 607 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 607-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FR 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 610 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 612 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 613 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 614 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 615-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 615-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FR 616 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 616-P11 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 616-WP12 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 617 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 630-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 638-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FR 650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 651-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 653-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 654-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 654-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 655-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 655-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 692 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-E3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 692-X Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D10 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-E3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 693-X Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 6A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 6A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 6A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 6A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 6A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 701 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 707 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 710 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 712 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 713 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 714 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 715-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 716 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 717 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 730 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 750 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 753-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 754 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 754-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 755 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 755-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 755-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 769 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 792 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 792-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 793 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 796 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 7A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 7A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 7A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 7A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 7A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 7C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 7C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 7C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 7C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 7C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FR 901 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR 901-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FR 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 902-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR 905-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FR 907 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR 907-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FR 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR 910 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 912 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR 913 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 914 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 915-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR 915-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FR 916 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR 917 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR 930 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 930-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR 938-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FR 950 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 951-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 953-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR 954 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 954-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller
      FR 954-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FR 955 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 955-3 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller
      FR 955-4 POSTTTION switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller
      FR 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR 969 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FR 992 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 992-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 993 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 993-E3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FR 996 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FR 9A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR 9A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 9A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller
      FR 9A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR 9A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FR 9C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 9C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 9C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 9C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR 9C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FR E101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FR E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FR E107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FR E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FR E110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR E112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FR E113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR E114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FR E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR E115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FR E116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FR E117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FR E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FR E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FR E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FR E130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FR E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FR E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FR E150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FR E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FR E154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FR E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FR E169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FR E1A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket
      FR E1A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR E1A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FR E1A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FS 1896D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D024-F8 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1896E230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1898D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1898D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 1898D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D024-F8 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2096E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2098D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2098D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2098D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2196E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2198D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2198D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2198D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2896E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2898D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2898D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2898D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2996E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2998D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2998D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 2998D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3096E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3098D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3098D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FS 3098D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator
      FT 2A6301AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6301AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6302AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6305AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6307AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6312AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6313AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6314AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6315AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6316AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6330AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6331AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6351AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6352AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6354AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6356AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6401AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6401AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6402AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6405AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6407AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6412AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6413AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6414AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6415AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6415AM-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6416AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6430AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6431AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6451AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6452AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6454AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2A6456AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2B63A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2B64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D63A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D63A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D63A6AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D63A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D64A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D64A6AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2D64A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F63A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F63A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F63A6AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F63A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F64A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F64A6AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FT 2F64A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset
      FW 2092-D10M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 2092-D1M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 2092-D8M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 2092-E3M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 2092-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 3392-E3M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 3392-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 3492-E3M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FW 3492-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 1001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1016 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 1030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FX 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FX 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 1221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 1225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 1230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1314 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FX 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1315-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1316 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1353-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1401 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1412 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1415-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1416 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1430 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1453-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1454 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1469 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1515-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1516 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1801 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 1807 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 1812 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 1813 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1814 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FX 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1815-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 1816 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 1817 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 1830 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 1850 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1853-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 1854 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1855 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 1869 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 1896 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 18A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FX 18A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FX 18A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FX 18C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 18C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 18C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 18C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 18C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 2001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 2001-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FX 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2002-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2005-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 2007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 2007-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FX 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 2012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 2013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2015-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FX 2016 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 2030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2030-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 2038-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FX 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2051-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 2054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2054-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 2055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 2096 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 20C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 20C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 20C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 2101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 2112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 2113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 2130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 2154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 2169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 2193 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 2196 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 21C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 21C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 21C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 2201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 2207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 2212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 2213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 2216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 2230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 2250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 2254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 22C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 22C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 22C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 22C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 253-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 501-72 Limit switch with piston plunger for electric panels
      FX 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 514 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FX 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 515-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 516 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 517 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX 530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 573 Stable POSTTTION switch for rope actuation
      FX 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 593 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 596 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 5C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 5C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 5C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 5C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 5C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 601 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 601-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FX 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 602-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 605-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 607 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 607-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FX 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 612 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 613 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 615-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 615-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FX 616 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 617 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 630-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 638-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FX 650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 651-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 653-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 654-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 693 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D10 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 693-E3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 701 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 707 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 712 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 713 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 715-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 716 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 730 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 750 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 753-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 754 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 755 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 769 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 793 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 796 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 7C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 7C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 7C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 7C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 7C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FX 901 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX 901-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FX 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 902-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX 905-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FX 907 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX 907-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FX 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX 912 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX 913 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 915-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX 915-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FX 916 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX 930 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 930-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX 938-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FX 950 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 951-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 953-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX 954 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 954-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FX 955 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX 969 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FX 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FX 993 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-D8 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 993-E3 Safety switch with separate actuator
      FX 996 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FX 9C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 9C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 9C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 9C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX 9C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FX E101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FX E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FX E107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FX E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FX E112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FX E113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FX E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX E115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FX E116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FX E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FX E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FX E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FX E130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FX E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FX E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FX E150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FX E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FX E154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FX E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FX E169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 1025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 1030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FZ 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FZ 1117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FZ 1215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1216 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FZ 1217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 1221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 1225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 1230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1301 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1305 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1307 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1308 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1310 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1312 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1313 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1314 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FZ 1315 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1316 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FZ 1317 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1330 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1331 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1333 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1351 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1352 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1353-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1354 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1355 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1356 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1357 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1369 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1401 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1412 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1430 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1431 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1433 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1434 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1438 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1451 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1452 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1453-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1454 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1457 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1469 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1801 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1805 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 1807 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 1808 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 1812 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1813 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1814 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FZ 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 1816 Limit switch with roller piston plunge
      FZ 1817 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 1820 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 1825 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 1830 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1831 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1833 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 1838 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 1850 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 1851 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1852 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1853-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 1854 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1855 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 1857 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 1869 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 1876 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 1896 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 18A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FZ 18A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket
      FZ 18A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket
      FZ 18C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 18C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 18C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 18C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 18C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 2001 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 2001-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 2002 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2002-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2005-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 2007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 2007-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 2012 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 2015-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 2021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 2025 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 2030 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2031 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2031-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 2033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 2038 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 2038-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FZ 205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 2051 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2051-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 2052 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 2054 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2054-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 2055 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2057 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 2096 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 20C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 20C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 20C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 2101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 2108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 2112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 2125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 2150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 2151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 2154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 2196 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 21C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 21C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 21C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 2201 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 2202 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 2207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 2212 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2213 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 2225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 2230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 2234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 225 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 2250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 2251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 2254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 2257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 22C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 22C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 22C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 22C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 230 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 231 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 238 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 251 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 252 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 253-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 254 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 257 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 276 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 501 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 502 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 505 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 508 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 514 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger
      FZ 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ 521 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ 525 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ 530 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 531 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 538 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 550 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 551 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 552 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 554 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 557 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 576 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 596 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 5C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 5C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 5C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 5C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 5C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 601 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 601-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 602 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 602-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 605 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 605-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 607 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 607-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 608 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 612 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 613 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 615 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 615-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 630 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 631 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 631-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 634 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 638 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 638-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FZ 650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 651 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 651-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 652 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 653-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 654 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 654-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 657 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 669 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 676 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 701 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 702 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 705 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 707 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 708 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 712 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 713 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 715 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 730 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 731 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 738 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 750 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 751 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 752 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 753-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 754 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 755 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 757 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 769 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 776 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 796 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 7C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 7C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 7C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 7C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 7C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop
      FZ 901 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ 901-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 902 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 902-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 905 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ 905-W3 Limit switch with one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 907 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ 907-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device
      FZ 908 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ 912 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ 913 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ 915 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ 915-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device
      FZ 930 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 931 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 931-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 933 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ 938 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ 938-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device
      FZ 950 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ 951 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 951-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 952 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 953-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ 954 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 954-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device
      FZ 955 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ 957 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ 969 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      FZ 976 Limit switch for rope actuation
      FZ 996 Safety switch for hinged doors
      FZ 9C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 9C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 9C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 9C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ 9C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever
      FZ E101 Limit switch with short piston plunger
      FZ E102 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ E105 Limit switch with one-way roller
      FZ E107 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller
      FZ E108 Limit switch with piston plunger
      FZ E112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger
      FZ E113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger
      FZ E115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger
      FZ E120 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point
      FZ E121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker
      FZ E125 Limit switch with coil spring
      FZ E130 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E131 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever
      FZ E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point
      FZ E138 Limit switch for rotating levers
      FZ E150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever
      FZ E151 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E152 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever
      FZ E154 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever
      FZ E157 Limit switch with roller lever
      FZ E169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever
      HC AA Additional Hinge
      HC AB Additional Hinge
      HC LL Additional Hinge
      HP AA050C-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050C-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050F-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050M-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA050M-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052C-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA052F-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA053F-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AA053F-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050C-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050F-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050M-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB050M-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-5PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052C-KSM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-0.2PM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-2AN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-2PN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-2SN Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-KAM Safety hinge switch
      HP AB052F-KSM Safety hinge switch
      MF 01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MF 02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MF 03 Microswitch with plunger
      MF 04 Microswitch with plunger
      MF 05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MF 06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MF 08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MF 09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MF 10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MF 12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MF 13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MF 15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MF 17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MF 20 Microswitch with orientable roller plunger
      MF 30 Microswitch with lever
      MF 32 Microswitch with lever
      MF 35 Microswitch with long lever
      MF 37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MF 40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MF 47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MF 49 Microswitch with red push button
      MF 50 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MF 52 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MF 53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 54 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 55 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 57 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MF 58 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MF 60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MK F11D01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK F11D02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK F11D03 Microswitch with plunger
      MK F11D04 Microswitch with plunger
      MK F11D05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MK F11D06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK F11D08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK F11D09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK F11D10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK F11D12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK F11D13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK F11D15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK F11D17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MK F11D30 Microswitch with lever
      MK F11D32 Microswitch with lever
      MK F11D35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK F11D37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MK F11D40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK F11D42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK F11D45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK F11D47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK F11D49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK F11D53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK F11D59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11D01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK H11D02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK H11D03 Microswitch with plunger
      MK H11D04 Microswitch with plunger
      MK H11D05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MK H11D06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H11D08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H11D09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H11D10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H11D12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK H11D13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK H11D15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK H11D17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MK H11D30 Microswitch with lever
      MK H11D32 Microswitch with lever
      MK H11D35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK H11D37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MK H11D40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11D42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11D45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK H11D47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK H11D49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK H11D53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11D59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11R30 Microswitch with lever
      MK H11R32 Microswitch with lever
      MK H11R40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11R42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11R45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK H11R47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK H11R53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11R59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H11R60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MK H12D01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK H12D02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK H12D03 Microswitch with plunger
      MK H12D04 Microswitch with plunger
      MK H12D05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MK H12D06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H12D08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H12D09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H12D10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK H12D12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK H12D13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK H12D15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK H12D17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MK H12D30 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12D32 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12D35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK H12D37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MK H12D40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12D42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12D45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK H12D47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK H12D49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK H12D53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12D59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12F30 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12F32 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12F35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK H12F40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12F42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12F45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK H12F47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK H12F49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK H12F53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12F59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12R30 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12R32 Microswitch with lever
      MK H12R35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK H12R40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12R42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12R45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK H12R47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK H12R53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12R59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK H12R60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MK V11D01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK V11D02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK V11D03 Microswitch with plunger
      MK V11D04 Microswitch with plunger
      MK V11D05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MK V11D06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V11D08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V11D09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V11D10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V11D12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK V11D13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK V11D15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK V11D17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MK V11D18 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK V11D19 Microswitch with trasversal roller plunger
      MK V11D30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11D31 Microswitch with short lever
      MK V11D32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11D35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK V11D37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MK V11D40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11D42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11D45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V11D46 Microswitch with trasversal short roller lever
      MK V11D47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V11D49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK V11D53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11D59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11F30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11F32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11F40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11F42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11F45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V11F47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V11F49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK V11F59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11R30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11R32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V11R40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11R42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11R45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V11R47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V11R53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11R59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V11R60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MK V12D01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK V12D02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MK V12D03 Microswitch with plunger
      MK V12D04 Microswitch with plunger
      MK V12D05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MK V12D06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V12D08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V12D09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V12D10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MK V12D12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK V12D13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MK V12D15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MK V12D17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MK V12D30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12D32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12D35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK V12D37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MK V12D40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12D42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12D45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V12D47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V12D49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK V12D53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12D59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12F30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12F32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12F35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK V12F40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12F42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12F45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V12F47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V12F49 Microswitch with red push button
      MK V12F53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12F59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12R30 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12R32 Microswitch with lever
      MK V12R35 Microswitch with long lever
      MK V12R40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12R42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12R45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MK V12R47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MK V12R53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12R59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MK V12R60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MM 01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MM 02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MM 03 Microswitch with plunger
      MM 04 Microswitch with plunger
      MM 05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MM 06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MM 08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MM 09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MM 10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MM 12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MM 13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MM 15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MM 17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MM 20 Microswitch with orientable roller plunger
      MM 30 Microswitch with lever
      MM 32 Microswitch with lever
      MM 35 Microswitch with long lever
      MM 37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MM 40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MM 47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MM 49 Microswitch with red push button
      MM 50 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MM 52 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MM 53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 54 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 55 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 57 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MM 58 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MM 60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MS 01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MS 02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MS 03 Microswitch with plunger
      MS 04 Microswitch with plunger
      MS 05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MS 06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MS 08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MS 09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MS 10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MS 12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MS 13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MS 15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MS 17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MS 20 Microswitch with orientable roller plunger
      MS 30 Microswitch with lever
      MS 32 Microswitch with lever
      MS 35 Microswitch with long lever
      MS 37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MS 40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MS 47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MS 49 Microswitch with red push button
      MS 50 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MS 52 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MS 53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 54 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 55 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 57 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MS 58 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MS 60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      MV 01 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MV 02 Microswitch with pin plunger
      MV 03 Microswitch with plunger
      MV 04 Microswitch with plunger
      MV 05 Microswitch with short plunger
      MV 06 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MV 08 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MV 09 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MV 10 Microswitch with threaded plunger
      MV 12 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MV 13 Microswitch with sealed plunger
      MV 15 Microswitch with roller plunger
      MV 17 Microswitch with transversal roller plunger
      MV 20 Microswitch with orientable roller plunger
      MV 30 Microswitch with lever
      MV 32 Microswitch with lever
      MV 35 Microswitch with long lever
      MV 37 Microswitch with wire lever
      MV 40 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 42 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 45 Microswitch with short roller lever
      MV 47 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MV 49 Microswitch with red push button
      MV 50 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MV 52 Microswitch with hinge lever
      MV 53 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 54 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 55 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 57 Microswitch with one-way roller lever
      MV 58 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 59 Microswitch with roller lever
      MV 60 Microswitch with lever and adjustable screw
      NA B020AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NA B020AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NA B020AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NA B020AE-DN2 Modular prewired switch wtih plunger with external rubber gasket
      NA B110AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NA B110AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NA B110AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NA B110AE-DN2 Modular prewired switch wtih plunger with external rubber gasket
      NA B110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NA B110BB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger 90°trasmission block
      NA B110BE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger with rubber gasket
      NA B110CB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller lever
      NA B110CH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with offset roller lever
      NA B110CV-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable offset roller lever
      NA B110EB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with M12 trheaded bearing
      NA B110EE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger, M12 threaded bearing and external rubber gasket
      NA B110FB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      NA B110HB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin
      NA B110HB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin 90°trasmission block
      NA B110HE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod
      NA B112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NA B112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NA B112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NA B112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NA B112KE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA B112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA B112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA B112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA B112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NA B112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NA B112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      Code DeSCRJPTion

      NA B112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      NA G110AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NA G110AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NA G110AB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NA G110AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NA G110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NA G110BE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger with rubber gasket
      NA G110CB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller lever
      NA G110CH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with offset roller lever
      NA G110CV-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable offset roller lever
      NA G110EB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with M12 trheaded bearing
      NA G110EE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger, M12 threaded bearing and external rubber gasket
      NA G110FB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      NA G110HB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin
      NA G110HB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin 90°trasmission block
      NA G110HE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod
      NA G110HE-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod 90°trasmission block
      NA G110HH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker
      NA G110HH-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker 90° transmission block
      NA G112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NA G112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NA G112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NA G112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NA G112KE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA G112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA G112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA G112KH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA G112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NA G112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NA G112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NA G112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      NA G112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      NB B11000 Metal housing NB with contact
      NB B110AB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NB B110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NB B110BB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger 90°trasmission block
      NB B110HE-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod 90°trasmission block
      NB B110HH-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker 90° transmission block
      NB B112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NB B112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NB B112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NB B112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112KE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112KH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB B112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NB B112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NB B112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      NB B112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      NB G110AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NB G110AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NB G110AB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NB G110AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NB G110AE-DN2 Modular prewired switch wtih plunger with external rubber gasket
      NB G110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NB G110BB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger 90°trasmission block
      NB G110BE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger with rubber gasket
      NB G110CB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller lever
      NB G110CH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with offset roller lever
      NB G110CV-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable offset roller lever
      NB G110EB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with M12 trheaded bearing
      NB G110EE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger, M12 threaded bearing and external rubber gasket
      NB G110FB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      NB G110HB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin
      NB G110HB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin 90°trasmission block
      NB G110HE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod
      NB G110HE-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod 90°trasmission block
      NB G110HH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker
      NB G110HH-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker 90° transmission block
      NB G112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NB G112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NB G112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NB G112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NB G112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB G112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB G112KH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB G112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NB G112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NB G112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NB G112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      NB G112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      NF B110AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NF B110AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NF B110AB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NF B110AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NF B110AE-DN2 Modular prewired switch wtih plunger with external rubber gasket
      NF B110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NF B110BB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger 90°trasmission block
      NF B110CH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with offset roller lever
      NF B110CV-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable offset roller lever
      NF B110EB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with M12 trheaded bearing
      NF B110EE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger, M12 threaded bearing and external rubber gasket
      NF B110FB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      NF B110HB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin
      NF B110HB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with plastic pin 90°trasmission block
      NF B110HE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod
      NF B110HE-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod 90°trasmission block
      NF B110HH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker
      NF B110HH-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker 90° transmission block
      NF B112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NF B112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NF B112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NF B112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NF B112KE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF B112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF B112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF B112KH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF B112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF B112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NF B112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NF B112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      NF B112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      NF G110AA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with short plunger
      NF G110AB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NF G110AB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with plunger
      NF G110AC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with long plunger
      NF G110AE-DN2 Modular prewired switch wtih plunger with external rubber gasket
      NF G110BB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger
      NF G110BB-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger 90°trasmission block
      NF G110BE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller plunger with rubber gasket
      NF G110CB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with roller lever
      NF G110CH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with offset roller lever
      NF G110CV-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable offset roller lever
      NF G110EB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with M12 trheaded bearing
      NF G110EE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger, M12 threaded bearing and external rubber gasket
      NF G110FB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      NF G110HE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod
      NF G110HE-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod 90°trasmission block
      NF G110HH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker
      NF G110HH-DN2W5 Modular prewired switch with spring rod with cat's whisker 90° transmission block
      NF G112KA-DN2 Modular prewired switch with straight plastic revolving lever diam. 18
      NF G112KB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 18 roller
      NF G112KC-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NF G112KD-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 14 roller
      NF G112KE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF G112KF-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF G112KG-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF G112KH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF G112KP-DN2 Modular prewired switch with adjustablelength straight metal revolving lever diam. 20 roller
      NF G112LB-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      NF G112LE-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diam.3x125
      NF G112LH-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diam.6x200
      NF G112LL-DN2 Modular prewired switch with metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      PA 20100 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20101 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20110 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20120 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20121 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20200 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20221 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20300 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20301 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20321 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20400 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20701 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20710 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20800 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20801 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 20820 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 22000 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 22001 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 22030 Single foot switch without protection
      PA 22031 Single foot switch without protection
      PC 2-1 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-10 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-11 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-12 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-13 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-14 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-15 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-16 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-17 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-18 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-19 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-2 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-20 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-21 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-22 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-23 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-24 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-25 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-26 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-27 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-28 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-29 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-3 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-30 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-31 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-32 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-33 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-34 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-35 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-36 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-37 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-38 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-39 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-4 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-40 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-41 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-42 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-44 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-45 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-46 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-47 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-48 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-49 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-5 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-50 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-6 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-7 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-8 Modular multiple foot switches
      PC 2-9 Modular multiple foot switches
      PX 10100 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10100-A Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10101 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10110 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10110-A Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10110-B Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10110-C Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10111 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10111-A Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10111-B Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10111-C Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10120 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10121 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10200 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10201 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10210 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10210-B Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10211 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10220 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10221 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10241-A Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10300 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10301 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10310 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10310-B Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10311 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10401 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10410 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10411 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10421 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10510 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10511 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10610 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10621 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10710 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10800 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10810 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10811 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 10910 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12000 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12010 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12011 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12030 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12031 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12040 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12040-C Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12040-D Single foot switch with protection
      PX 12041 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 20100 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 20110 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 20111 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 40111 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 40200 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 40220 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 50110 Single foot switch with protection
      PX 60110 Single foot switch with protection
      SM A01N Coded magnetic actuator
      SM B01F Coded magnetic actuator
      SM B02F Coded magnetic actuator
      SR AD40ALK Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD40ALK-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD40AM0.1 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD40AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD40AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD40AN3-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD41AM0.1 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD41AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD41AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD41AN3-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD41AN6 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD41AN6-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD42ALK Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD42ALK-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD42AM0.1 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD42AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD42AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AD42AN3 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AD42AN3-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL40ALK Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL40ALK-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL40AM0.1 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL40AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL40AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL40AN3-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL41AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL41AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL42ALK Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL42ALK-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL42AM0.1 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL42AN1-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR AL42AN2 Magnetic safety sensor
      SR AL42AN2-A01N Safety coded magnetic sensor with actuator
      SR BD40ALK Safety magnetic sensor
      SR BD40ALK-B01F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD40ALK-B02F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD40AN2 Safety magnetic sensor
      SR BD40AN2-B01F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD40AN2-B02F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD41AN2 Safety magnetic sensor
      SR BD41AN2-B01F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD41AN2-B02F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD42ALK Safety magnetic sensor
      SR BD42ALK-B01F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD42ALK-B02F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD42AN2 Safety magnetic sensor
      SR BD42AN2-B01F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      SR BD42AN2-B02F Magnetic safety sensor complete with actuator
      VF ADM20-1/2NPT Adapter from M20 to 1/2 NPT
      VF ADPG11-1/2NPT Adapter from PG11 to 1/2 NPT
      VF ADPG11-PG13 Adapter from PG11 to PG13,5
      VF ADPG13-1/2NPT Adapter from PG13,5 to 1/2 NPT
      VF ADPG13-M20 Adapter from PG13,5 to M20
      VF ADPG13-PG11 Adapter from PG13,5 to PG11
      VF AF-CA10 Angular pulley
      VF AF-CA5 Pulley
      VF AF-FN3PB060 White polypropylene rope, 60 m
      VF AF-IF1GR01 Function indicator - text "ARRESTO EMERGENZA"
      VF AF-IF1GR02 Function indicator - text EMERGENCY STOP
      VF AF-IF1GR03 Function indicator - text STOP
      VF AF-IF1GR04 Function indicator - text NOT-AUS
      VF AF-IF1GR05 Function indicator - text ARRET D'URGENCE
      VF AF-IF1GR06 Function indicator - text PARADA DE EMERGENCIA
      VF AF-IF1GR09-2 Intermediate rope function indicator
      VF AF-IF1GR09-2P End clamp for rope fixing
      VF AF-KM10R0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KM20R0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KM35R0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT10M0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT10M7 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT20M0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT20M8 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT35M0 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-KT35M8 Rope installation accessories kits, FAST line
      VF AF-ME78 Safety spring
      VF AF-ME80 Safety spring
      VF AF-MR5 End clamp - FAST line
      VF AF-TR2 Adjustable stay bolt
      VF AF-TR5 Adjustable stay bolt - FAST line
      VF AF-TR8 Stay bolt - FAST line
      VF AP-S13AP-101 Safety handle VF AP-S series
      VF AP-S13AZ-101 Safety handle VF AP-S series
      VF AP-S13BP-100 Safety handle VF AP-S series
      VF AP-S13BZ-100 Safety handle VF AP-S series
      VF B10 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1001 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1002 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B11 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1101 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1102 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B12 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1201 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1202 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B13 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1301 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1302 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B14 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1401 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1402 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B15 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1501 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1502 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B18 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1801 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B1802 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B2 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B20 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B21 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B22 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B3 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B33 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B34 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B5 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B501 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B502 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B6 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B601 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B602 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B7 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B701 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B702 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B9 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B901 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF B902 Indoor use only POSTTTION switch
      VF C01 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals
      VF C02 Terminals protection
      VF C03 Terminals protection
      VF C870 Thimble
      VF CA4PD0M M12 female wired connector: straight, 4 poles, 10m cable
      VF CA4PD3K M8 female wired connector: straight, 4 poles, 3m cable
      VF CA4PD3M M12 female wired connector: straight, 4 poles, 3m cable
      VF CA4PD5K M8 female wired connector: straight, 4 poles, 5m cable
      VF CA4PD5M M12 female wired connector: straight, 4 poles, 5m cable
      VF CA5PD0M M12 female wired connector: straight, 5 poles, 10m cable
      VF CA5PD3M M12 female wired connector: straight, 5 poles, 3m cable
      VF CA5PD5M M12 female wired connector: straight, 5 poles, 5m cable
      VF CA8ED5M M12 female wired connector: straight, 8 poles, 5m cable
      VF CBMP4DM04 M12 wireable female connector, 4-pole
      VF CBMP5DM04 M12 wireable female connector, 5-pole
      VF CBMP8DM04 M12 wireable female connector, 8-pole
      VF CBSM12DS07 M23 straight metallic female connector, 12 poles, without cable
      VF CNM4PM M12 metallic male wired connector, 4 poles, for PG 13,5 threads
      VF CNM5PM M12 metallic male wired connector, 5 poles, for PG 13,5 threads
      VF CNM8PM M12 metallic male wired connector, 8 poles, for PG 13,5 threads
      VF CNP4PM M12 plastic male wired connector, 4 poles, for PG 13,5 threads
      VF CNP5MM M12 plastic male wired connector, 5 poles, for M20 threads
      VF CNP5PM M12 plastic male wired connector, 5 poles, for PG 13,5 threads
      VF CNP8MM M12 plastic male wired connector, 8 poles, for M20 threads
      VF D16 Spacers for switches of FA and FF series
      VF D16B Spacers for switches of FB and NB series
      VF DFPM20 Plastic nuts M20
      VF DFPP13 Plastic nut PG13,5
      VF E1 Electronic contact block for POSTTTION switches
      VF F05-010 Steel rope, red plastic coated, 10m roll
      VF F05-020 Steel rope, red plastic coated, 20m roll
      VF F05-035 Steel rope, red plastic coated, 35m roll
      VF F05-100 Steel rope, red plastic coated, 100m roll
      VF F05-400 Steel rope, red plastic coated, 400m roll
      VF FSFI-4 4m steel wire roll
      VF FSFI-400 400m steel wire roll
      VF FSPB-10 Set of 10 lead seals
      VF FSPB-200 Set of 200 lead seals
      VF FSPZ Plier without logo
      VF ILI024GM Yellow lamp 24V M20, IP67
      VF ILI024GP Yellow lamp 24VPG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI024RM Red lamp 24V M20, IP67
      VF ILI024RP Red lamp 24V PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI024VM Green lamp 24V M20, IP67
      VF ILI024VP Green lamp 24V PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI110GM Yellow lamp 110V M20, IP67
      VF ILI110GP Yellow lamp 110V PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI110RP Red lamp 110V PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI220GM Yellow lamp 220V M20, IP67
      VF ILI220GP Yellow lamp 220V PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILI220VM Green lamp 220V M20, IP67
      VF ILX000GP Yellow lamp cover without lamp PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILX000RP Red lamp cover without lamp PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILX000TP Transparent lamp cover without lamp PG13,5, IP67
      VF ILX000VP Calotta verde senza lampada PG13,5, IP67
      VF KB1 Key-Lock device for FD, FL, FC, FS series
      VF KB2 Key-Lock device for FG series
      VF KEYD Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD1 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD10 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD2 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD3 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD5 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD6 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD7 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYD8 Actuator for FR-FX-FK-FW series
      VF KEYF Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KEYF1 Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KEYF2 Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KEYF20 Actuator for FG series
      VF KEYF21 Actuator for FG series
      VF KEYF22 Actuator for FG series
      VF KEYF28 Actuator for FG series
      VF KEYF3 Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KEYF7 Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KEYF8 Actuator for FC-FD-FL-FP-FS series
      VF KIT18 Brass nut M25x1,5
      VF KIT20 Joining device
      VF KIT21 Carrying rod, L=400 mm
      VF KIT22 Carrying rod, L=660 mm
      VF KIT25 Aluminium carrying rod, L=400 mm
      VF KIT26 Aluminium carrying rod, L=660 mm
      VF KIT29 Threaded aluminium pipe L=740 mm
      VF KIT30 Joining device with M25 threaded hole
      VF KIT31 Threaded aluminium pipe L=660 mm
      VF KIT32 Emergency push button kit, 1NC
      VF KIT33 Emergency push button kit, 1NC+1NO
      VF KIT34 Emergency push button kit, 2NC
      VF KIT35 Boxe for push buttons kit ?22 mm
      VF KIT40 Double carrying rod kit L=400 mm
      VF KIT41 Double carrying rod kit, L=660 mm
      VF KIT50 Handle kit
      VF KIT60 Stabilizing plate for single foot switches
      VF KIT61 Stabilizing plate for double foot switches
      VF KIT71 Yellow metal protection for single footswitch for PA series
      VF KLA371 Unlocking key pair
      VF L31 Lever with roller diameter 20 mm
      VF L31-1 Lever with metal roller
      VF L31-2 Lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF L31-3 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L31-R5 Lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF L31-R6 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF L32 Lever with adjustable round rod 3x125 mm
      VF L33 Lever with adjustable square rod 3x3x125 mm
      VF L34 Lever with flexible rod
      VF L35 Adjustable lever with roller
      VF L35-1 Adjustable lever with metal roller
      VF L35-2 Adjustable lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF L35-3 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L35-4 Adjustable lever with overhanging rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L35-R5 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF L35-R6 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF L36 Lever with adjustable glass fibre rod, 6 mm diameter
      VF KIT30 Joining device with M25 threaded hole
      VF KIT31 Threaded aluminium pipe L=660 mm
      VF KIT32 Emergency push button kit, 1NC
      VF KIT33 Emergency push button kit, 1NC+1NO
      VF KIT34 Emergency push button kit, 2NC
      VF KIT35 Boxe for push buttons kit ?22 mm
      VF KIT40 Double carrying rod kit L=400 mm
      VF KIT41 Double carrying rod kit, L=660 mm
      VF KIT50 Handle kit
      VF KIT60 Stabilizing plate for single foot switches
      VF KIT61 Stabilizing plate for double foot switches
      VF KIT71 Yellow metal protection for single footswitch for PA series
      VF KLA371 Unlocking key pair
      VF L31 Lever with roller diameter 20 mm
      VF L31-1 Lever with metal roller
      VF L31-2 Lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF L31-3 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L31-R5 Lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF L31-R6 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF L32 Lever with adjustable round rod 3x125 mm
      VF L33 Lever with adjustable square rod 3x3x125 mm
      VF L34 Lever with flexible rod
      VF L35 Adjustable lever with roller
      VF L35-1 Adjustable lever with metal roller
      VF L35-2 Adjustable lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF L35-3 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L35-4 Adjustable lever with overhanging rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF L35-R5 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF L35-R6 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF L36 Lever with adjustable glass fibre rod, 6 mm diameter
      VF LE31-1 Lever with metal roller
      VF LE33 Lever with adjustable square rod 3x3x125 mm
      VF LE34 Lever with flexible rod
      VF LE50 Lever with adjustable round rod 3x125 mm
      VF LE51 Lever with central roller
      VF LE51-1 Lever with central metal roller
      VF LE51-2 Lever with central roller, 35 mm diameter
      VF LE51-3 Lever with central rubber roller, 50 mm diameter
      VF LE51-R5 Lever with central rubber roller, 40 mm diameter
      VF LE51-R6 Lever with central rubber roller, 50 mm diameter with metal washers
      VF LE52 Straight lever with roller
      VF LE52-1 Straight lever with metal roller
      VF LE52-2 Straight lever with roller, 35 mm diameter
      VF LE52-3 Straight lever with rubber roller, 50 mm diameter
      VF LE52-R5 Straight lever with rubber roller, 40 mm diameter
      VF LE52-R6 Straight lever with rubber roller, 50 mm diameter with metal washers
      VF LE53 Lever with porcelain roller
      VF LE54 Lever with roller diameter 20 mm
      VF LE54-1 Lever with metal roller
      VF LE54-2 Lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF LE54-3 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF LE54-R5 Lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF LE54-R6 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF LE55 Adjustable lever with roller
      VF LE55-1 Adjustable lever with metal roller
      VF LE55-2 Adjustable lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF LE55-3 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF LE55-4 Adjustable lever with overhanging rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF LE55-R5 Adjustable lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF LE56 Adjustable safety lever with roller
      VF LE56-1 Adjustable safety lever with metal roller
      VF LE56-2 Adjustable safety lever with roller, 35 mm diameter
      VF LE56-3 Adjustable safety lever with rubber roller, 50 mm diameter
      VF LE56-4 Adjustable safety lever with overhanging rubber roller, 50 mm diameter
      VF LE56-R5 Adjustable safety lever with rubber roller, 40 mm diameter
      VF LE57 Lever with roller diameter 20 mm
      VF LE57-1 Lever with metal roller
      VF LE57-2 Lever with roller diameter 35 mm
      VF LE57-3 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm
      VF LE57-R5 Lever with rubber roller diameter 40 mm
      VF LE57-R6 Lever with rubber roller diameter 50 mm with metal washers
      VF LE69 Lever with adjustable glass fibre rod, 6 mm diameter
      VF M870 Rope clamp
      VF MKCH11 Protection terminal cover for vertical faston terminals and with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCH12 Protection terminal cover for vertical faston terminals and with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCH13 Protection terminal cover for vertical faston terminals and with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCH22 Protection terminal cover for vertical faston terminals and with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCH23 Protection terminal cover for vertical faston terminals and with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCV11 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCV12 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCV13 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCV22 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals with wire trap cable gland
      VF MKCV23 Protection terminal cover for screw terminals with wire trap cable gland
      VF OR1239 Oil resistant rubber O-ring
      VF OR1321 Oil resistant rubber O-ring
      VF PAM16C3N Wiretrap cable gland M16, diameter cable range 3-7 mm
      VF PAM16C4N Wiretrap cable gland M16, diameter cable range 4-8 mm
      VF PAM16C5N Wiretrap cable gland M16, diameter cable range 5-10 mm
      VF PAM20C3N Wiretrap cable gland M20, diameter cable range 3-7 mm
      VF PAM20C5N Wiretrap cable gland M20, diameter cable range 5-10 mm
      VF PAM20C6N Wiretrap cable gland M20, diameter cable range 6-12 mm
      VF PAP11C3N Wiretrap cable gland PG11, diameter cable range 3-7 mm
      VF PAP11C4N Wiretrap cable gland PG11, diameter cable range 4-8 mm
      VF PAP11C5N Wiretrap cable gland PG11, diameter cable range 5-10 mm
      VF PAP13C3N Wiretrap cable gland PG13,5, diameter cable range 3-7 mm
      VF PAP13C5N Wiretrap cable gland PG13,5, diameter cable range 5-10 mm
      VF PAP13C6N Wiretrap cable gland PG13,5, diameter cable range 6-12 mm
      VF PFM20C8N Chock plug M20, diameter cable range 8-9 mm
      VF PTG11 Protection plug PG11
      VF PTM16 Protection plug M16
      VF PTM20 Protection plug M20
      VF SB400 Rope dispenser
      VF SFH1-C Couple of angular suppports supplied with fixing screws HP series
      VF SFH2-C Couple of angular suppports supplied with fixing screws HP series
      VF SFH3-C Couple of angular suppports supplied with fixing screws HP series
      VF SFH4-C Couple of angular suppports supplied with fixing screws HP series
      VF SFP1 Fixing plate for FR switches (complete with screws)
      VF SFP2 Fixing Plate P2 for FD, FL or FC rope switches
      VF SFP3 Fixing plate for FX switches (complete with screws)
      VF T870 Stay bolt
      VN A00KA Straight plastic revolving lever diameter 18 roller
      VN A00KB Adjustable straight metal revolving lever diameter 18 roller
      VN A00KC Adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diameter 14 roller
      VN A00KD Adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diameter 14 roller
      VN A00KE Adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diameter 20 roller
      VN A00KF Adjustable straight metal revolving lever diameter 20 roller
      VN A00KG Adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diameter 20 roller
      VN A00KH Adjustable shaped metal revolving lever diameter 20 roller
      VN A00KP Adjustable length straight metal revolving lever diameter 20 roller
      VN A00LB Metal revolving lever with adjustable square stainless steel rod 3x3x125
      VN A00LE Metal revolving lever with adjustable stainless steel rod diameter 3x125
      VN A00LH Metal revolving lever with adjustable fiber glass rod diameter 6x200
      VN A00LL Metal revolving lever with flexible adjustable rod
      VN AA000-W5 90 degrees transmission block
      VN AA0AA Head short plunger
      VN AA0AB Head plunger
      VN AA0AC Head long plunger
      VN AA0AE Head plunger with external rubber gasket
      VN AA0BB Head roller plunger
      VN AA0BE Head roller plunger with external rubber gasket
      VN AA0CB Head roller lever
      VN AA0CH Head offset roller lever
      VN AA0CP Head unidirectional roller lever
      VN AA0CV Head adjustable offset roller lever
      VN AA0EB Head plunger with M12 threaded bearing
      VN AA0EE Head plunger with M12 threaded bearing with external rubber gasket
      VN AA0FB Head plunger with roller and M12 threaded bearing
      VN AA0GB Head plunger with diameter 6 mm sphere
      VN AA0HB Head spring rod with plastic pin
      VN AA0HE Head spring rod
      VN AA0HH Head spring rod with whisker
      VN AA200 Metal head for actuators with revolving lever
      VN CM02DMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B02 contact block
      VN CM02SMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B02 contact block
      VN CM11DH2 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM11DH5 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM11DMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM11DN2 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM11DN5 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM11SMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B11 contact block
      VN CM12DH2 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM12DH5 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM12DMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM12DN2 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM12DN5 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM12SMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B12 contact block
      VN CM22DMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B22 contact block
      VN CM22DN2 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B22 contact block
      VN CM22DN5 Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B22 contact block
      VN CM22SMK Metal connector for NA and NB housing with B22 contact block
      VN CP02DMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B02 contact block
      VN CP02SAK Polymer connector for NF housing with B02 contact block
      VN CP02SMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B02 contact block
      VN CP11DMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B11 contact block
      VN CP11DN2 Polymer connector for NF housing with B11 contact block
      VN CP11DN5 Polymer connector for NF housing with B11 contact block
      VN CP11SAK Polymer connector for NF housing with B11 contact block
      VN CP11SMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B11 contact block
      VN CP12DMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B12 contact block
      VN CP12DN2 Polymer connector for NF housing with B12 contact block
      VN CP12DN5 Polymer connector for NF housing with B12 contact block
      VN CP12SMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B12 contact block
      VN CP22DMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B22 contact block
      VN CP22DN2 Polymer connector for NF housing with B22 contact block
      VN CP22DN5 Polymer connector for NF housing with B22 contact block
      VN CP22SMK Polymer connector for NF housing with B22 contact block
      VN DT1F Spacer for modular prewired switches NA-NF series
      VS SP1AA1 Spacer for safety magnetic sensors SR A series
      VS SP1BA1 Spacer for safety magnetic sensors SR B series

      它是德国BOLLFILTER公司推出的优质过滤系统,耐久而经济实惠。代表型号有:传感器TYP:4.36.2,压差计4.46.2,过滤元件TYPE 61DN150 09739 ……
      STROTER MIG脉冲分配器
      EBM BROSA传感器
      EGE ELEKTRONIK流量控制器、EGE传感器、EGE接近开关、EGE金属探测器
      OPTO 22固态继电器

      COREMO OCMEA气动离合器、COREMO气动制动器、COREMO蝶式刹车
      瑞士TENSION STAR张力仪
      英国FENNER DRIVE马达
      瑞典莱茵林德 LEINE LINDE编码器
      法国雷恩RADIO ENERGIE编码器
      德国莱默尔E+L (ERHARDT+LEIMER)纠偏控制传感器 电眼
      德国屏特PINTER MANOCOMB传感器
      德国布若萨EBM BROSA传感器
      日本小野测器ONO SOKKI传感器
      美国贝塔BETA  LASERMIKE激光检测器 传感器
      英国宝登翰尼BOURDON HAENNI (SEDEME)传感器
      丹麦科若凯佳KRUEL KJAER传感器
      美国奥普图OPTO 22继电器
      日本新时代NEW-ERA  ERACON气缸 电源
      德国艾易极AEG 电机
      意大利布劳美克BLOMEC BLOWER 鼓风机
      意大利卡茨COREMO OCMEA离合器
      意大利易埃ELECTRO ADDA APA电机
      意大利耐锐NERI MOTORI变频电机 电容电机
      英国布若克-克朗普顿BROOK CROMPTON电机
      英国芬纳FENNER DRIVE马达
      法国莫茨比MCB INDUSTRIE电机传感器
      德国威纳WOERNER集中润滑系统油气分离器 液位计
      德国易基意EGE ELEKTRONIK传感器流量计
      德国埃默艾维IMAV HYDRAULIK阀
      德国协瑞德SCHRADER 气囊
      德国福鸟WILLY VOGEL 泵阀
      意大利欧弗欧波OFFICINE OROBICH液位计液位开关   
      美国联邦FEDERAL 报警系统
      英国兰德LAND INSTRUMENTS红外测温仪
      法国利莱森玛LEROY SOMER AVR
      瑞典索玛斯SOMAS 电磁阀
      瑞士优捷恩EUGEN SEITZ电磁阀
      德国艾易极AEG 电机
      德国ARCA阀 阀门定位器
      德国毕德BDL DRUM电机编码器
      德国EBM BROSA传感器
      德国EGE ELEKTRONIK传感器流量计
      德国E+L (ERHARDT+LEIMER)纠偏控制系统 电眼
      德国HUBNER 编码器
      德国NUMERIK JENA线性编码器
      德国PLOEGER NORIS传感器
      德国SCHRADER 气囊
      德国SIEMENS 传感器电机
      德国SIEMENS VDO传感器
      德国TR ELECTRONIC传感器
      德国WILLY VOGEL 泵阀
      德国WOERNER集中润滑系统油气分离器 液位计
      意大利BLOMEC BLOWER 鼓风机
      意大利COREMO OCMEA离合器
      意大利DS EUROPE传感器
      意大利D.V.P VACUUM电机真空泵
      意大利EDI SYSTEM电磁阀
      意大利FIM VALVOLE电磁阀
      意大利NERI MOTORI变频电机电容电机
      意大利OFFICINE OROBICH液位计液位开关
      意大利SELET SENSOR传感器
      意大利UNITEC 传感器
      日本GATES UNITTA同步带
      日本新时代NEW-ERA ERACON气缸 电源
      日本NIPPON OIL泵
      日本NOK F.TEC气缸
      日本小野测器ONO SOKKI传感器
      日本瓜生URYU SEISAKU气动产品
      美国BETA  LASERMIKE激光检测产品
      美国CARR LANE吊环
      美国FEDERAL 报警系统
      美国FSI FORK编码器
      美国GSI LUNONICS编码器
      美国IR ARO液压产品
      美国OPTO 22 继电器
      美国US DIGITAL编码器电机
      美国WARNER ELECTRIC电机执行器
      英国BEC BRITISH编码器
      英国FCX MAXSEAL阀
      英国FENNER DRIVE马达
      英国GIVI MISURE编码器
      法国BEI IDEACOD编码器
      法国MCB INDUSTRIE编码器传感器
      法国RADIO ENERGIE编码器
      奥地利WATT DRIVE电机
      丹麦HAUCH BACH变送器
      丹麦KRUEL KJAER传感器
      瑞士BAUMER ELECTRIC编码器传感器
      瑞士EUGEN SEITZ电磁阀
      瑞典HUBA CONTROL压力变送器
      瑞典LEINE LINDE编码器

  • 0571-87774297